The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

The Zack Factor

==Johnny's POV==

I ran a hand through Lea's soft brown hair. I loved this girl with all my heart. Yes I know that she is my best friends little sister but that never stopped Zack.

Then there was the Zack Factor/ Araila loves him, or at least I think she does. She said she loved me but we all know that was in a sibling love sort of way. When I told her I loved her, I meant that but also in a way that… I would love to spend each night with her, kiss her; I would love her to be the mother of my children.

I know, I know that I sound like some sort of creep but that is how I feel. But I must keep in mind the Zack Factor.

I caressed her cheek with my thumb. It was 6:00; we have been out just being punk ass teenagers today.

She looked beautiful under the late afternoon sun. Her blue eyes, identical to her brother's, starred up at me. Her lips looked so tempting. Who would catch me if I stole her away? Would she care, would she tell?

"Fuck it," I said under my breath, perhaps a bit too loud.

"Hmm?" Araila's sweet voice questioned.

I did not feel like responding with words, but rather with action. I bent my neck and pressed my lips onto her slightly parted ones. It did not take long until her arms wrapped around my neck, massaging it while my hands rubbed the small of her back. Toying with the hemline of her shirt.

"Johnny," she murmured, pulling away, her hands still entangled within my hair. "What did we do?"

I stopped kissing her neck and looked at her. I knew what she meant by, 'what did we do'. I just didn't want to believe it. I kissed her on her cheek, gently making my way to her mouth.

I felt her pull away and place a hand on my mouth. "I can't do it to him Johnny, I just can't." She wiggled out from under me and started to walk away. I felt my heart breaking all over again.

==Araila's POV==

Tears streamed down my face as I walked away from Johnny. I knew that from this point on our friendship might never be the same. That was why I was crying. I loved Johnny but as in a brother sister way. I guess he thought differently. I was still going to strive to keep things normal but awkward silences might say differently.

I fell into my brothers arms when I stumbled into the house. I remember Johnny yelling my name and chasing after me but I was already gone. I jogged home in a haze of delusion.

"Aw what's wrong sis?" Jimmy stroked the back of my head as I buried my face in his shoulder. I was quiet; there was no need to cry anymore. I heard someone else get up from a chair and take me. This body smelled like cigarettes. It must be the one person I didn't want to be comforting me at this moment. I wanted Jimmy, Brian, or hell even Matt. Anyone but Him. I didn't want him to know this. I knew he meant well. I knew he loved me. I just, well to be frank; I do not know what I know. I wanted to escape and be by myself in my room, blasting music to make me deaf to all words.

"What happened babe?" he cooed in my ear. I chose not to respond, not with words and not with action. I just stood there limp against his body.

I was like a rag doll. Patches of different emotions sewed together neatly with thoughts and roughly with confusion.

I do not know how long I stood there; I do not know why I stood there. I guess I just wanted someone to tell me that everything would be fine. Obviously, he didn't know what happened earlier this night. Hopefully he would never know.
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