The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

The Age Is The Chapter

Yelling and screaming greeted my drowsy ears. The noises only made the arms wrapped around me pull me closer to his sleeping body.

"Wake up you sleepy, lazy, asses!" Familiar voices shook me from my slumber. I squinted and Leana's smiling face greeted me.

I turned over and buried my head into my boyfriend's chest, "Go away."

"Oh no you don't birthday girl," she exclaimed and started to tickle my ribs. Damn she knew my weakness. At first I locked my lips closed and tried my best not to let out a single giggle. No way was I going to… I let out a burst of laughter, making Zacky jump about four feet in the air.

"What the hell?" He said groggily rubbing his face.

"I win, now get up." Leana said taking my hands and pulling me up.

"You're a piece of work, you know that right?"

She just smirked and lead my up the stairs to the kitchen where I was greeted by a pair of arms, grasping me into a hug.

"Happy birthday sis," He smiled and released me.

"Thank you brother," I cocked my head and smiled, "someone has some civil manners." I cocked an eyebrow at my brother's girl friend.

Leana put her hands up in defense, "It's noon sweetheart, you couldn't sleep your birthday away." I couldn't stay mad at her, she was just too great.

Johnny stood up and wobbled from all the alcohol that he had consumed today.
Today marks a dat…. A day that would… actually I'm not quite sure what I was gonna say. All I know was that Arrralia you're fuckin' gorgeous." He was slurring all over the place.

"Ok here, heres to Leeea bein' hott." Zacky said raising his Coors and taking a sip, well actually chugging half the bottle.

I giggled and downed the rest of my own beer. It was safe to say that we were all pretty shit faced.

"I love yoooou," I giggled tapping Zacky on the nose from my position on his lap.

He smiled widely, showing all his teeth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up closer to him. I pecked him on the lips. One kiss became three, then four; it turned into a full-blown make out session. We fell out of the lawn chair that we were in and onto the grass. I heard people laughing at our fall and us. Before long a pair of arms pulled me away. Undoubtedly my brother not wanting him to have his way with me right in the backyard.

I twisted my torso so I was facing the owner of the arms. Johnny. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of him. Not that I was angered or disappointed, I was just confused. Poor guy couldn't take it I guess.

He gave me a blank look and set me in a chair. He was surprisingly stable for being as drunk off his ass as he was. He looked me right in the eyes then walked away.

His intense look made me stalk still. I hated when Johnny was made at me. The feeling of someone biting my neck brought me back to reality.

"I have a birthday surprise for you," he breathed into my ear. His voice always made me smile and his touch sent ripples down my spine. He scooped me up bridal style and tripped down the stairs to my room, kissing me vigorously as he did so. The whole time that Zack was stripping me down all I could think was Johnny.

I love Zacky but Johnny had always been there for me. I loved him like a brother, but feelings could be explored… right? However, there would be no way to do so without hurting my boyfriend.

The thrill of pleasure brought me back to me senses. Zack grunted at my non-response. He pushed harder and faster finally breaking me of my vegetative state. I smiled and gripped onto him.

"Nice to have you back," he huffed, letting me get into rhythm.

"Sorry there was something haunting me," I sighed.

Zack slowed and gave me a concerned look. I just shook my head, urging him on. He shrugged being too caught up in his moment.

If only he knew what I was thinking, then he might just get up and leave me right here.
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I'm sorry that this one is short =(
I am also sorry that I know that a lot of you arn't liking the whole 'Johnny factor'. I know I know that you want her to be faithful to poor Zacky , but it is my story

Comments are much appreciated =D