The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

To Market We Go

I dug through my medicine cabinet, desperate for a bottle of Advil. My head felt like it had a heartbeat pounding inside of it. Ah the after math of a fun night. Then it hit me a full force, I was 19. The thought put a big old smile onto my face. Yes, 19, still underage for drinking but old enough to do everything else.

I smiled when my tired hand grasped onto the plastic bottle. Relief, only 10 minutes away, that should be their slogan. I grabbed my glass and downed two pills. Then finished off my water, carrying myself and the glass up the stairs to the kitchen. Thank God for Jimmy and not buying mansions. What is the point of a mansion anyway? They are just too big and easy to get lost in. Moreover, it would take too long to clean, with all the rooms and stairs.

A swell wafted through the hallway and up my nose. A pleasant smell, like one of good food. I followed the sent until I reached the kitchen and found nothing. Slightly disappointed I placed my cup in the dishwasher and brewed a cup of coffee. I should have known better that no one besides me in this house is up before 10:00, especially after a day of drinking and eating.

I smell of black coffee filled the room as the machine bubbled and groaned {{what noises do coffee machines make?}}. I loved that smell. It always a compelling smell first thing in the morning. About an hour or so later Leana joined me. We chatted for a bit about up coming events, like Thanksgiving that was tomorrow.

"Do we have to bring anything?" I asked Leana about having Thanksgiving at the Seward household. I have not seen the Sewards in so long, I do not know if I would be able to recognize Johnny's sisters Marley and Bella.

"Yeah I think we are bringing a salad and a pie, nothing fancy." She replied, taking a spoonful of cereal to her mouth.

"When do we plan on making these things?" One thing that most people don't know is that I absolutely love to cook. I'm just lazy most of the time and let Matt do it when he's here.

Leana shrugged, "Doesn’t matter to me."

"Ok then I'm going to go change and go the grocery store. Come with?" I said standing up.

A smile played at the ends of her lips, "Only if I get to pick the type of pie."


I rushed down to my room and quickly stripped myself of my clothes to substitute them with a pair of jeans and a skinny thermal.

"What's all this noise?" a groggy voice came from my bed. Woops, I totally forgot that Zack was still asleep in my bed.

"Sorry babe, you can go back to sleep." I leaned over his laying body and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Zack made a weird nose and turned over. Within seconds, you could hear his soft snoring again.

I laughed slightly to myself and grabbed my purse.


"Ready Freddy"

Lean and I hopped into Jimmy's car, since it was parked closest to the road, and put it into gear.

"So what are you thinking, my master chef." Like I said, not many people know, Leana just happened to be apart of the small group who knew.

"Well the salad is going to be fun with all the different stuff we can put in it, and you said that you wanted to choose the kind of pie, so choose away." I laughed, playing my feet on the dashboard as she stopped at a red light.

Leana laughed quietly "ok, whatever you say," She always got a kick out of my ideas.

We pulled into the driveway and grabbed a metal cart. Of course, it had to be one with the retarded wheel. It wouldn't be a shopping cart if it didn't have one.

"We need this, this, this, and… this." I said mostly to myself as we passed the appropriate ingredients to make a pie. I handed Leana the sweetened condensed milk.

"I think we should have…" Leana put a finger on her chin and tapped it as she scanned the shelves of which filling she desired. Finally she plucked a can from the packed self.

"Pumpkin," she replied with a big, goofy smile on her face.

"AH I fucking love pumpkin," I laughed.

"Noo way, so do I!" We looked at each other for a second and burst out laughing like maniacs.


"Get your finger out of there." I smacked Jimmy's hand with my own.

He pulled it away and gave me a hurt look. "But it looks so good."

I raised my wooden spoon at him accusingly, "not pie for you, not until tomorrow."

"It wasn't pie; it was the sugary milk stuff."

I rolled my eyes, "But it goes in the pie."

"That doesn't make it pie."

"O my God Jimmy, what are you, 5? Wait until tomorrow."

My brother pouted and swooped his girlfriend up, resting her on his lap.

I popped the pie in the oven and set the timer. Then picking up the empty can of sweetened condensed milk I handed it at my brother.

"Since I love you," I laughed as he eagerly took it and moved his finger around it. "Just don't cut yourself."

"Hey let me at some babe," Leana said as she took the can and wiped her finger.

"Look what I have to live with?" Jimmy sighed pointing to his girlfriend, "she just takes and takes."

"Do not," Leana retorted and playfully smacked him on the arm.

"I know" he smirked.

I looked the other way and started to prepare the salad. I heard some noises from behind me and I just shook my head, those two.
♠ ♠ ♠

sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I've been grounded so I'm happy just to get in a little time to type.
so here you go: about 2 weeks work inbetween parents

comments are the best. tell me how i'm doing and what you think is going to happen, don't want to happen or want to happen.

who knows, i might actually take your advice