The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Love is a Dish Best Served Cold

I hate what you do to me.

That line repeated over and over in my head as I passed through the door way in Brian and Zacky's shared house.

"Hey baby," came Zack in a sing- song voice, taking me in his arms and dragging me to the counter all in one swift motion.

"I love you," he cooed covering my eyes with his hand.

"Zack…" I started, my throat suddenly closing up.

"No, no, shh, just keep your eyes closed and don't say anything." I felt him move a bit than press something to my lips. No it wasn’t his lips, it was some kind of food.

"Oh god," I laughed as he took that moment to shove it in my mouth.

"Eat it and tell me what you think," he removed his hand from my eyes and gave me a goofy look.

"what the fuck?" I laughed as I spat it out in the sink, "what the fuck did you do?"

Zack gave me an insulted look, "I cooked."

I screwed up my face, "Sorry babe, but really."

"Ok," Zack started wrapping his hands around my waist, "than when we are old and happy, you get to cook all the meals."

My heart took a trip south and crashed. Old and happy? Oh shit.

"Zacky I really need to talk to you." I bit my lip and tried to wiggle out of his arms.

Zack gave me a troubled look as he withdrew his arms and placed them behind him to support himself on the counter.

"It's just…" I trailed off, feeling my eyes start to swell with water.

Zack looked down at me with the same confused expression as any boy would have plastered on their face if they were being told that they were not loved like they thought they were.

Than he opened his mouth, "Did something else happen with Jimmy, that fucker has already done…"

"No, it's not Jimmy, it's just me." I started, first loud, but with every word, my voice dropped another notch. I let the salty taste overwhelm my taste buds as I dropped my eyes to the ground. One, two, three, three tear marks on the kitchen tile.

"no babe, it's not you, like I said, Jimmy just…"

"It's not about my fucking brother! It's about us!" I screamed at him, on the edge of crying. I looked like hell, I felt like hell. My face was red from my heavy crying. My hair was disgruntled and falling out of it's already messy bun.

Zack gave me a worried look and took a deep breath out. He seemed to be the sane one at this moment. I didn't want to hurt this guy, this wonderful, caring, loving guy…

Just thinking those thoughts made me weep harder. Why, why, why.

"I have to confess Zack," I said between hiccups. "It's just not there.

Zack's POV

"I have to confess, it's just not there." I heard those words from my girlfriend, about us.

"Not there?" I couldn't see what was wrong? We were the two happiest people on earth the other day, and last night… well you get the picture. But now she wants to throw all of we had away?! I started to shake, but not what you would think was sadness. It was anger. Anger that I gave her my heart and now she was going to chuck it over a fence and let the neighbor's dog eat it.

She looked up at with her wonderful blue eyes, "Zacky…"

"Don't Zacky me!" I barked.

With that the sound of a door hinged squeaked and peoples voices filled the hallway. More specifically the voice of Brian Haner and Matthew Sanders.

"Hey Zack, get your ass moving, we have to go meet up with the tour guy, we are set for…" Brian stopped when he entered the kitchen to see me fuming and Araila huddled on the ground with a tear stained face.

Matt came to his senses, "Or, we" he pointed between him and Brian, "can go meet with him, without you."

I just sent another glare and they were gone. Quickly I switched my attention back to the girl at my feet.

"Zacky I'm so sorry but, the thing is, there is someone else. Not that I've been cheating, but I think I really love him, more than what we had." She whispered.

I ran my hand through my hair multiple times, making it stick up even more than it already was. This was too much, who the fuck meant more to her than I did? That guy was a dead man…

"So that's is? Is this the end?" I asked quietly, not giving her eye contact.

I heard a sniff, "I really do like you Zack, you're a great guy, I just don’t think that it’s quite… right anymore."

I wanted to punch a wall, what the fuck Araila?!

"Whatever," I breathed, and with that I left, to where, I do not know, but all I know is that I didn't want to see her.

Araila's POV

I laid in a heap on the ground, crying my eyes out. I love him so much, but I did what I thought was right.

I shakily got up and went into Zack's room. Slowly packing my stuff back into my duffel.

I still couldn't believe that he took it without too much yelling. This was new for him. I've seen him break up with girls and seen him being dumped, but never did just leave.

I hated that I was special.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm i'm thinkng about a sequel. Not that this one is over yet. there is a couple chapters left.
There is going to be some new characters in the next one.
a girl, so if you want to find a picture for me than you can. It can be you or some other one yo find of photobucket.

comments save the story =)