The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies


It has been one month since I broke up with Zack and I was getting worried. No, not about Zack, he was fine, the first week was weird and when everyone found out, it was weirder. At first I feared for Johnny's life, but after a two weeks, I knew that Zack wasn't going to hurt him. Verbally he did a number but that was the worse. I am happily together with Mr. Jonathan Seward, so what would I be worried about?

Well the fact I was late. Yeah all you girls know what I'm talking about. I was late for my regular monthly surprise. Have I told anyone? No. Should I tell someone? Yeah probably. The thing is, I don't know who Ishould tell. Quite frankly I'm scared out of my wits. I mean, I'm 19! I can't have a kid now…

I threw on a jacket and flipped the hood on. The sun was shining bright but the cold January breeze was enough to make you pull your jacket tighter. I made the walk to the convenience store that was located in the center of town. A good two-mile walk. Not that I minded though, it gave me time to clear my head and think.

I snuck into the store and weaved through the people until I found myself in the back, faced with a shelf of pregnancy tests and condoms. Don't you just love how they but them together?

I took a deep breath and grabbed one of the cardboard boxes. Figuring that anyone of them would do the job.

Why was I slinking around? Well honestly, I was embarrassed. I don't usually care what people think but it's different when you're 19 and you have your hand on one of those tests.

I grabbed a box of tampons to buy with it so the clerk wouldn't pay too much attention to my purchase.

When I got home, I locked myself in the bathroom and took it. I placed it on the counter and paced back and forth. How could this happen?

Leana's POV

I thought I heard someone close the front door and than another door. Quickly I bounced of my boyfriend's lap to see who it might be. Curiosity has always been my weakness.

I heard someone peeing behind the wooden door, and than the sound of the sink running. Just as I was about to leave I heard something I didn’t want to hear. I heard crying. This worried me beyond belief.

Out of instinct, I knocked on the door. "Are you ok?"

At first there was no answer and than the sound of the lock clicked. The face of my boyfriend's tear soaked sister stared up at me. Her eyes were swollen red and she step aside to let me in. I took a step in and locked the door. Noticing the pregnancy test on the counter. It read a plus sign.

"Oh Lea," I gushed and took her in my arms. "But who is it?"

That must have been the wrong words to say because she wept harder. "I don't know." She hiccupped.

I looked down at her, into her blue eyes. "You don't know?"

She shook her head.

"It’s not Johnny? Than who else would it… Oh." I can to my senses. Johnny and Araila were only a month old couple. There was one before him.

"You don’t think it’s him, do you?" I whispered.

Araila only cried harder.

Araila's POV

I sat calmly up in my room, staring at the pictures on the wall. They were pictures of dad and me on a camping trip that my mom must have taken. We were sitting in a canoe and Jimmy was on the shore looking at something in the water. I must have been like 6 years old.

There where also pictures of my friends, bands, and just random pictures I had sketched that Zacky swore were art museum quality.

While I was going down memory lane, the door cracked open to see a tall, slender figure. He had a look of remorse on his face as he came and sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.

"We'll get through his sis, it's not that big of a deal," He whispered.

"She told you didn't she," I answered in the same hushed tone.

I could feel him nod. "Did you really think that your family didn’t have a right to know?"

I gulped, "I guess not." I stared down at my sock clad feet. They were stripped with little red dots.

"Hey Lea look at me," he cooed, "I will be there with you every step of the way, don't you worry about that. I mean what kind of brother would walk away from their sister at her time of need."

I shrugged, "You felt that you didn’t have to tell me about mom…"

I could hear him let out an exacerbated sigh, "Lea we went over this, you know that I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart."

"Yeah I know."

We were silent for what felt like a century.

"Well," he began to stand up, "I really have to get going. The guys are waiting for me because we have to meet with the tour manager since tour starts at the end of the month." Than he let out a chuckle, "Crappy weather for out door arenas."

I smiled back at him.

Jimmy's face became serious again, "you do know that you are going to have to tell Johnny, and probably Zack in this case."

I sighed, "I know."

"well are you going to?"

I nodded.

I don't know what I was going to say to him, like, "hey remember when we had sex the night I broke up with you? Well I think you might be carrying your child."
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aw i jummped a whole month ahead and didn't get into too much detail about Johnny and Zack. hehe well you are going to have to infure (or however you spell it).
i know i threw more drama at you and i should have waited like a chapter but i couldn't i wanted to get it out =)

don't forget that i need pics for the sequel. hmm and if anyone wants to give me names for the sequel that would be cool. i'm not garenteeing that i'll use them (cause i'm god of this story) but it's worth a shot.