The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

From The Start


"Damn it Lea," Came Leana's voice from next to me.

I just smirked, "I win again. Just face it, you can't beat my awesomeness."

She huffed and smiled. I turned back to our game, setting up the next race. Than out of no where her body crashed down on me and I found myself on the floor.

"You can’t win if you don’t have your car." She yelled, yanking the controller from me and quickly choosing a jaguar, aka, one slow ass car.

"That's not fair," I whimpered as the green 'GO' flashed on the screen. She kicked my ass with her Lambo.

"Ha, ha, HA," she announced as she quickly turned off the play station and ran into the other room.

"You little," I laughed, chasing her.


"So," my brother said as he took another sip from his beer. "Did you tell them yet?"

I gave him a confused look and went back to watching Brian trying to do something to Zack. I swear those two…


"Johnny and," he pointed to Zack who had his hand on the card door, dangling his keys in the air.

I sighed, "I told Johnny and it didn’t go over too well."

My brother gave me a what-did-you-expect look, "He's a teenage guy, and of course he's going to freak."

"But, I don't know, I thought he'll be cool with it like you and Leana were. I mean like… I don't know." I shook my head.

Jimmy let out a loud, "Ha!" than continued onto what he was going to say, "you should have seen my reaction when Lee told me, I nearly punched a god damn wall. I was," he spread him thumb and index fingers so there was a very tiny space between them, "close to killing both Zack and Johnny."

I looked at him appalled.

"Why do you look at me like that?" he laughed, "I'm your brother, of course I was being over protective."

I rolled my eyes, "it doesn't help that you're a crazy mother fucker either."

"Hey," he put his hands up in defense, "it runs in the family."

I laughed aloud and pushed him, making him almost fall off the front step we were sitting on.

"Damn girl," he scoffed, regaining his seat on the concrete step.

I laughed at his semi sour face. "Your hair is all 'sticky uppy'." I pointed out, placing and replacing my palm on the spiky part of his hair do. "It's hot," I smiled.

"You're changing subject," he laughed again.

"You did so first," I protested.

"No, it related to the main topic," he made a hand movement that looked like he was cupping something, "it was a subtopic."

I rolled my yes again, "Jimbo, you are one weird-o."

"Ha! Say what you want but you know you're just as weird as me, if not weirder." He poked me. "Ok so I'm going to go make you tell Zack by the way."

"What? That I come from a family of retards? Ha I think he already is aware of that."

"Nooooo, you know perfectly well what I'm speaking of,"

"It's hard to follow when you keep jumping to you're little 'Sub Topics'" I made a point to do air quotes around 'sub topics'".

"Go do it," he sighed.

"arrrrr," was all I said and I just wondered around the front yard.

"He's inside smart one," my brother's voice called as he stood up and opened the door for me to go through.

"But I don't wanna," I pouted and jetted my bottom lip out.

He rolled his eyes, "baby," he stuck his tongue out.

"Hey keep that tongue of yours to yourself. I don't want any of your nasty STDs." I scrunched my nose and took a step back from my brother.

"Well that’s too bad because I'm STD infected and I'm coming after you." He began to hurl himself at me. I screeched and dove inside, bolting the door locked.

"What was that?" a familiar voice entered my ears.

I swung myself around so I was face with the one and only Zachary Baker. I involuntarily gulped at the sight of him.

"Umm, you know, just stupid sibling stuff. You have one; you know what I'm talking about." I forced a smile to grace my lips. I hope it didn't turn out too unhappy.

"Yeah, I know," he shrugged him shoulders.

"Umm Zack, I have something to talk to you about…" I trailed off, lacing and unlacing my boney fingers.

"What's up?"

"Well you see…"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that this one was short. it was kind of a filler...
hey you know what i just noticed? i have 60 suscribers and almost 400 readers. WHy arn't they all commenting? hell at least my suscribers should comment (you know who you are)

anywho, thank you to all that comment and continue to do so.
look at chapters 24 and 25 author notes for info on sequel.