The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Two Shots and a Bottle

The beat of the woofer was making my head pulse. All I could hear was my brother's bass drum and Johnny's bass. Screaming fans were shoving and punching each other. Concerts were wild when Avenged Sevenfold was onstage.

But it's not just in the mosh pit anymore. Violence is like a parasite, latching onto each person, eating his or her morals and degrading the world.

It made me think, what kind of word my baby will grow up in. Would the world finally be at peace? Or will he or she be stuck in a depression, an economic crisis. A place where each country might as well be a different planet. A place where you were not welcomed outside of your own house. An unsafe place to live your life in fear that you will be shot down at any moment. That was the kind of place I did not want to look down and see.

The last head-rattling beat died down and Matt's husky voice said good-bye to the crowd. I smiled as the boys all waved and came jogging off. I out stretched my arms for each one to nestle right in.

"Good job guys," I smiled broadly, as my brother planted a kiss on my forehead, "you guys sounded really awesome."

"Just awesome," Zack smirked his infamous Baker smirk, "Not so fucking amazing that I would rip my clothes off and give myself to everyone of you?" Zacky earned a smack in the back of the head from my brother. "What," He quickly released me and put his hands up, "I'm just kidding."

Jimmy laughed, "You better, that’s my little sister you're talkin' about."

"So," Brian clapped his hands together, "since we are in New York we might as well get our groove one," he shook his hip when he said groove.

I laughed, "I would but somebody has to make sure that I don’t drink."

"Zack can," Johnny mumbled from next to Matt, "it is his child you're carrying."

I rolled my eyes; he has been like this ever since he heard that it could be either him or Zack. "Johnny I told you, it could be yours."

"Doubt it," he mumbled as we followed him out the door.

"Don’t worry about him Lea," Matt said as he wrapped one of his built arms around my shoulders, "he's just moody, he must be dealing with even more hormones than you are. If you ask me, you're pretty chill for a pregnant chick. Usually they are all like," he made a claw with his loose hand, "rawr and stuff."

I laughed, "jee thanks Matt."

He flashed his dimples at me, "Anytime sweetie."

The usual boring beat of the music overpowered me. I was swaying to the beat with Brian a couple feet away. I was just doing my own thing, the flashing lights made seeing difficult.

I wore a black mini skirt and a black and green tee. I wanted to keep my belly inside the shirt since I was a mother to be. I had on a pair of low strap heels and my hair was down and crazy. I recently put turquoise streaks in it because I decided that it was too boring. To match my hair I put on some light eyeliner with turquoise eye shadow. I didn't like to totally over do my make up because it made me look childish, and the only reason I can get into the clubs is because I'm with the boys, sometimes they get VIP.

My hair flowed around my shoulders and face as I moved to the beat. If you ask me, I looked quite wonderful right now. I danced a little with Matt and stumbled over to a booth that my brother was occupying.

He sat there sipping a beer and watching all the pretty girls dance about 10 feet away. He was so preoccupied that he didn’t notice that I slid into the booth next to him and made him jump when I bumped into his side.

"Hey bro," I smirked, "you've been caught."

Jimmy shrugged and took a big gulp of beer, "I can’t help it."

I laughed and wiggled on the red pleather seats. "Having fun?" I questioned.

I could barley see Jimmy's smile due to the insane flashing lights, "Are you being safe?"

I rolled my eyes, "yeah" I answered sarcastically, so sarcastically that it caused my brother to become slightly nervous.

"You better Lea, I don’t want a deformed child running around the house because you fucked up…"

"How do you deal with yourself?" I got up and ran into s guy with spiked up hair and a button up shirt. "Sorry", I said loud enough to reach his pierced ears and went back to the dance floor.

I spotted one of the boys and wrapped my hands around his torso. I smiled as he didn’t even bother to turn around, but instead he started to try to grind backward. So I went on my toes and flicked him in the ear.

"Ow," he yelped and jumped around, "Don't do that Lea," he said has he rubbed his ear.

"It's boring with no alcohol, lets go somewhere." I yelled so he could hear me.

He smirked, "what kind of place?"

"Shut up Zack, like somewhere where I can have fun without killing myself."

I grabbed one of his tattooed arms with one hand and preceded to text my brother to tell him I was leaving with Zack.

I pushed open one of the large metal doors and the cool night air smacked the front of my body.

"You know," Zack started, "You look pretty hot for being 3 months pregnant."

"Should I take that as a complement?" I asked, looking at my slowly growing belly. I was starting to loose my great body and my stomach was becoming a little bigger each day.

"I hope he has big green eyes…" Zack trailed off.

I arched my eyebrows as we walked hand in hand down the busy city street, "your green eyes?"

Zack shrugged as he swung our laced hands. "It would be kinda cool to have a little zack running around. Like a mini me sort of."

"What if he's a girl?"

Zack let out a loud, "HA" than continued, "Oh please, with sperm like mine, there is no way that your baby doesn’t got the balls."

That statement had me cracking up, "whatever you say babe."

"But," he put up his index finger, "if the kid is in fact Johnny's, than it will be a girl. So we will know whose it is as soon as it pops out." He grinned at his logic.

I shook my head at the ground and smiled.

"In all seriousness though, how are you planning on telling whose kid it is?"

I shrugged, "I don’t know Zack, and I don’t want to do a DNA test. But if push comes to shove, I guess we could do that."

"Oh," Zack answered, a little more distant. "Do you want Chinese?"


"Food, I'm hungry, lets go get some take out and take it back to the bus."

I smiled, "Sounds great."
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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I was grounded and I had finals to study for. But now I'm back and kicking. I'll try to update more often now.

Comments are like the energy drink that I'm drinking to make my type faster