The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Sometimes Times It's Easier To Say Sorry

I sat starring out at all the cookie cutter homes on the side of the street. I was sitting on a comfy seat next to my brother. Driving down his street. I had my duffel bag of items at my feet, just so eager to get to my new home.

The engine turned off and Jimmy jumped out of the car. I quickly did the same. As soon as I opened the front door I was tackled to the ground. I groaned in pain from my ribs.

"Lea I missed you so much." Johnny yelled as he got rolled off of me. I gripped my ribs and smiled. Johnny was the youngest of all the guys. He was my age. Growing up we were really close, same school, same interests. He joined the band when we were sophomores. Their first bassist didn’t work out, so Johnny offered and he's been doing it ever since.

"I missed you too babe," I smiled and he helped me up. "Where's the rest of the…"

I stopped myself because I saw Brian and Matt on the patio out back. I put a finger to my lips and snuck out the open sliding door. I pounced on Brian. He literally jumped 2 feet from his chair.

He pressed his hand to his chest, "Don’t do that Lea, You almost gave me a fucking heart attack.

I shrugged, "You deserve it, and like you didn't hear Johnny yelling my name."

He shrugged my question off.

"Well are you going to say hi to me or just stand there and pretend o don’t exist?" Matt asked.

I smiled, "Hello Mattie."

He cringed a little. He hated it when I (or anybody) called him that.

"Oh lighten up, it's not that bad." I joked and went back inside to retrieve my duffel bag.

I called to Jimmy, "Where do you want me to put my stuff?" I walked his split-level house. I discovered the stairs to the lower level. I poked my head down the stairwell.

"Down here Lea." He called back.

I hiked my bag over my shoulder and walked down the wooden stairs. I was a couple rooms and a big open room at the end with instruments resting inside.

Jimmy poked his head out of a room on the other end of the short hallway. I walked over to him, and looked in to a smallish room.

I smiled, "this mine?"

He nodded and exited.

I quickly put my clothes into the closet and other belongings on the ground. I lay on my bed. It was about 10xs softer then the one that I had previously.

I heard a knock on my door.

"It’s open." I called


I looked up to see Zacky.

"What's up?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"You like it here?"

I shrugged again.

He rolled his eyes, "can you please say something."


I could see a flash of annoyance in his eyes. I smirked at a job well done. Then I realized that I could patch things up. I did enjoy teasing and annoying Zacky but I also rather dislike the fact that he hates me.

"Yeah" I said.

He raised his eyebrow. I could tell he was surprised that I actually answered him.

"You look surprised" I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were going to be… never mind."

I decided that he to want to start over, so I didn't question him like a used to. We spent about an hour in my room, just talking a catching up. To be honest I do not know why I never talked to him before. He really was a cool guy.

"Hey Zack," I said leaning against my wall. "I'm sorry for being a cold hearted bitch for all those years." I sighed and pushed my bangs out of my face.

He mirrored my actions, "sorry for being an asshole."

"OK with that out of the way,"

He smirked is infamous Baker smirk.

"It's hotter than hell down here, I'm going swimming." I announced and looked in my closet for my swimsuit.

I kicked Zacky out of my room and I quickly changed into it. It felt nice to get out of my jeans and tee shirt.

I made my way to the back patio to see the guys doing what I always known them to do, fuck around.

I snuck behind my best friend and gave him a good shove. He staggered and lost his balance. Falling right into the pool.

"Damn it Lea, first day back and you're already causing trouble." A wet Johnny said from his spot in the pool.

I snickered and stuck my tongue out at him. He flipped me off, and swam to the side of the pool where I was standing.

I crouched down next to him dangling my feet in the cool water. He pulled himself up and sat next to me.

"I'm going to get you back for that Sullivan. When I do it's going to be good."

I laughed and ruffled his soaked blond hair. "You're so cute when you want revenge." I smirked.
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this one was kind of blah, but that doesn't excuse you from commenting ;)