The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

It's Funny What People Might Say

I squinted from the light pouring through the small window in my room. I rolled over onto my stomach to avoid the morning sun, burrowing my head under the sheets. Nothing helped, I had no choice but to surrender to the hot California sun.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stretched my arms before standing up to use the bathroom. I bumped into Matt on my way. I yawned and waved at him, not wake enough for anything more. When I finally reached my destination, I was disappointed to find that it was occupied. I groaned and slid down the wall so I was sitting against it. I heard the shower turn off and a couple of minutes later the door opened.

"You waiting for me?" Brian asked as I pushed past him realizing that I really need to use it.

After I relieved myself, I took a much-needed shower. I forgot what it felt like to have actual hot water. I probably stood there for a good 10 minutes under the water. I quickly finished up and dried off. I wrapped a towel around my body and picked up my nightclothes. Forgetting completely that I was now living in a house full of guys.

It hit me when I stepped out of the bathroom and Zacky was in the hallway. I couldn't help but smirk with the expression on his face. It's not like he can help but look, he's a guy for crying out loud. Honestly I kind of liked it. he was standing close to my doorway. I walked up to him.

"Morning Baker," I said as I opened my door.

He sputtered out some gibberish as I closed the door to get changed.

I threw on an old tank top and some blue jean shorts. I was desperately in need of a new wardrobe.

I let my wet hair stay wet. I didn't care if it soaked my back.

"Morning boys" I said cheerfully as I took a seat next to my brother at the kitchen table. I was happier then I had been in a long time. I think I was going to like it here at my new home.

They all nodded or said hey.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Matt's making eggs," Brian answered me.

I smiled; I still remembered how good of a cook Matt was. Hell, all the other guys couldn’t cook to save their lives.

I stood up to go bother Matt.

"Hey Matt," I smiled and leaned on the counter next to the stove where he was cooking.

"Hey Lea, what’s up?"

I shrugged, "You still cook like you used to?"

He pretended to be insulted, "Just because I'm a man now doesn't mean I lost my womanly characteristics."

I laughed and ruffled his short hair, "You know most guys wouldn't admit they are womanly"

He smirked and flexed his huge, tattooed muscles, "I'm too manly to care."

His statement caused both of us to crack up.


I flipped through the channels on the TV set. I was sort of multi tasking, watching television and ease dropping on who ever my brother was talking to on the phone. All I know was that we were having a cook out and he said that I was going to meet some new people that we did not grow up with. Yes, I know that it is somewhat sad that I did not really ever hang out with anyone else except the guys and my girl Lisa, through my adolescents.

I heard Jimmy say bye to whomever he was talking to and come into the dun. I tilted my head up to see his smiling face.

"What you so happy about?"

He smiled even wider and took a seat next to me.

"You aren’t going to tell me are you?"

He nodded and pointed at me to say that I was right.

I huffed; I liked straight answers that don’t evolve me to think too hard. I know it is stupid but who wants to ponder over why your brother is happy and not telling you? Not me, that's for sure.


I sat in a chair on the patio with Johnny as we waited for the barbeque invitees to come. It was nice to have at least one of my closest friends back. Damn it was lonely, Lisa moved to Minnesota, so I was left to fend for myself senior year.

"Lea, Lea" I heard my brother call me from inside of the house. I got up from Johnny's lap and followed his voice.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "This is my little sister Lea, Lea this is JB. Master of all roadies, and close friends with the band."

I laughed and shook his hand, "nice to meet you."

I followed Jimmy outback and he fired up the grill. Apparently, we couldn't start before because JB had the hot dogs and hamburgers.

Before I could resume my spot with Johnny, I heard Jimmy tell me to go get the condiments from the kitchen. I turned on my heel and re entered the house. I wasn't watching where I was going and I smack right into someone's chest.

"Sorry," I looked up to who I bumped into.

==Zacky's POV==

Her slightest touch made me weak in the knees. I know it sounds pathetic but that's how I feel. I'm not denying the fact that I may have a slight crush on the girl, but damn just look at her. If you saw her, the way I did you would be like this too.

I caught myself watching her walk away. I mentally scolded myself for liking her.

Dude she's your best friend's little sister. You hated each other since you could talk. What's wrong with you man? the annoying voice in my head said.

Maybe I wasn't allowing myself to admit that I liked her. I confuse myself, and I do it too often for my liking.

I exited the cool house to be welcomed by South California's heat. I saw Jimmy flipping hamburgers and dinking a bottle of God knows what. No doubt, we were not going to have some of his famous barbeque. You all know what I mean.

I grabbed a beer out of the cooler and took a chair by the table.

"What's up Vengeance?" I heard a familiar voice call to me. I let a smile spread across my face.

"Nothin' much JB," I gave him one of those handshake hug things that guys do. I took another swig of my beer and Lea came back into sight with an armful of condiments.

Don't think it buddy, just don't

The stupid voice was back.

Three burnt burgers, 8 beers, and a bottle of JD later, I found myself passed out one the couch. Too buzzed to even think.

==Araila's POV==

"Ha, Ha holy shit," I heard Johnny exclaim from the den.

I laughed to myself and sipped at my drink. Pouting because Jimmy wouldn’t let me touch the alcohol. But not to worry, I have been drinking of Johnny's all afternoon.

"Hey Lea come over her," I heard Johnny call as he poked his head around the doorway. He beckoned me to the den where he came from.


He smirked, "just listen."

I tilted my head and noticed Zack sleeping on the couch. I raised an eyebrow at my friend. Then I heard it, he was talking in his alcohol-induced sleep.

"Lea, lea," he was mumbling.

I bit my lip trying not to laugh or say anything.
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