The Hands Of Time Strip Youth From Our Bodies

Good Morning Lover Boy

I tuned out Jimmy as he ran his mouth about responsibility and stuff related to that. I don't know why he's the one telling me. It's not like he's all that good of a role model. I mean come one, he's in a metal band for goodness sake. You do the math.

The drones of his voice made my eyelids heavy. I ran a total of 5 miles today and screwed around with Johnny yesterday. After all the chaos that has happened, I was beat. I laid my heavy head on the couch and found myself swept off to a heavy sleep.


I awoke to the soft touch of blankets. I smiled and rolled over, but was stopped by a huge, warm mass. I squinted to see whom or what was blocking my way. A pierced, round face with messy black hair greeted my vision. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to make out the reason why I was lying in a bed with him. Before I could move one of his heavily tattooed arms snaked it's self around my waist and mumbled.

To be honest with myself, it felt good to have someone sleeping next to me again. It has been too long for my liking since I broke up with my boyfriend.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Leana stuck her head in.

She puffed her lips out and made a kissy noise, "Aww what a cute picture, Jimmy would flip if he saw this," she joked when she noticed that I was awake.

The noise of her talking made Zack stir and pull me closer. So close that I could feel his steady heart beat.

I could feel my face turn a soft shade of pink as Leana came closer.

I narrowed my dark blue eyes at her, "I swear, if you tell Jimmy…" I warned.

She smirked, "Fine, fine. But at least let me do this…" She cut herself off by pulling at Zacky's nose ring. I have to admit, the look on his round face was picture perfect. Damn I wish I had my camera.

"Good morning lover boy," she laughed as she straightened herself out.

He shook his head and squinted at her, "What the fuck?" he said groggily.

I laughed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Couldn't keep your hands off someone last night, eh?" Leana asked smirking.

He looked between Leana and me. Then he made a face, telling us that his brain clicked. I saw his face turn a nice shade of pink.

Leana left in a swirl of light brown hair.

I watched Zacky squirm under the sheets, rubbing his forehead.

"Well this is awkward." He said as he swung his legs over the side so he could sit next to me.

==Zacky's POV==

I felt my body get hotter and hotter by the moment. I was sitting next to a girl that I was totally infatuated with. Adorned in only a pair of black and yellow basketball shorts.

The little voices in my head were at it again. Arguing about my feelings about my best friends little sister.

I fought off one feeling that wanted to touch her soft porcelain skin. I wanted to press my lips against her pale pink ones.

I shook my head and chuckled to myself.

Who was I kidding? Girl like her would never go for a guy like me.

I was the guy who would feud over who had the last say. I was the guy who would shoot put downs like comments. I was the guy she hated for as long as I could remember.

But the tables have turned on my part. I was just dying to know her input.

==Araila's POV==

I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Zack's eyes scan my body. You could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking something, what he was thinking I was oblivious to.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

I felt my body shiver in delight when he placed a hand on my exposed thigh. I strange feeling over came me. It was lust, I was certain of it.

Then I did something crazy.

I felt the warm sensation on my lips as I pressed mine to his. I felt him stiffen then loosen. Engaging more and more into the kiss. I felt his tongue run against my lips, begging for entrance. I granted him his wish. I felt my insides feel like mush when is exposed torso touched my stomach as I collapsed onto him.

I felt myself being pulled away, "Zacky no." I groaned.

"What the fuck dude?"

I snapped out of my trance and looked down at the arms around my waist. The patterns of the tattoos looked familiar, too familiar.

I bit my lip as I was whipped around to come face to face with a pair of angry blue eyes.

I smiled innocently, "what's up bro?"

He shot daggers at Zacky and threw me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back trying to make him put me down. My brother took no notice to my wishes and brought me down to the kitchen.

"What's that fine piece of ass you have over your shoulder Jim?" I heard Brian smirk.

I felt my brother swing around I was facing Brian. I waved and mouthed, 'Help me please'

Jimmy's arm wrapped around my once again and placed me in a chair. I felt the cold wood against my thighs, seeing how I was wearing a pair of black booty shorts.
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comment please
i know it was a filler but i looooove comments