unwanted intruder

it's ruined.

His heart was pounding, he was sure he had seen the doorknob turn. The sounds of the whistling wind grew silent, until they eventually faded out and all you could hear was the footsteps of something out the door; ignoring the locked room and moving on up the stairs. Logan’s face was frozen; he wasn’t breathing for he didn’t want to be heard. He hid his face under the blanket as any other child would do in his situation. After all the only other person home was his brother; who was in his room just two doors down “Studying” with his girlfriend. Logan’s parents were out as they always were. He had gotten use to the fact that he barely saw them; and virtually just stopped missing them. After telling himself that it was just his brother over and over again; He started to believe himself, and faded into a deep sleep.

What the poor boy didn’t know was that his brother was not in the house at all; left after “studying,” leaving the music blasting to make it seem as if he didn’t. And the footsteps that he had heard weren’t his at all, but the ones that belonged to a intruder. A intruder that was set do doing something, something horrible. Not to steal, but kill.

The man walked around; looking for his victim, he was drunk. And the unsettling sight of him would probably have done the job for him. Why was he out to kill? Anger of course, and since he couldn’t take it out on the person that had taken his daughter. He’d set out on taking it out on an innocent soul, but also an unlucky soul. If only he took a minute to think it out; or had never went to drinking the beers. He’d not be here; for it was the alcohol that was making him do this. “Stephanie; where are you?” He asked as he made his way down the stairs; he’d already checked the second floor. Tripping down the stairs he stood up moaning as he did so.

Logan now asleep, awoke to the sound. It was a loud bang; problem figured his brother fell or something. He stood up from bed, tiptoeing to the door. Opening it he took a left to the stairs, wishing that he never did. There stood a man; his face so foul you would’ve even jumped at the sight. Logan jumped, so scared he started to run, run where you ask? To the basement door that was just on the other side of the room. Just as he thought he was there; he felt something latch on to his shoulder. It was the man, the drunken man, the man whose eyes were filled with so much pain; so much despair, that it was a pain just to look in them.

“Have you seen Stephanie?” He asked.
Logan looked up at him, “who is Stephanie? Why are you here?” He asked.
“Why my daughter of course; and why not be here? I live here of course!”
“No you don’t; I do; and Stephanie doesn’t either.” Logan replied, shaking his head due to the fact that he was confused.

The man shook his head, how could this be? He was sure that he lived here; sure that his little Stephanie was still with him; but then it hit him. He was again living in the past, this house, this house that he knew so well. He did live in it but that was long ago, Stephanie, his daughter, did as well. But now as you already know, she wasn’t here. She was gone, dead. The man sighed, looking into the boys eyes; he saw Stephanie in them for some reason, probably because they were just like hers. Everything about them; they way they shined off the light; how you could see all that they felt in them; everything. The man took his hand off the child; he looked as if he was about to cry; but in an instant that look was gone; he had made a new plan. He’d steal Logan. Just as someone stole his precious Stephanie. He smiled, “Your going home with me child.” He whispered in a creepy tone.
“No, I’m not going anywhere!” Logan protested.

“That’s what you got wrong, your defiantly going with me.”

“My brothers home! He won’t let me go.” Logan screamed.

“Shows what you know; your brother left. No one is here.”

Logan’s eyes widened, the man had to be lying; he didn’t know what he’d do if he wasn’t. “I-I don’t believe you.” Logan said as he ran to his brothers room; slamming the door open as he crashed in; to find that the man was telling the truth. He was all alone.
“You see? He’s not here; and now no one can stop me; now come.” The man said as he tugged on Logan’s collar.

“No! “ Logan resisted, he then began to run, going right under the man’s legs and then slid into a turn outside the door. Again dashing to the basement door, this time actually being able to open it. He made his way down the stairs; he tried to find a place to hide but it was so dark. That’s when it hit him; the extra room! The room that couldn’t be used by anyone for it was too small. Logan made his way to this room; feeling the wall trying to find the door knob, he let out a small sigh of relief when he found it; opening it he cramped himself into the room. Closing the door behind him, hoping the man wouldn’t find him.
The man, he made his way slowly down the stairs. Tripping over himself as he did, the beer was making its way to his head; for now every little sound bothered him. This was weird for it never had done this to him before. Maybe it was all the thinking he had done today; it was way past his average thinking rate. He switched the lights on; making his way through the room looking through each corner, each space that could be used to hide in. When his search came up empty he made his way back upstairs just in case his little pawn was playing his next move upstairs.

Logan sighed as he heard that the intruder had made his way back upstairs; and didn’t notice the door at all. It was the perfect hiding place. Logan curled up; his arms wrapped around his knees. When would his brother come back? He’d probably be out all night. Would his parents ever make it home? Probably not. He sighed, and let a couple tears escape the corner of his eye. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide forever, and that it was only a matter of time before the man had found him. At first this seemed all to be unfair; after all how would you expect a ten year old to think? This was a life or death game. And he wasn’t going to lose. Even if he wasn’t the strongest player; he decided that he’d run until the man grew tired; or at least till someone found their way home. This was all killing him; the fact the he had to make a plan to stay alive made him decay at the thought. Though this would be hard he had decided that he would pull through and play strong. After all a smart player; is a good player right? That’s when he opened the door; something he didn’t plan on doing.

The man crept the halls upstairs unsure of where the boy could have gone. Though he knew that the kid did not leave the house at all. For the door had not opened once. He smiled, thinking again of his poor Stephanie. The daughter he had loved oh so much; the daughter that had brought him so much misery, the daughter that had put him in a living hell. Even with all of this; he still rejoiced in the thought of the memories of her. Her first steps, words, bike ride, and day at school. All things he’d never forget. He shook his head; this was not the time to think of his dead daughter; but the time to get a son. The time to get Logan. He was no on the first floor again after checking all the rooms in the second floor; he had decided that he would go back down; cause well there is still a chance that the boy had never left the basement. Hiding in the darkness. This time he decided he’d creep to the bottom steps of the basement, lights off, and sit there, waiting for the child. And if he didn’t show up in ten minutes. He’d leave to search more of the house.

Logan was glad; that the man hadn’t come out earlier. When he had actually opened the door; and though it was dark. He could still put together an image of where the man was; second to last step; he was sitting. Logan slowly crept under the staircase; he got on his knees and began to crawl to a spot where he would be able to see the man’s feet. What now? What am I gonna do? The child thought to himself.

He began to sigh, but then caught it. He couldn't make the slightest sound, staring up the stairs he could see a light from the door, looking back door he also noticed the mans feet, they weren't positioned as if he was sitting, but laying down. After this the child put it together, the man had passed out in wait. He decided to use this to his advantage, he'd out run up the stairs over the man and out the door.