Pokemon Adventure

New Region

My name is Sabrina Avery and I am a pokemon trainer. I came from Palette town and my boyfriend is Gary Oak. We are both seventeen years old and right now we’re in the Sinnoh region. Gary is trying to get his first badge and so am I. His main pokemon is Umbreon. He loves Umbreon dearly. I always see Umbreon outside of its ball even though pokemon usually stay in there balls. Don’t get me wrong, Umbreon likes its pokeball, it just likes being by Gary’s side.

My main pokemon is an Espeon. What can I say? I love Eevee’s and their evolved forms just like Gary. That’s probably why Gary and I get along so well. Eevee wasn’t my first pokemon like Gary though. My first pokemon was a Charmander. It is a Charzarid now. I carry it with me because it is not only strong but loyal. The rest of my pokemon are Azumarill, Duskull, I just adore it, Gardevoir, and Ampharos. My pokemon are all loyal to me because I treat them well.

“Hey Sabrina, we’re coming to a town,” Gary says and I shake my head to clear it.

“Which town?” I ask. Gary smiles at me and shows me the map. There’s an X on the map and I assume that’s where we are now.

“Sandgem town?”

Gary nods, “Right and it’s on the way to Oreburgh city.”

“What’s so special about Oreburgh city?” Gary laughs, a sweet sound.

“That’s where we can get our first badges.”

“Oh, that’s great! Then we can compete against the pokemon league.”

Gary nods, “Maybe I’ll see that loser Ash there or somewhere on our journey.”

“We’ve had some run ins with him in the past.”

“Yeah and I want to battle him again. He’s so pathetic. Last time Umbreon beat all of his pokemon.”

I laugh, “I remember that.”

“So do you think there are more evolutions for Eevee now?”

Gary looks surprised and stares down at Umbreon.

“I-don’t know. Hell anything’s possible now that we’re in a new region.”

“It sure is.”

“Come on let’s check out Sandgem town!” Gary says and takes off, his Umbreon trailing after him.

“Wait up Gary!” I yell and run after him towards town.
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