Pokemon Adventure

Jubilife City

We enter the next town which is, Jubilife City, the next day.

“Wow, this place is kind of cool,” Gary says.

I nod, “I also heard that this is where they have that new device for pokemon trainers.”

Gary looks intrigued now. “What’s it called?”

“It’s called the Poketch.”

“What’s it do?”

“It’s a personal watch, pokegear, and pokenav and more.”

“Damn, that’s cool. Can we get one?”

“I don’t see why not.”

Gary nods and we start looking for where we can get a poketch.

“Hmm, where could it be?” Gary mutters.

I shrug and we continue to search the city. Gary spots a building with the words, “Poketch company” scrawled on it.

“That’s got to be it,” I say.

“Let’s go inside Sabrina.”

“Okay,” I reply and we enter the building.

There’s a person at a desk and couches filled with people.

Gary walks up to the desk and says rather confidently, “Do you know how we can get a poketch?”

The lady nods and tells us to go to the third floor, where the inventor of the poketch is. Gary and I go up the stairs rather quickly and by the time we’re on the third floor I feel winded. There are glass windows everywhere and cubbies fill the floor.

Gary goes up to one and says, “Miss do you know where we can find the inventor of the poketch?”

“Who wants to meet me now?”

I hear a loud, low voice say. Gary and I turn around to face a tall man in a black coat and hat.

“That would be us,” Gary replies.

“So do you want a poketch too?” Gary nods enthusiastically.

The man laughs, “I’ll give you two of them if you can find three clowns and answer their questions correctly. They’ll give you a coupon and when I see all three I’ll give you your poketchs.”

Gary sighs, “All right let’s go Sabrina.”

I follow behind Gary and we exit the building.

“Where the hell are we going to find a clown in this city?”

I laugh, “Easy Gary, we’ll find them and get our poketchs.”

Gary turns to me, “You’re so optimistic, that’s what I love about you.” I feel myself blush.

“Thanks Gary,” I mutter.

He grins and says, “Come on let’s find them.”

I nod and we start scanning the area. We don’t see any clowns for the longest time but then I spot one behind the pokecenter.

“There’s one!” I say and point at it.

“Good eye.” Gary runs up to it and the clown turns at the sound of our footsteps.

“Hello, are you fellow pokemon trainers?”

We both nod and the clown cracks a huge smile.

“All right then, I’ve got a question for you two.”

“What type of pokemon is weak against water?”

Gary cracks a smile, “That’s all you’ve got? It’s ground obviously.”

The clown nods, “Good job, here you go.”

He hands Gary a coupon and Gary stuffs it in his pocket.

“Let’s find the other two.”

We search for twenty minutes before we find the next one. This one is on the outskirts of town.

“Let me handle this one Gary,” I say.

“All right sweetheart.” I near the clown and it smiles up at me.

“You two are pokemon trainers aren’t you?”

I nod and the clown says, “All right, question time.”

“What is the name of the pokemon that Pikachu evolves into?” I laugh, this is easy.

“Raichu,” I say.

The clown nods and hands me a coupon. I give it to Gary and he sticks it in his pocket with the other one.

“Let’s find the last one,” I say.

The last one is in the pokemon school. It is sitting with the other students like it is trying to learn things. We approach it and it smiles up at us.

“Would you two happen to be pokemon trainers?”

We nod and the clown says, “I’ll give you a question then.”

“What level does Eevee turn into Umbreon?”

I glance at Gary and he grins.

“It doesn’t have a specific level it evolves when it starts to really like you. Also it evolves at night.”

The clown looks impressed, “Here you earned this.”

He hands Gary the last coupon and he shoves the coupon in his pocket.

“You did great Gary!” I say once we’re outside.

Gary grins, “That last one was practically a give-away. You know I trained Eevee for a while before it turned into Umbreon.”

“I know. I trained my Eevee the same way but in the day.”

“We really were meant for each other.”

I blush and start to walk off to the poketch company. Gary grabs my arm though. I look at him, wondering what he’s up to.

“Can we stay out here for just a little while?”

I nod, “Sure what do you want to do?” Gary glances at me and his face reddens.

“What is it?”

“Can I- kiss you?”

I laugh, “Gary don’t be so bashful! Of course you can. You’ve kissed me before so why are you so nervous?”

Gary gulps, “I guess it’s because you look so beautiful today.”

I glance down at what I’m wearing. It’s nothing special. I have a pink tank top on, with tan cargo pants and a red beanie.

I laugh, “If anyone looks gorgeous today it’s you.”

I look at Gary and grin. He’s wearing a purple shirt with his traditional necklace. It’s a green and yellow ying yang symbol and it looks great on him. It’s bound with a black cord and it means a lot to him. He’s also wearing a black leather jacket that turns me on. He has dark blue jeans and brown leather boots. I eye him up and down and whistle. Gary looks flustered even more now.

“Sabrina!” He protests and refuses to look at me.

I laugh and say, “Weren’t you going to kiss me?”

Gary laughs nervously, “Right..”

He gets closer to me and puts his hands around my waist. I put my hands on his neck and then Gary puts his lips on mine. He kisses me well and with a furious desire that surprises me. His lips feel soft and he smells like a pine tree. I like the way Gary is holding me. It makes me feel like I’m his princess. Which in a way I am. He’s also very protective of me. Once before we were boyfriend and girlfriend Gary saved me from a swarm of Beedrill. They were about to attack me when he came with his Eeeve. That was when I fell for him and when I wanted an Eevee desperately. We were ten at the time and too young for romance but still there was chemistry between us. I started to travel with Gary since then and we had some good laughs and we met team rocket, the notorious pokemon stealers.

Gary starts to French kiss me then. I shiver, liking it. He doesn’t really French kiss me that much but when he does you can bet I’ll turn to putty in his hands. I hear Gary moan in ecstasy. I’m on the verge of a moan as well. Gary deepens the kiss and I feel a moan escape. Seconds later his lips are off mine and he’s gazing into my eyes with love. I feel myself blush.

“Did you like it?” He asks a second later.

“Yes, I actually loved it.”

Gary laughs, a sound like bells.

“Maybe we should kiss more like that, because I was seriously turned on by you.”

I laugh nervously. Gary takes my chin in his hand and makes me look at him.

“I think I’m in love with you Sabrina. I’ve never felt like this toward any girl before.”

“Not even to your fan girls?”

Gary waves a hand in the air, “Forget them. I told you they weren’t nearly as important as you.”

I smile and Gary suddenly wraps me into an embrace. I sigh and hug him back.
We enter the poketch company building and climb up the three flights of stairs. Gary runs up to the inventor, who’s standing in a corner and shows him our coupons. He looks impressed.

“Good job, you two. Just wait here while I get your poketchs.”

He takes the coupons and goes into a room. The inventor comes out in a couple of minutes.

“Here you go,” he says and hands us our poketchs.

They look like watches. Mine is pink and I slip it on. Gary’s is a beautiful blue and I watch him stick his on. We thank the inventor and leave the building.

“This thing is freaking cool,” Gary says pressing a button.

“So what’s the next town or city?”

“Hold on,” Gary says and pulls out his map.

He glances at it and says, “If we go north we should come to Oreburgh City.”

I fist pump, “That’s great news!”

“Sure is. So do you want me to battle the gym leader or do you want to go first?”

I smile, “Either ways fine.”

Gary nods and we head off to Oreburgh City.