Pokemon Adventure

Pokemon battle

We start exploring the place and see a mine at the end of the city.

“Hey want to check it out Sabrina?”

“Sure, I bet we could get some cool pokemon in there.”

Gary goes down first into the mine and I follow him. There are a lot of miners in the mine. I’m not really surprised. They have rock pokemon with them and are just sitting around talking to each other. I spot a Zubat flying around and I turn to Gary and sigh.

“I already caught that pokemon a long time ago. My Zubat is now a Crobat.”

Gary nods, “Let’s keep looking, maybe we’ll see a pokemon we don’t have yet.”

All we happen to see, however, are Geodudes and Onixs. Gary sighs and we leave the mine.

“Well that was a waste of time,” Gary rants.

“Yeah I have to admit it was,” I say.

“So what are we supposed to do until tomorrow?”

Gary frowns and says, “We could always battle each other. I want to see which one of us is stronger now.”

I smile, “Sounds good.”

“Okay let’s go.”

I nod and toss a pokeball in the air.

Duskull pops out. Gary throws a pokeball in the air as well and out pops Umbreon. I sigh, Umbreon is a dark pokemon,it will beat my Duskull with its eyes closed. I’ll still try though.

“Duskull use your future sight!”

Duskull has to wait a couple of turns until it can attack, but that’s fine.

“Umberon, use bite!”

Uh-oh. If Umbreon attacks Duskull it’ll lower its HP down considerably.

“Duskull dodge it!”

Duskull disappears and then reappears behind Umbreon. Umberon is shocked to say in the least. Duskull then uses future sight. Umbreon is knocked down but remains strong. I knew it was a long shot, hoping to knock out Umbreon in the first attack, but it was worth a shot.

"Duskull use confuse ray!”

Duskull moves its eye and then Umberon starts to get dizzy. It looks confused and just stands there, vulnerable.

“Oh no! Umbreon!”

To me Gary says, “You’re doing pretty well.”

I grin and say, “Now Duskull use ice bream!”

Umbreon is encased in ice. It is on the verge of fainting but it still has some fight in it.

“Umbreon use bite again!”

Umbreon shakes off the ice and the confusion. It jumps and attacks Duskull. It bites it and Duskull is weakened. Duskull isn’t looking too good. I knew if Umbreon had a chance to attack Duskull would be a goner. I know Umbreon isn’t doing so hot either though. I can beat Umbreon if I just concentrate and do what’s necessary.

“Okay Duskull use psychic!”

Duskull moves close to Umbreon and uses its psychic attack. Umbreon faints and I jump up and down.

“Hell yeah!”

“Return Umbreon,” Gary says.

“Since when did you teach Duskull all those psychic attacks?”

I grin, “It was when you were looking for new pokemon to catch. I decided to train Duskull because it’s so weak against dark pokemon. I knew if I taught it psychic moves it would stand more of a chance.”

Gary looks astonished, “Well I would have never thought your Duskull could have beat my Umbreon. You’re a remarkable trainer Sabrina.”

I wave a hand in the air absently, “I just trained Duskull like any other trainer would and taught it TMs.”

“Still that was impressive you know Umbreon is one of my best pokemon. What level is your Duskull at?”

“It’s at level sixty-nine.”

Gary lets out a deep breath.


“My Umbreon is a level seventy-nine. How could you have possibly beaten it? That is ten levels higher than your Duskull.”

I shrug, “I guess I got lucky.”

Gary shakes his head, “No way. That wasn’t luck. It was pure skill.”

I laugh, “Thanks Gary.”

“No problem, now let’s choose our next pokemon.”

“Okay, return Duskull.”

Duskull goes back in its ball and then I toss one in the air. Charizard comes out. Gary reaches for a pokeball and tosses one in the air. Blastoise comes out. I pale, there’s no way in hell I can beat it. Sure with Umbreon at least I stood a little of a chance. Now there’s no hope for me.

“Charizard use dragon claw!”

Blastoise is struck with dragon claw and skids backwards.

“Blastoise use hydro pump!”

“Charizard fly in the air!”

Charizard takes flight and circles around Gary’s Blastoise.

“Now Charizard use hyper beam!”

Charizard flies towards Blastoise and uses hyper beam on it. Blastoise totters on its feet but remains strong.

“Blastoise use bubble beam!”

Charizard is hit with the bubble beam and falls out of the air.

I sigh and say, “Charizard fly into Blastoise and use dragon claw!”

Charizard takes flight again and charges at Blastoise. Blastoise uses hydro pump, however, and Charizard faints. I groan and call back Charizard.

“Hey it’s okay. My Blastoise is well trained and you know Blastoise has the advantage over Charizard.”

I nod and toss a pokeball into the air, absent minded. My Ampharos comes out and Gary throws a pokeball into the air. Out pops his Ursaring. I grin, this battle won’t be too tough.

“Ursaring use your hammer arm!” Gary yells and Ursaring charges my Ampharos.

“Ampharos don’t just stand there! Use your thunder wave!”

Ampharos’s body tingles and then electric waves come out of its body. The electric waves hit Ursaring and it stops its attack. It is paralyzed now.

I grin and say, “Ampharos use your thunder shock!”

Ampharos wiggles its tail in the air and then unleashes a thunder shock. It shocks Gary’s Ursaring. Ursaring is still just standing there because it’s still paralyzed.

“Ampharos use your focus blast!”

Ampharos stands there concentrating its power when Ursaring moves out of the way. It can move again.

“Ursaring use your slash!” Gary says.

Ursaring closes in on my Ampharos and slashes at it. Ampharos moves out of the way as Ursaring tries to slash at it again.

“Ampharos use thunder!”

Ampharos wiggles its tail again and then a lightning bolt comes down from the heavens. It hits Ursaring and Ursaring faints.

“Yeesssssss!” I say and call back Ampharos.

Gary looks at me astonished, “You’ve gotten really strong. You beat me fair and square.”

I grin and Gary comes up to me and wraps me into an intimate hug.

I hug him back and then say, “Let’s heal our pokemon.”

“Okay,” Gary says and unwraps himself from me.