Pokemon Adventure

And Ash came along

We go into the pokecenter and hand over our wounded pokemon. I sit down on a bench in the pokecenter and Gary sits down next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I lean into him.

“So where should we spend the night?” I ask him.

“How about here? I’m sure Nurse Joy wouldn’t mind.”

I nod, “This place has beds right?”

Gary nods, “I’m pretty sure.”

“Let’s just sit here for a while Sabrina.”

“Okay this feels nice.”

Gary snuggles against me and I scoot closer into him. I see the same girl with the Piplup enter the pokecenter. She isn’t alone. She’s with him. I groan. Not Ash. I see Gary tense up then.

Oblivious the girl glances at us and says, “Hey you guys! What are you doing here?”

Gary sighs and gets up. I get up as well.

“We were just making sure our pokemon got healed. We just battled each other.”

The girl smiles, “Who won?”

“That would be me,” I say.

She laughs, “Cool. It’s always nice to see a girl who’s a strong pokemon master.”

“It sure is,” Gary says trying to avoid Ash’s eyes.

Ash glances our way then. I groan.

“Gary! What are you doing here?”

Gary groans, “Ash I’m here just like you. I’m here to get badges and compete in the pokemon league.”

Ash frowns, “Oh. Hey Sabrina.”

I nod and try to put on a nonchalant air. It seems to be working.

“So we weren’t properly introduced the last time,” I say trying to break the ice.

“Oh! My name is Dawn,” the girl says.

“I’m Sabrina and this cutie next to me is my boyfriend, Gary.”

Ash looks disgusted. He looks away. Dawn nods, and scrutinizes Gary.

“Your boyfriend looks familiar.”

Gary grins, “My last name is Oak, does that ring any bells?”

Dawn’s eyes widen and she says, “It sure does! You’re that famous pokemon trainer no wonder you looked so familiar.”

Gary laughs, “Are you another fan girl?”

Dawn shakes her head, “No. I just respect you is all.”

Ash growls, “I’m pretty famous too.”

Gary glares at Ash. “Was she talking to you? I don’t think so.”

Oh boy.

“You want to fight?”

He says and his Pikachu runs in front of him. Gary glares at Ash some more.

“I would but my pokemon are healing.”

Ash laughs, “Did you get beat up by the gym leader? I heard he just beats loser pokemon trainers.”

“Shut the hell up Ash!” Gary says his voice rising.

Great, now he’s gotten Gary mad. It’s never pretty when Gary is mad.

“Gary just so happened to get the Coal badge and his pokemon are injured because we were battling to pass the time.”

Ash nods, and I see Gary cooling down.

“So did you get a gym badge yet Sabrina?”

I shake my head.

“The gym leader’s pokemon were worn out after Gary beat them.”

“That makes sense.”

“So, Sabrina..”

I gulp, “Yes?”

“I think you should dump Gary and go out with a real man.”

I sigh and glance at Gary. He’s fuming.

“Ash, you know I only like Gary,” I say.

Ash sighs, “Why a pretty girl like you would be with someone like him is beyond me.”

“I hear he has one night stands with all the girl’s he dates and then he dumps them.”

Gary looks pissed now. “Ash, if you don’t shut up I will kick your ass.”

Ash just laughs, “You? You can’t even fight.”

Gary laughs then, a cold hard laugh. “Says you. It just so happens that I took marital arts two years ago. Now tell me who can’t fight.”

“You’re bluffing.”

Gary shakes his head, “I am not.”

“Guys calm down,” I say stepping in front of Gary.

“But Sabrina, Ash just practically called me a man whore, which I’m not.”

I nod, “I know Gary and that wasn’t nice.”

I turn to Ash then and say, “It isn’t true just so you know Ash.”

Ash shrugs, “Whatever.”

“Have you caught any pokemon?” I ask trying to keep the boys from murdering each other.
Dawn nods.

“Can we see them?” Gary asks.

Dawn smiles, “Sure.”

Then she throws out two pokeballs. A pokemon that looks like a miniature form of Staravia pops out.

I point my pokedex at it and it says, “Starly, a flying pokemon. It evolves into Staravia.” I look at the other pokemon, it looks like a beaver.

I point my pokedex at it and it says, “Bidoof, a normal pokemon. It uses its teeth to gnaw on wood.”

“It looks like you’ve caught some good pokemon,” I say.

Dawn smiles, “Thanks. It wasn’t easy to catch them.”

“Oh right!” I smack my forehead.

Dawn looks at me strangely, “What is it?”

“Can I see your starter pokemon?”

Dawn nods,”Piplup come on out!”

Piplup happens to be a little blue penguin. “It’s so cute!” I say.

Dawn laughs, “Hey you two got the other starter pokemon. Can I see them?”

I nod and both Gary and I throw our pokeballs in the air. Chimchar grins and hops in the air when it sees Piplup. Turtwig goes up to Piplup and they converse for a little while.

“I wonder what they’re saying,” Dawn says.

“I don’t know but they seem to be getting along.”

It’s true, all three pokemon are chattering in their language and I can tell their happy to see each other again.

“So Dawn how long are you going to stay in Oreburgh City?” Gary asks.

“Just for the night, since it’s getting dark.”

I nod, “Gary and me are staying here tonight. Want to room with me?”

Gary pales and so does Ash. “No way in hell am I bunking with Gary,” he says defiantly.

I sigh, “It would be good if you two could get past your differences and learn to like each other.”

Gary glares at Ash, “Anyone but Ash and I would be fine.”

I sigh, “Please Gary. For me?” My eyes look pathetic and sad.

Gary gulps, “All right, just for tonight though.”

I smile and Gary sighs, “What have I gotten myself into?”