Pokemon Adventure

Gym Battle

That night I’m sleeping in the bed next to Dawn and Dawn is asking me questions.

“So when did you meet Gary?”

“I met him when we were ten.”

“Wow, you were my age then. Did you know you liked him even back then?”

I blush and say, “I did have a thing for him.”

Dawn laughs, “I guess it worked out.”

I nod.

“So do you like anyone Dawn? Maybe Ash?”

Dawn laughs, “He’s a little old for me don’t you think?”

“Yeah, what was I thinking?” I say, laughing.

I fall asleep then and in the morning all I hear is Ash and Gary bickering.

“I can’t believe I slept in the same room as you! You snore, damn it!” Gary says his voice carrying over in the air.

I sigh and Dawn groans.

“How did you sleep Gary?” I ask.

Gary glances at me and sighs, “Worst night ever. This loser snores.”

Ash looks angry then, “Who was sleep talking? I think that was you Gary. All I heard all night is how you love Sabrina.”

Gary blushes deeply and I smile at him.

“That’s sweet Gary. It’s nice to hear that you love me.”

Gary smiles at me, his face beet red.

“Can we leave now?” Gary whines.

“No, I want to get my badge today, remember?”

Gary smacks his forehead, “Oh right. My bad. Let’s get our pokemon now.”

I nod and ask Nurse Joy for our pokemon. She hands them over to us and I put them on my belt. Gary grabs his and does the same.

“I’ll see you later Dawn and Ash,” I say and they both nod. Once we’re outside Gary turns to me and starts to babble.

“Damn Sabrina Ash has got to be even more annoying than the last time I saw him. He’s the worst!”

I pat Gary’s shoulder and he seems to loosen up.

“Sorry it’s just he aggravates me so much.” I nod, “I know Gary, you’ve told me before.”

Gary sighs and says, “I’m sure you’ll do fine on your match.”

“Thanks Gary.”

We enter the gym and the gym leader is sitting on his rock like he was last time.

“I’ve come to battle you!” I yell and the gym leader gets up.

“Okay let’s battle. I’ve been waiting.”

I grin and throw a pokeball in the air. Azumarill pops out and the gym leader throws a pokeball in the air. Onix pops out.

“Azumarill use bubble beam!” I yell.

Azumarill opens its mouth, and out come bubbles. They blast Onix and it faints. Gary says,

“Yeah you’re going to win.”

I smile and the gym leader reaches for another pokeball.

“Not bad,” he says.

He throws a pokeball in the air and out comes Cranidos.

“Cranidos use headbutt!”

Cranidos rushes ahead and smacks into Azumarill. Azumarill skids backwards and glares at Cranidos.

“Azumarill use rollout!”

Azumarill rolls into a ball and tackles into Cranidos. Cranidos staggers but keeps its ground.

“Cranidos use takedown!”

Cranidos rams into Azumarill and Azumarill is sent flying. It crashes into a rock nearby.

“Azumarill get back up!”

I yell. Azumarill gets back up, but I can tell it’s weak.

“Use bubble beam!”

Azumarill opens its mouth and the bubbles reach Cranidos. Cranidos faints and the gym leader calls back his pokemon.

“Go Geodude!”

“Use rock throw!”

The gym leader says and his Geodude grabs a rock from the field and throws it at Azumarill.

“Dodge Azumarill and use bubble beam!”

Azumarill dodges and uses bubble beam. Geodude dodges though.

“Azumarill run up to Geodude and use double-edge.”

Azumarill does as I say and rams into Geodude. Geodude holds strong, however, and throws Azumarill in the air.

“Now Geodude tackle it in the air!”

Geodude jumps and tackles Azumarill in the air. Azumarill falls and hits the ground hard. Azumarill gets up but I can tell it’s very weak.

“Azumarill use aqua ring!”

Azumarill starts to glow and then I can see its wounds healing.

I grin and say, “Now use bubble beam and end this!”

Azumarill uses bubble beam and this time Geodude faints. The gym leader looks shocked.

"Return Geodude."

“Here, you won this fair and square.”

He hands me the Coal badge and I jump up and down in the air.

Gary laughs and says, “That was a close one Sabrina.”

“Don’t I know it?”

As we’re leaving the gym leader calls out to us.

“Where are you guys from?”

“We’re both from Palette town,” I shout back.

He nods, “I’ve heard that trainers from Palette are supposed to be strong. I guess the rumors are true.”

I smile and Gary and I head out of the gym.
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Sorry it's been an er really long time since I updated. Stuff kept coming up and I kept pushing this to the side. I'm sorry!