Pokemon Adventure

Floaroma Town

Once outside Gary says, “I told you, you’d be fine.”

I nod and say, “I only had to use one pokemon too. That’s crazy luck.”

Gary shakes his head, “That’s crazy skill.”

I laugh, “Gary you always support me no matter what.”

“And?” Gary says, glancing at me.

“It’s nice to have a supportive and loving boyfriend.”

I see Gary blush and glance everywhere but at me.

“I’m sorry Gary, are you embarrassed now?”

Gary doesn’t say anything.

I sigh and say, “Well let’s get on the road to the next town or city.”

Gary nods and while we’re walking he’s really quiet.

“Can I ask you a question?” Gary says after twenty minutes.

I nod.

“Why did you choose me as a boyfriend? You could have as easily gone with Ash and become his girlfriend.”

I gape at Gary.

“Why would you ask me a ridiculous question like that?”

Gary shrugs, “Maybe Ash is right. I might just be a player. I’ve never really been with anyone as long as I’ve been with you.”

I laugh, “I know we weren’t dating until we were fifteen but the entire time I’ve know you, you’ve been nothing but sweet and loyal.”

Gary hides his face in his hair.

“What brought this all up?” I finally ask him.

Gary sighs and finally looks at me.

“It was Ash. All those mean things he said really struck home.”

“Why? You were never a man whore. Sure I saw you go out with girls and it did make me jealous but you never just had sex with them and dumped them, did you?”

Gary smiles then, “You were jealous?”

I laugh, “Yeah. I told you before I had a thing for you even back then.”

Gary laughs and then says, “You know I’m a virgin so what Ash said really shouldn’t have bothered me so much.”

“I knew it. I had a feeling you couldn’t just have a one night stand with a girl. You have to have relationships with them, right?”

Gary nods, “I don’t even know where he got that idea from either. We used to be friends but now all we do is fight.”

I sigh, “I wish you two would just make up and quit fighting.”

Gary frowns, “I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

I shrug, “It was worth a shot.”

“Hey I see a town up ahead!” I shout and run forward.

“Sabrina! Slow down!” Gary says running to keep up with me.

The town just so happens to be Floaroma town. There are tons of flowers everywhere and Gary goes over to a spot and picks some.

He comes back and says, “For you, my love.”

I blush and take them. “Thanks Gary,” I say and kiss him on the cheek.

Gary blushes furiously and I laugh.

“It’s cute when you blush babe.”

Gary laughs nervously and says, “Want to just chill here for the day?”

“Do I ever!”

“Well in that case I’m going to let Umbreon out.”

I nod and reach for Espeon.

“Come on out Umbreon!” Gary says.

I throw Espeon’s pokeball in the air and she comes out. Gary’s Umbreon comes out too. As soon as the two pokemon see each other they start making sounds.

“I wonder what they’re saying?” I ask.

Gary shrugs and gasps as Umbreon rubs against Espeon. They’re cuddling against each other.

“Um. Since when did our pokemon like like each other?” I ask.

“Beats me,” Gary says.

“But you know it’s funny that they like each other and that we like each other as well.”

I laugh, “It is huh?”

“Should we breed them?” Gary says, glancing at me.

I blush furiously.

“What? They’d have a strong baby.”

I nod, but I’m mortified. My pokemon breeding with Gary’s? That feels a little too intimate for my taste. Sure I’m in love with Gary but that’s a little far. I shrug what could it hurt? I’m just overreacting. If our pokemon like each other, then why not?

“Okay the first breeding place we come to we’ll drop them off.”

Gary nods then gets close to me. He wraps an arm around me and I smile. We watch our pokemon frolicking in the grass. They look so happy. Umbreon and Espeon really seem to like each other.

“So what do you want to do Sabrina?” Gary asks me.

I shrug, “As long as I’m with you I don’t care.”

Gary leans his head against me and says, “Me either.”

The rest of the afternoon is spent throwing a Frisbee to our pokemon. They jump and run to catch the Frisbee, both of them acting like energetic pets. Umbreon comes back with the Frisbee and I pet him. I take it out of his mouth and throw it in the air. Umbreon runs after it and so does Espeon. Espeon is faster this time and catches it in her mouth.

“They’re so energetic Gary,” I say.

“I know. It’s nice to see them having fun, instead of being cooped in their balls.”

I smile and Gary says, “You know what would be perfect?”

“What?” I ask, curious.

“If we could have a romantic get-away. Just the two of us.”

I blush furiously. What is Gary insinuating?

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I ask.

Gary nods, “Hell yeah.”

“Gary! Just after Ash called you a man whore you want to do that?”

Gary blushes, “Not that. I just wanted us to spend some time together so we could kiss some more.”

“That’s all?” Gary nods.

“Phew, you had me worried Gary.”

Gary laughs, “Don’t you know me by now? I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that.” “It’s not called taking advantage if both people have consented.” Gary looks shocked, “You want to do it?”

I feel myself turn beet red. “Well.. Urm. I-you see..”

I say babbling.

Gary laughs, “It’s okay Sabrina. We’ll wait for marriage.”

“We’re getting married?”

“I’d like to if you want to.”

This is a shocker.

“When do you want to get married?” I ask.

“How about after we beat the Sinnoh league?”

“It’s a deal,” I say.

My heart is already thumping in my chest like crazy. Before I know what’s going on next Gary has knocked me to the ground and is hovering over me. My heart beats faster as he closes the distance between us. His lips are on mine then and they’re going after me hungrily. I’ve never known Gary to be this aggressive when he’s kissing me.

Well he was quite passionate in Jubilife City but this is the second time that he’s shown this much passion towards me. His hands are in my hair then. He’s touching my hair softly and I let out a moan. His lips feel wet and they make a sucking sound as they go after mine. He brings his hands down to my waist then and he sits on top of me as he’s kissing me. I like how close he is to me. It feels amazing. He feels amazing. I smell the flowers drifting around us. It makes this kiss feel even more romantic.

I’ve always thought the smell of flowers was romantic though. Gary takes his lips off of mine then and we’re panting heavily.

“You feel amazing Gary,” I say my breath coming out raggedly.

Gary stares into my eyes and I see his face redden.

“Is my sitting on you disturbing you?” He suddenly asks.

I shake my head, “No. I like it.”

Gary smiles then and says, “Are you sure? Maybe I should get off.”

I laugh, “How about we change positions?”

Gary frowns, “Huh?”

“Can you get off of me now Gary?”

Gary nods and gets up. I get up and then sit on the ground.

“Sit in my lap Gary.”

Gary flushes and says, “Why?”

I laugh, “My you are meek today, which is a surprise since you kissed me so passionately just now.”

Gary coughs, “You thought it was intense?”

I nod, “I loved it Gary. I wish you would kiss me like that more. Usually you kiss soft like you’re afraid I might break.”

Gary frowns, “I didn’t know you liked it that much.”

“Well I did.”

Gary nods and finally sits in my lap. I feel Gary loosen up and watch our pokemon walking in the grass. I wrap my arms around him and he sighs.

“I like this Sabrina. No wonder you liked me sitting on you.”

I laugh and let Gary chatter to me.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask when he suddenly goes quiet.

“Nothing really. It’s just I can’t get over the fact that I found someone as great as you.”

“That’s exactly how I feel too.”

I snuggle against Gary and he moans softly. I laugh.

“What is it?” Gary asks.

I tell him, “I like it when you moan. It makes me feel like I’m doing something right.”

“You are. You know how to turn me on Sabrina.”

I smile and Gary turns and faces me. “I love you Sabrina and I want everyone to know it.”

“I love you too Gary and I want the whole world to know you’re my soul mate.”

“Soul mate?” Gary says his voice crackling.

I nod, “Is that so strange? I’ve always pictured you as my soul mate.”

Gary smiles then, “I actually have too. Isn’t that odd?”

I shake my head, “Not really. When two people are in love anything is possible.”

The day passes quickly and I’m sleeping under the stars with Gary in our sleeping bags. Umbreon and Espeon are still out of their pokeballs. They seemed to like getting fresh air, but what pokemon doesn’t love that?
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Another update! Yay! ^__^