Pokemon Adventure

Team Rocket in Sinnoh?

The next thing I see is Gary’s face. He’s shaking my shoulder trying to get me to wake up.

“Uh. One more minute,” I grumble.

I see Gary’s worried face then.

“What’s wrong Gary?” I ask, realizing something is wrong.

“Team Rocket has got Umbreon and Espeon.”

“What?” I say. Gary sighs, “It’s true. Look in the air.”

I look in the air and notice it’s still night. After that I notice Team Rocket’s balloon in the air. In a steel box they’ve got Umbreon and Espeon. They’re flying off and I get up.

“We’ve got to stop them!” I yell.

Gary nods.

“Go Flygon!” Gary says.

Flygon flies in the air and attacks Team Rocket’s balloon. It starts to fall down. Gary and I run toward it. Team Rocket gets out of the balloon and looks at us with disgust.

“Why couldn’t you just have stayed asleep?” Jessie complains.

“You are so low,” I say.

“Whatever,” James says.

“I can’t believe these twerps knocked us down,” Meowth says.

“Well believe it! Now we’re going to get our pokemon back!”

Gary nods and reaches for a pokeball. I reach for one as well.

“Come on out Charizard!” I say.

Charizard comes out and roars. Team Rocket looks scared, as they should be. Gary throws his pokeball in the air and out comes Blastoise.

“If you think you’re getting your pokemon back your wrong!” Jessie says.

“Says you. Something tells me you guys can’t handle our pokemon.”

Jessie scoffs, “Come on out Seviper.”

James throws a pokeball in the air and Cacnea comes out.

“Since when did you get a Seviper Jessie?”

Jessie laughs, “I caught it a couple of days ago. Impressive huh?”

“Not really,” I say.

“Why you! I’ll teach you to respect Team Rocket!”

I laugh, “I wonder who’s going to learn who to respect whom.”

Gary smiles, “I bet Team Loser will learn to respect us.”

Jessie looks mad then, “Say our name right!”

“Never,” Gary says.

“Charizard use flamethrower on that cage!”

Gary looks shocked, “Sabrina we might hurt Umbreon and Espeon!”

“Oh. Okay Charizard use flamethrower on those losers.”

“Blastoise use hydro pump on those idiots.”

Our pokemon nod and unleash their attacks. Team Rocket is thrown in the air.

“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”

Gary and I laugh and then run over to the cage holding our pokemon.

“What are we supposed to do now Gary?”

Gary frowns, “Turtwig come out!”

“Huh?” I say.

“Just watch,” Gary says.

“Turtwig use razor leaf on the cage!”

I watch as Turtwig uses its razor leaf but nothing happens.

"Damn, I thought that would work."

I sigh, “Espeon use psybeam!”

Espeon uses psybeam on the cage and it starts to rattle.

“I think it’s working,” Gary says.

“Espeon use pysbeam again!” “Umbreon use faint attack!”

Umbreon and Espeon use both of their attacks and the cage rattles some more.

“One more time!” I say.

Both our pokemon use their attacks again and then the cage’s bars fall to the ground.

“Yes!” I say and Umbreon and Esepon come running out of the cage.

“Oh Espeon!”

I say and hug her. “Umbreon I was so worried about you.”

Gary is hugging Umbreon and his body is shaking. Poor guy. He really loves Umbreon and I know if anything happened to him Gary would just break down. I go up to Gary and say, “It’s okay they’re safe now.” Gary nods, and hugs me tightly.