Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Way genes

After Gerard had retrieved his back pack, we both made our way up the concrete steps and entered the school. Suddenly it felt odd for me to be here, I sort of wanted to be back at the hospital. I missed talking to Lilith about nothing, and while I was there Nancy, the night nurse had sort of stepped in as a replacement mom. I zoned out completely but kept my pace with Gerard.

“Does that sound alright?” I heard Gerard say to me.

“I’m sorry, what?” I turned and looked at him.

“You didn’t hear anything I said did you?” I shook my head no, and sent a small smile in his direction. “I said today at lunch you should come and eat with me and my friends, it’s about time that I told them where I kept sneaking off to at night.”

“Hey, you came willingly.” I said and slapped his shoulder.

“I know, I know. But there all starting to think that I made you up. Well except for Frank, of course.” He turned the corner and I followed him. My locker was coming up in the distance; I couldn’t wait to drop off my messenger bag.

We stopped directly in front of my locker and I quickly turned the dial on my lock, it clicked open and I threw the bag in the bottom. I pulled the books out that I needed for first class and a few pencils and pens and shut my locker. “Ready?” Gerard asked me and I nodded my head.

He started walking again and we eventually reached his locker. He repeated the same process as me. When he stood up the travel bell for class rang and I let out a slight groan. I was not ready for this day to start.

I started walking down the hall in the direction of my classroom when I heard pounding footprints chasing after me. “Where do you think your going, jeez just abandoning me at my locker!” Gerard huffed and walked beside me.

“Uh, Gerard, isn’t your class at the other side of the school?” I said to him.

“Yes it is.” He said.

“Shouldn’t you be going that way?” I asked as we neared my class room.

“I will, don’t worry about me Mac, I’ll make it to my class on time.” I shrugged my shoulders and kept on walking, finally stopping in front of the class door.

“Well Mister, you got about three minutes to make it to class, good luck.” I patted his arm and turned to walk into my class room. Only Gerard grabbed my arm and spun me around and kissed my cheek. He quickly took off before I could even say anything.

When I entered the class room, my face was flushed red and I bowed my head so no one could see. It was just a friendly gesture, it didn’t mean anything. The time passed by unbearably slow and I just couldn’t wait to get out of the class. Finally the bell rang and I rushed out of the class room and headed towards my locker to drop off my books and retrieve my other ones. My classes were pretty much in close range of my locker so I never needed to carry around any other extra books, which I was grateful for.

Like I expected there stood Gerard right beside my locker, waiting and smiling at people that walked by. He looked so beautiful standing near my locker, his dark hair complimented his pale almost porcelain like skin. His worn leather jacket looked like it was about to rip at any given moment, but it still looked amazing.

“Is this going to become a habit of yours Mr. Way?” I asked as I twisted the dial on my lock.

“I just wanted to make sure everything’s okay.” Gerard stated simply.

“I’m a grown girl you know Gerard, I am capable of taking care of myself.” I said, not looking up at him.

“I know, it’s just that, I don’t want you –“Gerard was cut off by a kid yelling his name.

“Hey Mikey,” Gerard wrapped his arm around the boy’s neck and began to ruffle his hair.

“Gerard, stop!” The boy struggled to free himself from Gerard’s hold, but he failed miserably. He was quite thinner than Gerard and had mousey brown hair; he wore thick rimmed glasses that sat near the end of his nose. Gerard finally let go and the boy stood up straight. He was also quite taller than me.

“Mikey, this is Mackenzie.” Gerard pointed to me. “Mackenzie, my little brother Mikey,” Gerard wrapped his arm around his brothers shoulder this time and squeezed him.

“Hi, so you do exist.” Gerard elbowed Mikey in the ribs, and he doubled over in pain. “Ow man, that hurt!”

“Well then, show some manners!” Gerard said to his brother.

“It’s okay.” I laughed. “And yes, I do exist and I’m so glad that I found out that there are more Way genes floating around.” I smiled at Mikey, and he smiled back.

“Anyways, mom just wanted me to tell you that she’s working late tonight, so there’s no need to rush home.” Mikey said to Gerard, who only nodded in response. Mikey then took this cue to leave, but he waved goodbye to me as he turned the corner.

“So when we’re you going to tell me you had a brother?” I asked as I switched books and closed my locker. We both started our way down the hall to Gerard’s locker.

“Today at lunch actually,” Gerard said.

“Oh, well then I guess all is forgiven.” I said and gave Gerard a one armed hug. “He is a cutie pie though.”

“Hey no ditching me for my younger brother,” Gerard laughed as we stopped at his locker.

“Okay, I’ll try and contain myself when your brother is present.” I let out a laugh. Well it seems that most of his friends do like you, hopefully no skeletons fall out of the closet.

I focused my eyes on the locker in front of me and took deep breaths. The voice never came around when I was with Gerard, why is it starting now?

“Hey, are you okay?” Gerard asked me as he shook my shoulder. I turned to face him. His eyes were large with worry and he looked very concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Looks like I’m going to have to watch how I act around Gerard now. Why does my life have to be so broken?
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Eeep...will anything ever go right in Mackenzie's life?

Haha, sorry can't tell you that..guess you'll have to wait for more updates. :)

You should comment because my birthday is soon..think of it as an early birthday present. :)