Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Birthday kisses

“Happy Birthday, Frank,” I said to him as I passed him the present I made for him. It was a sketch that I had been drawing; he had seen me shading it one day and told me that he loved it. It was Halloween themed and since his birthday was October 31st, I got it framed and decided to give it to him.

“Kenzie, you’re the best!” He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

“It’s no problem at all.” I replied as he let go and I took a deep breath in. He then turned around and ran to the rest of the guys, showing off the picture.

“That was nice of you.” Gerard walked up to me and bumped my shoulder with his.

“Well you know, it’s not everyday that our little Frankie turns fifteen.” I turned around and motioned for Gerard to follow, we both sat on top of the picnic table that was in the Iero’s backyard. I watched as Frank finished showing the last person the drawing and place it in a spot in wouldn’t get ruined, he then began to open other presents from everyone.

“Yeah, I guess it is a big deal.” He said and rested his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. “So, there was something I actually wanted to ask you.” He said and turned his head so that his eyes met mine. I copied his sitting position and leaned closer so that I could hear him. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

“Yeah?” I asked and looked into his eyes, those intense hazel eyes that I fell in love with the very first time I saw them.

“Well, we’ve gotten pretty close right?” He asked and kept staring into my eyes. I nodded. “We’ve been through a lot together, and I just wanted to ask you –“He was then interrupted by Frank running up to us and waving something in Gerard’s face.

“Frank, stop waving it, I can’t see.” Frank stopped moving the object and held it still. It was a large poster of a band that I have never heard of, but Frank seemed pretty happy about it so I decided to also be happy.

“That’s awesome Frank,” Gerard said and that satisfied Frank, he carefully held the poster out as he ran away. I let out a small laugh, it was so cute the way Frank was still like a little seven year old kid. Over the past month I seemed to have bonded closer to Frank and Bob the most. Mikey seemed to have kept his distance since I first met him, and I didn’t see much of Ray. He was usually hanging out with his girlfriend Christa.

“So what were you going to say Gerard?” I asked and turned my attention back to him.

“Oh it wasn’t that important.” He said and got up from the picnic table. He held out his hands and help me up. He stood in front of me with his arms reaching back. “It’s called a piggy back ride, you get on my back and I carry you around.”

“I know what a piggy back ride is Gerard.” I said as Gerard backed up and grabbed the area behind my knees. I fell forward and had to wrap my arms around Gerard’s neck so I didn’t fall off.

“Ready?” Gerard asked.

“For what?” But I never got an answer because Gerard had taken off, he started running around the backyard and dodging people that stepped in front of him. “Gerard! Stop!” I was laughing so hard and trying to hold on at the same time.

“Alright, alright,” He said and slowed down to a walk. He then stopped and placed me down on my feet. He grabbed my hand and linked our fingers and swung them back and forth. More butterflies erupted through my stomach.

We then stopped in front of the fire that was in the middle of the Iero’s yard and sat down on the ground. He grabbed a stick and placed two marshmallows on it, he then began roasting them.

“So how was your appointment today?” He asked. I let out a groan, my appointments were horrible. All she tried to do was pry into my personal life, she never once asked me about the eating disorder. Which I was still having problems with; I could still get out of some meals. I knew it was wrong and that I should be listening to everyone, but I just didn’t want to.

“It was fine.” I stated simply.

“So, it was that bad again.” He asked while he pulled the marshmallows back to him and pulled them both off and handed me one.

“Yeah, Dr. Barnes is completely driving me mad. I don’t even think she’s helping me with my problem at all.” I bit into the perfectly toasted marshmallow and savoured the sweet, smoky flavour of it.

“Well, she has to be doing something. She is getting paid a lot of money for it.” He said as he too ate his marshmallow.

“I guess.” I said and finished the rest of the marshmallow in my hand. I looked over to the other side of the fire and saw that Frank was smiling his trademark grin as he shoved a marshmallow directly into the flame and pulled it out, quickly blowing the flame out. He pulled off the gooey mess and popped it into his mouth.

I looked down at my wrist watch and noticed that it was getting pretty late. I got up from the ground and wiped off my backside to make sure there was no grass stuck to it.

“Hey where are you going?” Gerard asked as he got up from the ground too.

“I need to head home, my parent’s told me I needed to be home at 10:30.” He nodded and started walking beside me.

“I can walk you home.” He said and I nodded in agreement.

I walked over to Frank and surprised him with a hug from the back, he jumped a little but soon turned around and returned my hug with yet another bone crushing hug.

“Are you leaving already?” He asked.

“Yes, unfortunately my parents still like to think that I’m 15 years old and gave me a curfew.” I laughed at his glare.

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” I nodded and Gerard and I walked away.

A light breeze wisped around me and it sent shivers down my spine, the sweater I had on wasn’t really keeping the cold out so I wrapped my arms around myself.

“Are you cold?” Gerard asked.

“Not really.” I lied and tried to walk normally without shivering.

“Yes you are, here.” Gerard then took off his coat and wrapped it around my shoulders.

“But then you’ll get cold.” He protested when I pulled off the jacket and tried to give it back to him.

“I’m fine Mackenzie.” He said and we both continued down the side walk, trying not to get trampled by all the trick or treaters that were out.

“Oh, well thanks.” I said. He looked down at me and smiled. We turned the corner and we were closing the distance on my house pretty fast.

“So are you ever going to ask me the question you wanted to earlier?” I asked as we both slowed our pace subconsciously.

“Maybe,” He said.

“Gerard!” I whined. My curiosity had gotten the better part of me and I needed to know what he wanted to ask.

“Maybe some other time,” He said as he stopped, I didn’t realize that we were in front of my house.

“You promise?” I asked

“Promise,” He said as he held out his pinkie finger. I wrapped my pinkie around his as we both closed the distance between us. Our faces began to close the distance that was left between us. But then the porch light on the house flickered on.

“Mackenzie, it’s time to come in.” I heard my father’s voice from the door. I pulled away quickly, pretty sure that my face was the colour of a tomato. I slid of Gerard’s jacket and handed it to him.

“Good night Gerard.” I said as I quickly walked up the pathway to my door.

“Night, Mackenzie.” He said as he turned on his heel and walked back in the direction of Frank’s house.

I stared down at my feet as I passed by my father, not wanting to know what he was thinking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for any grammatical errors...needed to get this out for Shayna.

Why, because I love her more than you. :) <3

Oh and sorry for no voice in this chapter..I thought that I leave it out, you'll see why in the next chapter. :D