Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

The Park

I parked my car in the parking lot near a hiking trail and a jungle gym. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and pulled the keys from the ignition and got out of the car. The sun has almost finished setting, the view was breathtaking. I walked over the swings near the jungle gym and sat down on them. Slowly swinging back and forth, I took deep breaths in. I tried to ignore my growling stomach and concentrated on swinging higher.

For a minute or so, I felt free almost like a child again. But that soon disappeared when I looked down at my cell phone and realized I only had twenty minutes to get back home. I jumped from the swing only to lose my balance and ended up falling into the sand. I groaned but pulled myself up anyways. I had no time to waste.

I ran over to my Volvo and hurriedly pulled open the car door, throwing myself down into the driver’s seat and pushing the keys into the ignition. I backed out of the space quickly not worried that I would crash into anything because I was the only one in the parking lot. Most families don’t let their kids out after dark, especially in New Jersey.

I pulled onto my street and noticed that the group of boys had relocated into the garage. I could see an old couch that three of the boys were sitting on and some instruments set up, the other two boys were strumming on guitars. Why do you even bother looking? It’s not like one of them is going to take interest in you. I tore my eyes away from the garage and drove pass a couple more houses and pulled into my driveway.

The porch light was on and my parent’s vehicle was not in the driveway. This would make an easier entrance. I pulled the keys from the ignition and got out of the car, I walked up the concrete path and up the stairs. I tried the door handle, but it was locked. I lifted the welcome mat and unlocked the door, and I quickly put the key back under the mat and went into the house.

The house was eerily quiet but I didn’t mind. I kicked off my shoes, but kept my sweater on because I got a chill from the park. I walked down the hallway and entered the kitchen, the first thing I noticed was a prepared plate of food on the stove and a letter sitting near it.


Gone out for a bit, we’ll be back soon. Remember you promised me you’d eat later on, and it’s later on.

Love you,

Mom and Dad

I stared at the food on the plate, droplets of water and steam covered the plastic wrap covering it. I picked it up and pulled off the plastic wrap, the plate held a piece of roast, some potatoes, carrots and some peas. My mom has always been a health freak making sure that we had the proper proportions of food and almost all of the food groups at every meal.

I dumped the contents on the plate into the garbage and carried my dish over to the sink. I knew if I ate it, I would feel guilty and the voice in my head would come back. I tried to avoid that as much as possible. I washed and dried the plate and put it back into the cupboard. It was only eight o’clock but I could feel my eyelids growing heavier as each minute passed.

Defeated by my tired eyes I retreated up to my bedroom. I closed the door and walked over to my closet, pulling out a pair of pajama pants and a wife beater. I pulled my sweater off and then my t-shirt and jeans. Quickly I replaced them with the too loose pants and wife beater. I threw my dirty clothes into the laundry basket and walked out of my bedroom.

I walked down the hall and into the bathroom, pulling my black hair into a high ponytail. I looked into the mirror, my face was paler than usual and I noticed the black bags under my eyes. I turned on the tap and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was not looking forward to school tomorrow.