Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Secret agent with a tummy ache

A few weeks passed and my father’s meetings increased greatly, I was grateful for the unexpected meetings because it meant more time for me and Gerard to spend with each other outside of school. Frank and the guys would want to hang out too, but most of the time it was just Gerard and I.

It seemed that everyone was happy, my father hadn’t suspected anything yet, my mom was happy that I was happy, and I couldn’t believe that Christmas was just around the corner. My mother planned a shopping trip so I could pick up a gift for Gerard. We both planned it for this weekend because my father was going on a business trip out of town.

I was slouching on the couch in the living room carelessly flicking through the channels, I had already finished all my homework for the night and I had nothing left to do. Upstairs I could hear my father walking back and forth, I’m guessing he was trying to pack his bags. He had an early flight for tomorrow, and he was getting anxious over it. He wouldn’t tell me what the meetings were about but he kept saying that they were going to make our lives a whole lot easier.

I doubt they would, but I kept most of my comments to myself lately while I was in his presence, afraid that I would slip and I would confess everything. That was the last thing I wanted, was for my father to find out that I was sneaking behind his back for the past month or more. Time lately had been passing by in a blur, finals were coming up and I could tell everyone was getting nervous about them. I seemed to do well on them, so I didn’t really feel as nervous.

I let out a small yawn as I stopped at an infomercial; I swear these things were a guilty pleasure. They were so boring that it was as if you couldn’t pull your eyes away from them, it was sort of ridiculous really. People trying to sell the next big thing over television, claiming that it was the best price around. I carelessly tossed the remote on the couch and stretched out even more raising my legs to rest my feet on the coffee table, my eye lids began to droop.

But soon I was awakened from tapping coming from the back door. I got up sluggishly and walked into the kitchen, my heart almost stopped when I saw Gerard and the guys standing outside my back door, it was snowing quite hard. I quickly pulled the door open, the cold air stinging my arms.

“What are you doing here?” I said in a harsh whisper. I looked behind me to listen for any movement from upstairs but I heard nothing.

“We’re coming to rescue you!” Frank said in an excited whisper.

“Don’t you mean get me murdered!” I said as I still tried to keep my voice down.

“No your mom phoned me, said that we should come and get you.” Gerard said as he pushed his hands deep inside his pocket. I noticed that he wore his leather jacket, not really the greatest winter coat.

“Why would she do that when my father is still home?” I asked in confusion.

“I’m not really sure, but she said that you should go upstairs pack an over night bag and then say goodnight to your dad. Don’t worry about us we’ll wait here.” Gerard said quickly.

I glanced quickly at all the guys and realized that they were all huddled close together, I guess they were hoping that it would block out the harsh wind. I reached out for Gerard’s hand and pulled him inside motioning for all the guys to follow. I lead Gerard around my kitchen table and into the hall and to the front of the house, it was pretty risky but I didn’t want them to stand outside in the cold. I quickly kissed Gerard’s frozen cheek and pushed him in the washroom, along with Frank, Ray, Bob and Mikey. It wasn’t my most brilliant plan but at least they would stay warm while I ran upstairs.

I could see my dad walking back and forth, most likely from the closet to his suitcase. My mom was sitting on the bed, I could tell because every now and then her voice would flow from that area. I turned into my room and flicked on the light. I opened my closet door and grabbed my duffel bag, I started frantically throwing clothes and other things I needed into it. Satisfied with everything I packed in the bag I zipped it up and dropped it by my bedroom door. I remained in my pyjamas and walked over to my parent’s bedroom.

My dad was holding up a few ties and holding them against his neck, he was still in his suit. My mom was sitting cross legged on the bed with a book lying in her lap. I tapped gently on the door and both their attention turned to me, my father’s eyes looked at me and then back to his tie, and my mom stared at me knowingly. I really had no idea what she had planned.

“Well I just wanted to say good night dad.” I said to him as I entered the room more.

“Oh honey what’s wrong?” My mom got up from the bed quickly and rushed over to my side. I looked at her curiously, “You look quite pale, are you feeling alright?” She asked me as she raised her hand and rested the back of her hand on my forehead.

“Uh, no I’m feeling pretty stomach sick.” I said as I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

“I think you should go lie down, I’ll be there in a minute.” She said to me as she ushered me out of the room. I turned my neck and eyed her curiously, but still I continued down the hall, faking the stomach sickness until I turned the corner and entered my room. I could hear my mom talking to my dad as he agreed to whatever she was saying.

Soon my mom came rushing into my room, noticing the duffel bag near the door. She smiled and sat down beside me. “Where are the guys?” She asked still only in a whisper.

“I brought them to the washroom downstairs, it’s the only place dad never goes in.” I said also in a whisper.

“Okay that’s good, look I want you to go with them back to the Way’s.” She said to me, it was starting to worry me actually.

“Is everything alright mom?” I asked her while looking up into her eyes.

“Everything is fine dear; I just need to talk to your father tonight, and I rather you didn’t hear. But you don’t have to worry about it.” She said as she kissed my forehead quickly, she got up from the bed and pulled me up too. “Now I want you to go and leave through the back door, just hurry up. Your father won’t be checking in on you, I told him that it was a flu bug and he shouldn’t be around you in case he caught it.”

I nodded and grabbed my jacket that had been hanging on my chair and put it on. I picked up the duffel bag and placed the strap on my shoulder. I kissed my mom on the cheek and walked out the door and down the stairs; my father was still concentrated on packing his suitcase that he didn’t even notice I left.

I ran to the bathroom door and pulled it open, the guys looked up and I saw them all smile as I whispered for them to hurry up. I lead them through the house again and to the back door in the kitchen. I slid open the door and the cold rushed around my body. It was a good thing that the back light was on because it was extremely dark out tonight. All of us made our way to the front of the house and soon we reached the side walk.

My heart started to slow down as we got further away from the house; it was an odd sense of freedom. I wrapped my fingers around Gerard’s frozen hand and started off into a run, dragging Gerard with me and having the guys have to chase after us. I wanted to start skipping or scream or something, everything just felt right as of now.

“I don’t understand anything that’s going on.” Gerard said to me as we both started walking again, the guys slowed too as we turned up the walk way to the Way’s front door.

“I don’t either!” I confessed finally letting out my voice, it felt as if I was some secret agent and I was stuck in a situation that I couldn’t get out of, but once I did I could yell and scream and be as loud as I wanted.

Finally we all stumbled into the house and I was enveloped into a hug from Gerard’s mom.

“I’m so glad you made it out!” She said as she squeezed me tighter.

“Mrs. Way, I can’t breathe!” I said into her arm.

“Oh I’m so sorry!” She said as she finally released me. “Well, it’s off to bed for me, it is really passed my bed time!” I glanced up at the clock and noticed that it was past ten o’clock.

Everyone in the house chorused a good night as she turned and walked up the stairs. Eventually everyone pulled of there jackets and kicked off their snow covered shows and we all went downstairs into the warm basement.

“I’m so glad school is cancelled tomorrow.” Frank said as we all dropped onto a couch. Gerard pulled me closer to him, and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. As of right now, everything just felt right.

“Ah PDA!” Bob yelled and hopped up from the couch Gerard and I were sitting on. Everyone stopped and looked over at Gerard and I and I pulled away my cheeks burning, after a moment of silence everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Yeah, it finally felt as if everything was going to turn out alright.
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I liked this chapter a lot. :)

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