Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Breakfast at the Way's

“Are you sure they’re still asleep?” I heard someone mumble in the background.

“Yes, I’m sure now go do it!” I was pretty sure that was Ray’s voice, I could hear someone trying to hold in their laughter.

“Guys, I really don’t think this is a good idea…” There was a pause and someone stumbling around the room, “You know how Gerard is when we wake him up.”

“Frank! Just do it!” Mikey said in a loud whisper.

“Fine!” There was silence, and then I soon felt someone jump on top of Gerard and I. My first reaction was to burst out with laughter, but then I got an elbow in the stomach which caused me to groan instead.

“Frank Anthony Iero!” Gerard yelled from underneath the covers, soon tossing them off and getting up out of the bed to chase Frank out of the bedroom.

“Gerard! No!” I heard Frank yell as they exited the room, laughter then erupted from the living room. I was too curious for my own good, so I got up from the bed and went out to the living room. It was like a war out there, all five boys were in a dog pile in the middle of the floor. I’m pretty sure Frank was on the bottom, I was starting to wonder if he could get any air.

But soon he slipped out of it unnoticed, he dusted himself off and walked over to the television and turned it on. I laughed as I walked around the pile of boys in the floor and joined Frank on the couch. Some cartoon was playing but I didn’t pay attention to it, what could be more interesting than a dog pile in real life?

“I told them Gerard doesn’t like anybody getting him up so early in the morning.” He said nonchalantly as he turned the TV back off and threw the remote on the coffee table. “I guess I should go let them know that I’m not actually there anymore.’ He laughed as he jumped over the couch and on top of the pile.

“Frank! Get your elbow out of my stomach!” Bob yelled.

“Wait a minute!” All five boys pulled away from the pile and sat on the floor in a circle, Frank in the middle.

“I thought you were on the bottom!” Mikey yelled.

“I was, but I’m too amazing and I got myself out!” Frank said triumphantly. It looked as if all boys were ready to pounce and attack him again.

“Hey!” I yelled out, trying to get the attention of all five boys. I succeeded as they all looked up from Frank to me. “Is anyone else hungry?” I asked.

“I could go for some cereal.” Bob said as he rubbed his stomach. We all started laughing but got up nonetheless and began to go up the stairs. Once upstairs the smell of bacon, eggs and toast took over my nose and my mouth started watering. I don’t remember the last time I woke up to that smell. All six of us entered the kitchen and I could see Mrs. Way running around the kitchen frantically preparing breakfast, Mr. Way helped by buttering toast that popped out of the toaster.

“Anyone want some breakfast?” Mr. Way said as he tossed a piece of toast in Mikey’s direction, it hit him square in the nose and fell to the floor.

“Dad! I don’t have my glasses on, and I’m not the greatest athlete, you know!” Mikey complained as he reached down and picked up the toast.

“Don was that really necessary?” Mrs. Way asked in a motherly tone as she flipped something in a frying pan.

“Of course it was.” He replied as he buttered two more toast. “I’m done, I hate toast duty…next time I wake up one of you.” He pointed at us with a piece of half eaten toast. We all laughed and took a seat at the table; I went over to help Mrs. Way finish getting breakfast.

“You don’t have to do that dear, I got it under control.” She said as she attempted to wave me out of the kitchen.

“No really I want to help.” I said as I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and dried them on a tea towel.

“Alright, could you start setting the table then?” She asked me politely and flashed a smile in my direction, it was a real genuine smile and it felt as if it warmed me like spending a day on a warm beach.

“Sure.” I said as I grabbed place mats and began putting them on the table, I grabbed forks, knives and plates and placed them in the appropriate spots on the table.

“There.” I heard Mrs. Way say as she began balancing plates on her arms and grabbing two others with her hands. “I use to be a waitress, comes in handy nowadays.” She laughed as she passed me and placed them in the center of the table. I grabbed the last couple of plates and brought them over while taking the empty seat.

Everyone started scooping things onto their plate, and eating. I sat in amazement just staring at the food. It was like a buffet, I suddenly felt jealous of Gerard and Mikey. I wish I had parents that would do this for me, the most I ever got in the morning was a greeting mainly from my mom, because my dad was usually already in the office. But I shook off the feeling and dug into the assortment of food.

“This so beats cereal.” I could hear Bob saying at the other end of the table, I heard Mikey laugh. Everyone fell into their own little conversation as I sat chewing a piece of scrambled egg, I picked up on little bits of conversation but I mainly stayed in my own little world. I just enjoyed being around people that I care about, all laughing and talking.

The chatter was cut short by the phone ringing; Mrs. Way stood up and rushed out of the kitchen and into the living room. The ringing cut short and Mrs. Way’s greeting was cheerful, but soon as the conversation went on with her and the other person on the line it went away.

“Alright, I’ll tell her.” Mrs. Way paused for a moment, I’m assuming because the person was talking. “It’s okay Theresa, I’ll send her over. Everything will be fine, okay. I will talk to you later.” She hung up the phone and entered to kitchen. Without even realizing it I was already standing up.

“Was that my mom?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“It was, she asked if you could go see her as soon as possible.” I nodded quickly and ran out of the kitchen and down the stairs. I needed to get changed and go talk to my mom; I needed to know what happened.

I ran into Gerard’s room and shut the door, I grabbed my duffel bag that was on the floor and pulled out random clothes. I ran the brush quickly through my hair and tossed it back into my bag. I grabbed my jacket that was out in the living room and threw it on and ran back up the stairs.

“Thank you so much for breakfast, Mrs. Way. I’ll be back later for my things.” I waved and started toward the front door.

“Mackenzie wait!” Gerard got up from his chair and jogged towards me; he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. “Promise me you’ll be back, I want to make sure your okay.” He said now looking into my eyes. I didn’t want to start talking afraid that I would start crying; I got up on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips. I could care less right now if anyone saw. I pulled away and slipped on my shoes and walked out the door quickly.

I hurried along the sidewalk; I looked around quickly and noticed that at least a foot of snow lay fresh all over the ground. The whole neighbourhood was blanketed; I was sure if I wasn’t so worried about my mom that I would have taken my time and looked around. But instead I turned up the drive way and skipped the set of stairs and walked into the house.

I kicked off my shoes and dropped my jacket to the floor. The whole house was silent but then I heard my mom upstairs, she was blowing her nose. I ran up the stairs almost tripping over my pants on the way up, and quickly I turned the corner and entered my mom’s room. I stopped in my tracks as I saw my mom sitting on the bed, tissues surrounding her and the box sitting in her lap.

“I just wanted to ask him if he would take away the grounding.” She said, looking up into my eyes. “I wasn’t expecting him to tell me that he was cheating on me, and that he was leaving.” She said as more tears fell from her eyes
♠ ♠ ♠
Eeep..I know eh!

Love me lot's, comments make me ummm update more. :) That's a lie, I just like writing!