Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Unwanted Feelings?

I stood at the sink scrubbing a pan that Mrs. Way had just passed me, I silently listened to what my mother and all the other women had to say. I don’t think they knew I was listening, but soon Donna and my mother started speaking in hushed voices.

“Gerard was acting quite different tonight.” Donna commented as she dried the plate that was in her hand.

“So was Mackenzie, do you think it has to do with Benji?” my mother grabbed the plate from Donna and placed it in the cupboard.

“I don’t know…but Gerard always seemed to have a problem with him, do you think it could be because of Mackenzie?” Mrs. Way dried the last of the plates and handed them to my mother. My mother shrugged her shoulders in response.

“I’m done washing everything,” I said as I dried my hands off on a tea towel. “I’ll be downstairs mom, call me when you’re ready to leave.” I kissed her cheek and left the room. I couldn’t help but think about what they were saying, was it true? I needed to find out. I left the kitchen and pulled open the door to the basement, it was pretty quiet.

I made my way down the stairs, I had to use the hand rail as I guide so I didn’t fall. I hit the bottom of the stairs and saw the boys all sitting around the TV watching one of the horror movies I had got Frank. I walked over silently and sank down onto the couch beside Gerard.

“Enjoying the movie?” I whispered to Gerard. He nodded and wrapped his arm around me; I curled my body against his and looked over at the black and white film playing. I could feel my eye lids begin to droop and I battled with myself to keep them open.


“Is she still breathing?” I could feel something being held underneath my nose. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Frank holding a small mirror near my face.

“What are you doing?” I asked, and pushed myself up into a sitting position.

“We thought you died! So I used my genius and found a mirror,” Frank exclaimed as he showed me the mirror, the mirror was fogged from where I had breathed on it.

“Well thank you for caring Frank,” I looked around the room and noticed that the only people that remained in the basement were Gerard, Frank, Benji and I. “Where are Ray and Bob?”

“Oh the left about an hour ago,” Gerard mumbled. I finally noticed the blanket that was draped across my legs; I pulled it off and set it beside me.

“I’ve been out that long, where’s my mom?” I asked.

“Talking with my dad,” I looked over at the love seat where Benji sat, he looked angry.

“Hey he’s my dad too!” Frank exclaimed from the floor beside my feet. Benji just rolled his eyes.

“I’m going upstairs, if I spend any more time in the presence of the love birds I might get sick!” he exclaimed and walked by the couch Gerard and I were sitting on. I saw Gerard glare at Benji, I rolled my eyes.

“What time is it anyways?” Gerard looked down at his watch.

“Close to midnight,” the tone in his voice sounded irritated. I decided that I should go and get my mom, I was ready for bed but really I just wanted to get myself out of the awkwardness.

“I think I’ll go get my mom and head home,” I got up from the couch, Gerard followed suit Frank was already up and halfway up the stairs.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night?” Gerard asked, looking down into my eyes.

I shook my head no, “Tomorrow’s Christmas, I’m sure you want to spend it with your family”

“I only want to spend it with you,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me and leaned towards me for a kiss, I pulled gently from his arms.

“Gerard it’s late, I think me and my mom should go.” I said and turned to start up the stairs. I felt Gerard’s hand grab mine and turn me around.

“Please don’t be like that, Mac,” he said and stared into my eyes.

“Like what Gerard?” I asked with a little bit of irritation in my voice.

“I thought we fixed everything, Benji won’t bother you anymore,” Gerard said.

“Maybe it’s not Benji that’s bothering me.” I said and pulled my hand from his. “I really have to go now Gerard,” I turned again and this time walked up the stairs, I didn’t really expect Gerard to follow me.

I turned in the direction of the living room and entered it, I half expected to see my mom in the room but the only person in the room was Benji. I groaned but sat next to him nevertheless.

“Hey,” I nudged him with my shoulder.

“What do you want?” he asked, venom dripping from his words.

“Just want to talk,” I said and looked into his eyes; I noticed that his eyes were hazel. They seemed more green, rather than Gerard’s golden ones.

“Isn’t that what Gerard’s for?” he fiddled with an envelope in his hands.

I ignored his question and we both sat in silence, “What’s in the envelope?”

“Nothing,” he quickly shoved it in his pocket.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I smirked and reached behind him, trying to get the envelope.

“No really, it’s nothing,” he jumped up from the couch and turned so I couldn’t get the envelope.

“Well if it was nothing you would let me read it,” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“You said you barely know me at dinner, what makes you want to know what’s in the envelope?” he said, trying to distract me as he slipped the envelope into his back pocket and sat down beside me again.

“It intrigues me,” I said and smiled at him.

“Do I intrigue you?” he moved closer to me as he said this.

“I think you do, just not in the way you’re thinking,” I stated simply and moved myself away from him.

“Mackenzie, we’re leaving,” My mom popped her head into the living room and eyed me curiously. I looked up from Benji’s eyes and nodded.

“Well it was nice to finally speak with you Benji,” I got up from the couch and he followed.

“Same,” he said. I stuck out my hand and he grabbed it, but instead he pulled me in for a hug. I pulled from the hug and left the living room quickly, I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my jacket and rushed outside. I waited impatiently for my mother just outside the door.

“Thank you for having me and Mackenzie over Donna,” My mother wrapped her arms around Mrs. Way, “Don’t forget, New Years at my house,” my mother said.

“You’re very welcome, and we’ll be seeing you,” she said and pulled from the hug, “Good night Mackenzie.”

“Good night Mrs. Way, Merry Christmas,” I said. Finally the door shut and I turned and made my way down the snow covered path quickly.

“What has gotten into you, Mackenzie?” my mother rushed up beside me and tried to slow me down.

“It’s nothing,” I said and walked slower.

“It better be nothing,” my mother eyed me suspiciously. I looked around the neighbourhood to avoid her gaze.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh....