Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You


High school could only be compared to one thing, purgatory. I’d learned over the years that high school wasn’t meant to be fun, it was meant to be endured.

I pulled into the student parking lot and parked near the end under the shade of a giant tree. I heaved a sigh and turned off my car and reached over to the passenger’s seat and grabbed my black messenger bag, stuffed full of school supplies. I got out of my Volvo and shut the door with a little to much force, I could see the heads turn and look at me. I self-consciously walked towards the door; everyone went back to their business.

Some of the people in front of the school were gossiping and hugging friends that they hadn’t seen over the summer. I tried to push past these people but they stayed firmly planted. I huffed and walked around the ever-growing group. I made it to the stairs with a little bit more ease and began to walk up them. I noticed the people around me; most of them looked the same: jocks, cheerleaders, skaters, geeks. The usual stereotypes, but I tried not to pay attention to the people around me. I was just tying to survive my last year here.

I made it inside and walked to the office to retrieve my schedule and other information that I needed. The office was already packed and the secretaries were running around frantically trying to get everyone their schedules. The freshman looked like they were going to wet themselves, and the rest, well they just looked bored to death. I squeezed past people to try and get to the front so I could get out of the stuffed office faster. I finally reached the front and caught the attention of one of the secretaries.

“Could I get your name, sweetie?”

“Mackenzie Woods.”

“Be right back.” She returned with a small pile of papers.

“Here you go, enjoy your day.”

I turned around and tried to squeeze my way back out of the office. I was almost out when a tripped over someone’s foot and fell to the floor. My papers scattered everywhere, and I laid there trying to suppress the pain my knees had taken. I looked up at all the faces that were looking down at me and I instantly turned red.

I began to gather the papers that were all over the floor when I saw an extra pair of hands picking paper up as well. I lifted my gaze from the hands and into the honey colored eyes of a boy. My breath instantly caught in my throat, he stood up and offered me a hand. With out thinking, I raised my arm and grabbed his hand, he pulled me up to my feet and handed me my papers.

“Hi, I’m Gerard.”

“Mackenzie.” My face flushed red. I was amazed that I could even talk.

“That was a pretty nasty fall.” I nodded but didn’t say anything back.

“I-I’ve got to go.” I stuttered and turned on my heel and quickly walked away. I mentally slapped myself for acting like an idiot. Isn’t that one of the boys from yesterday? Cute, to bad you won’t have any chance with him. You're ugly remember. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to concentrate on something else. I wouldn’t let that voice take over my life, even though it already has.

I found my locker and emptied the contents of my bag into it, I always hated the color of the lockers. They were a sickly, pale yellow color and most of them were damaged or scratched up. The staff in the school obviously didn’t care much about them. They never put money into taking care of them. I pulled some pictures from my bag and began taping them up on my door to try and hide the color. I was so focused on covering the large scratch mark that went all the way up my door, that I didn’t notice the person standing beside me, admiring my art.

“Hey.” I turned around again meeting the honey colored eyes of Gerard. A name I couldn’t seem to forget.