Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

You've got a friend in me

Six weeks. That’s how long I knew Olivia James, it’s like we knew each other from birth. If I wasn’t at her house she was at mine. Benji was civil to Ollie, but he insisted on telling me that he didn’t trust her. So for the last two weeks I haven’t seen much of him.

“Hey Big Mac? Which shirt?” she held up an electric blue tee and a magenta long sleeve.

“Um, the blue one,” I smiled as she tossed the magenta shirt onto a pile of other discarded shirts.

“So aren’t you excited?”

I knew she was going to ask me that. This was going to be the second dance I went to with Ollie, and she has been asking me how excited I was for the past week.

“Yes, Ollie I’m excited for the dance,” I said in a monotone voice. I was ready to just record my answer and play it for her a dozen times so she would finally stop asking me.

“Jeez Big Mac, don’t wet your pants or anything,” she laughed as she hopped onto the bed I was currently occupying.

“No worries there,” I sent a huge grin her way.

“Is this about that Gerard guy again?” She asked as she examined her nails.

“Not really,”

“Come on Mac, I know when you’re upset. It’s like my sixth sense,” she laughed and sat crossed-legged on the bed. “It’s about time you just spill the beans.”

“Fine, it is about Gerard,” I closed the magazine I was pretending to read and sat up. “I just can’t stand to see that Tanya girl all over him.”

“Then just tell him!” she exclaimed and hopped off the bed. Man, that girl could not sit still for one minute.

“You know I can’t do that! I was the one who let him go,” I played with the hair clip that was in my hand. “Besides, he looks happy.”

“But now you’re unhappy.”


“Whatever. It’s pointless to try and get through your thick skull!” she smiled at me letting me know she was just kidding.

“Well it’s time to get going,” I got up and grabbed a sweater. “Now I’m excited.”

“I told you! I think you just need a night of crazy dancing!” she laughed as she led the way down stairs.

“I think you’re right!”

“Goodbye Mrs. Woods!” Ollie yelled down the hall at my mom that was sitting in the living room.

“Have a good time girls!” my mom hollered back.

“There’s good ol’ Bessie!” Ollie yelled and skipped to my car. She decided that my car needed a name when she first saw it.

“You’re such a crazy kid,” I laughed as I pressed the unlock button on the key chain.

“But you love me!” she grinned as she got into the passenger seat.

I got into the drivers seat and started up the car and backed out of the driveway. Outside most of the snow was gone. Some of what looked to be snowmen still remained. I started down the road and we sat in silence. “I know a certain someone is going to be at the dance!”

“Who is?” Ollie asked.

“Ollie. It’s only the person that you’ve been in love with ever since you moved here!” I laughed at her because I could see the faint blush that appeared on her face.

“Shut up, eyes on the road, Woods!” she said and laughed.

Ollie has had a crush on Bob ever since she first laid eyes on him. They sat together a few times at lunch. But since the whole, Gerard and I are not on talking terms, it’s been difficult for them.

“You never know, maybe something might happen tonight,” I laughed. “High school dances are kind of like Cinderella’s ball!”

“And you call me crazy,” she smiled.

The rest of the car ride was silent, and as we pulled into the parking lot for the school. It was apparent that being fashionably late wasn’t cool anymore. The parking lot was full except for my usual parking spot. I pulled in and turned the car off.

“Here we are!” Ollie said and got out of the car.

I undid my seat belt and got ot of the car, making sure to lock it up. I could hear the bass from the music from the school gym. A sudden rush of emotion came over me. I couldn’t believe that I was already attending my second school social event. Something I never took pleasure in. But when Ollie came along, she brought something out in me.

“Are you ready fair Mackenzie?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”

We headed in the direction of the gym, ready to dance the night away. We walked up the concrete steps and entered the school.

“Mackenzie!” I heard someone say. I stopped and turned around, it was Benji.

“Hey Benji,” I said and gave him a quick hug when he walked up to me.

“Olivia,” Benji said curtly.

“Benjamin,” she said back, just as formal.

“Can I talk to Mackenzie for a minute?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

“I’d like to talk to her alone,” she looked at me and I nodded.

“I’ll see you in there,” she gave a huff and turned on her heel and walked into the gym.

“Look, I’m sorry I haven’t been around that much,” he pushed his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels.

“It’s alright Benji. I’ve been with Ollie a lot.

“Yeah I know,” he said and stared at the floor. “About that, I was wondering if you would want to hang out tomorrow.”

“Benji…I would love to, but-“

“You have plans with Ollie,” he said the last part with more emphasis.

“Benji, don’t be like that.”

“What, I’m sorry. But I never get to see you anymore,” I’m pretty sure he was about to start crying.

“That’s your own fault. You’re the one who don’t like Ollie.” I said and started to turn to head into the gym.

“Look, I want to ask you this now, before I don’t get another chance.”

The butterflies in my stomach went crazy. I hope he wasn’t going to ask me what I think he’s going to ask me. “Yes?” I said softly.

“Do you want to be my date to prom?” he looked from the floor, into my eyes, and back to the floor again.

“Um sure,” I said before thinking.

“That’s great!”

“Yeah, it is,” I smiled softly. “Well I better be getting in there, I’m pretty sure Ollie is getting ready to send a search party.”

“Yeah, see you around.”

I turned and pulled on the gym doors, the music blared loudly. I stepped in and the light from the hallway was gone.

“There you are!” Ollie ran up to me and threw her arms around me.

“Here I am!” I laughed.

“So, what happened?”

“Nothing really,” I said and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go dance!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So um hi.


ilu. cheyface.