Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Stalker much?

My encounter with Gerard to say the least was awkward and embarrassing, at least for me. I was now sitting in the cafeteria eating my nutritious lunch consisting of an apple, a granola bar and a sandwich. I flipped the page in my book and read the next page; only I didn’t comprehend anything that I was reading.

I thought back to what he said to me. He told me that he noticed I left my house in a rush. He tried to imagine where I was going and concluded that I was rushing away to see my boyfriend. Ha! the thought of you having a boyfriend. No. Not again. I went most of the day without hearing that voice. Couldn’t it just go away? I took a bite of my apple and tried concentrating on chewing, instead of hearing the voice. It worked for the most part. Having a voice constantly barking at you, you learn to eventually control it some way.

Now that I calmed down I thought back to my reaction. First I stopped in my tracks and just stared at him, and then I regained my composure and asked him why he thought that. The next part took me by surprise; he said to me that a girl as beautiful as me wouldn’t leave that quickly just to be alone. When he said this, I remember the feeling of the blood rushing to my face and I stared down at my feet. No one has ever said that to me. I mean my mother and father said I was beautiful, but I mean they’re my parents; they’re obligated to say that kind of stuff. Not a boy that I just met and barely know.

That’s when I took my cue and slipped away into my first class. To say the least, that conversation has been replaying over and over again in my head. A boy as beautiful as him thought that I, Mackenzie Woods had a boyfriend. I pulled the book that was placed in front of my face down and stared across the cafeteria. I saw him with a group of people sitting and laughing, and I was glad that he made friends. Hopefully then he would just leave me alone. I was not going to start having feelings for a boy when I already made it this far through high school without getting my heart broken.

Turning into a stalker I see? I closed my eyes and tried as hard as I could to ignore the voice, but it just kept getting louder and louder every time I tried to silence it. I finally got fed up with it and stoop up from my seat, the metal legs scrapping across the tiled floor. I picked up my lunch tray and tossed the contents of it into the garbage and carried the tray to the counter. I couldn’t wait for this day to be over.

I heard loud laughing and turned around. I noticed Gerard get up from the table he was sitting at and he was starting to walk in my direction. I bet they were laughing about you. I quickly dashed out of the cafeteria, completely forgetting about the voice at that point in time. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that he was picking up speed. I dodged behind a group of people and slipped into an empty class room.

I let out a heavy sigh, relieved that I was out of his sight for now. I stared out the window on the door, and saw that Gerard was looking around; I’m guessing for me. I really don’t know why this boy is so determined to make conversation with me. I’m really nothing special, heck, I may even be crazy. I certainly know that hearing voices in your head is definately a bad thing.

My body started to relax now that I could see Gerard was giving up his search for me. I waited until I could see him near the cafeteria doors before I made my exit from the class room; now to get to my locker, and off to art class with out being spotted.

I dodged more students while making my way to my locker, and I almost nearly got plowed over by some of the basketball players obviously late for practice. I may not have any friends in this school, but it doesn’t hurt to be observant. Finally, I reached my locker and turned the dial on my lock, waiting for it to pop open. I reached down and grabbed my books from the bottom of it; I could not wait to get out of this school. Once I do, I will be free of this disgusting pale yellow. It’s not even a nice yellow, it looks like someone just decided to take mustard and add white to it till it just had a tinge of yellow to it. I decided to stop staring at the pale mustard, because if anyone saw me they would probably start thinking that I am crazier than they already thought I was.

I shut the locker and I looked down at my feet, slowly walking towards the art room. I had ten minutes to spare and I really didn’t want to get there too early. Considering I was still looking down at my feet as I walked, I was doing a considerably good job at not walking into anybody. But then again, nothing ever goes perfect for me.

I bumped into someone and started to fall towards the floor. I shut my eyes tight waiting for the impact but it hadn’t come yet. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times, instantly noticing the person that held me in their arms.

“Why is it that I’m always around when you decide to take a trip?” Gerard asked as he placed me properly on my feet and reached down to grab my art supplies.

I instantly reached down and started to help him pick up my stuff. “Why is it that I always fall around you?” I blushed at my sudden confidence.

“That is a very good question, Mackenzie. Do you think you could enlighten me with an answer?” I shook my head no and picked up the last of the art supplies. “Well that’s too bad; I would really like to know.”

I looked down at my watch and noticed that I had a minute to get to class.
“Uh I really got to get going. Mr. Wright doesn’t like it when I’m late.”

“Wait, Mr. Wright as in… the art teacher?” Gerard asked, his golden hazel eyes staring into mine.

“Yeah,” I said as I started my way down the hall. I glanced behind and saw that one of his friends stood beside him.

“So, she speaks.” I heard Gerard’s friend say to him. I also saw that Gerard punched his shoulder, and I’m guessing hard since his friend winced in pain and rubbed the area that Gerard punched. I let out an airy chuckle and opened the door to the art room.

I walked up the short set of stairs and found a seat near the middle. I laid out my art supplies, I opened my sketchbook to the last thing I was drawing and added a few finishing touches. I was finishing the shading on my picture when I happened to glance up and notice Gerard sitting beside me and looking over my shoulder.

“How long have you been there?” I asked and quickly covered up my picture.

“Oh about a good five minutes” That’s when I saw Gerard Way’s smile. I almost melted right there, so much for the no broken heart.
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So...finally. Sort of got over my writer's block. Expect another chapter out tomorrow..Maybe Smother me.

To the fantabulous Alex[WastingWords]. i owed her this...:)

Love me, and comment please. I like to know what my readers think.