Sequel: The Sharpest Lives

My Way Home is Through You

Books and Movies

The night seemed to have taken forever, every hour I was up. Sometimes I would just lie in the bed staring at the ceiling, or I would get up and drag my IV stand around with me as I walked back and forth. I would eventually get tired and would have to lie down again.

I was still lying awake in the bed when the morning light started to seep through that crack of the curtains. It was Wednesday and I should have been getting ready for school. But to my displeasure I had to stay in this hospital for another six gruesome days. I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose my mind.

I had enough of lying in the bed and since it was bright enough I made my way over to the chair by the window, I grabbed a women’s magazine that sat on the table beside me and began to read every single page, anything really to make the time pass.

I was just closing the magazine when a younger looking nurse walked into the room, holding in her hands what looked to be a tray full of food. My stomach began churning and gurgling as soon as I smelled the bland food. I watched her as she set the tray on the hospital bed table and lowered it and brought it to where I was sitting.

“Good morning, I’m Lilith. I’ll be here to help you in the morning, I’m sure you met Nancy last night?” I nodded my head as she smiled and sat down in the seat opposite of me. I just stared at her and quickly glanced at the food.

“I feel pretty awful right now.” I looked at her quizzically and raised my eye brows at her. “I’m supposed to sit her until you eat at least half of the food.”

A tinge of guilt surged through my body and I picked up the fork that sat on the side of the tray. I stabbed at the yellow fluffs of egg on the plate and picked one up; I brought it to my mouth and ate the piece. You better eat that faster, I’m sure she has more important things to be doing right now. I then pulled the table closer to me and began shovelling food into my mouth at an amazing speed.

“Whoa, slow down there sweetie. No need to make yourself choke, take your time.” I dropped the fork and tried to force the contents in my mouth down my throat. I quickly followed the lump of food with some orange juice.

“Don’t you have other things you could be doing?” I asked as I leaned back into the chair.

“Actually not really, I was happy that they assigned me to this shift. Not that, o my, I’m sorry.” She looked down at her entwined hands and began fidgeting.

“No need to be sorry.” I picked up the fork, trying to ignore the sickly feeling in my stomach and at some more eggs.

“Well it’s just that, I’m happy because you saved me from other horrible jobs. I’m pretty new here so they like to stick me with some pretty hard cases.” I let out a small laugh and continued to eat the eggs. She blushed and began to fidget with her hands again.

“Well in that case, I’m pretty happy you’re here too.” I placed the fork back on the tray and took one more drink of orange juice to wash down the eggs, and hopefully the sick feeling in my stomach. “So I guess you already know my name, and what’s wrong with me.” I said meekly. She nodded her head. I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was nearing 10:30.

“Well it looks like you ate quite a bit.” I looked back over at the plate and noticed that there was only scraps of food left, I was pretty surprised that I ate that much. “Looks like I should be heading out.” She got up from the chair and grabbed the tray.

“Goodbye Lilith,” I said to her as she walked out the door, she smiled at me and turned the corner. I decided to watch some television to let my belly settle. I walked over to the bed, dragging the IV stand with me. I got under the covers and pulled the TV down and closer to the bed so I could lie on my side. My stomach gurgled as I watched an old episode of friends.

My body soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up and noticed a dark figure sitting in the chair near the window. I coughed and the figure got up and walked towards me. I noticed that it was Gerard and my stomach began to calm down.

“Well good evening, sleepy head.” I smiled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I propped the pillows so I could sit up and brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin against them.

“How was your day?” Gerard asked me.

“Very uneventful, mind you I did eat almost all of my breakfast. How was yours?” I smiled and rested my hand on my stomach without Gerard seeing.

“The usual school day, although I did get all of your homework.” He pointed towards a pile sitting near the window. I groaned and let my head fall onto my knees.

“You think they could make on exception.” I said more to myself than to Gerard. I didn’t get a response so I looked up from my knees. He stood standing near the end of the bed. “You could sit down if you wanted.”

“Actually I can’t, visiting hours are almost up and I’m going to get kicked out very soon.” He smiled and dug his hands into his pockets on his sweater.

“How long was I asleep?” I looked over at the clock and saw that it was nearing 8 pm.

“I’m not sure, but I really didn’t want to wake you. But before I get kicked out, I should let you know that I brought some books for you and some movies. I thought it would help pass the time when you’re done your homework.” He then again pointed to the pile near the window.

“Thanks Gerard, I really appreciate that. I’m pretty sure my parents are pretty upset with me, they didn’t stop by today.” I said this was sadness in my voice.

“I’m pretty sure they’re not upset with you, they’re just trying to understand. They’ll be here to visit you soon.” Gerard smiled at me and walked over and wrapped me up in a hug. “Well I guess I better head out, I‘m pretty sure they won’t let me back in if they kick me out one more time.” I let out a small laugh and without thinking placed a small kiss on his cheek.

I flushed red and retracted. I couldn’t believe I just did that. I pulled the blankets up further. “Thank you Gerard, see you tomorrow?”

He nodded and began to walk towards the door. “For sure: Good night Mackenzie.” He smiled and left.

Soon after Nancy, the night shift nurse walked in and checked everything out. After confirming everything was okay, she too said good night and was out the door. I fixed the bed and lied down fully and let sleep slowly over come my body. That night I dreamt of Gerard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically this chapter was fillerish... things will start picking up. I wanted to show you guys what her day will usually consist of.

Sorry for the wait, life's been a little hectic lately, maybe things will go back to normal soon and I'll be able to update more. :)