‹ Prequel: Beauté à Paris
Sequel: Les Rues de Paris

Un Ange Au-dessus de Paris


And there I was, just like every night, watching the city below every so often and recording whatever thoughts filled my mind at the time in my small notebook. My wings were steadying my place, extended behind me. I wouldn’t be seen so far up here, I knew that it was a safe haven for my rest and amazement. So many feet in the sky and away from everyone but I could see every soul as they walked about in the cool breeze of autumn.

My favorite time of the year just before the harshness of winter greeted the world.

The lights twinkled everywhere in the city almost in resemblance to the sky above me, where I descended from moments before the fall of the sun. I’ve waited all day to rest upon the top of this tower, just to see if she’s here. But sadly, she’s not out wandering about the crowd tonight. She’s the only one that has caught my attention, perhaps because her days were already numbered? Or perhaps because I just found her so amazing.

Death didn’t scare her, she welcomed it, she knew that her life was being drained away but she did nothing to stop it. Humans were such interesting creations at times, the Lord above made them so amazing to watch, almost amusing at times. But no one around her knew of the battle that she was barely fighting. Like myself, she fills the world with her never ending flow of thoughts, hidden meanings behind her words. No one could read behind the lines though.

So tonight, I’ll simply look over the city of Paris, writing all these words to her, about her, of her. They’re nowhere in comparison to hers but I think she could find beauty in them if she ever did get to see them. Strangely, I feel that could be soon.

But my dear, I feel you won’t see just how true these words are about you.