You're Something Special


The sound of papers shuffling woke a sleepy Katie. Her long brown tresses fell into her eyes as she shifted in the bed. Looking through her eyelashes she stares up at the beauty in front of her. She blinks and a smile creeps up on her face.

He’s reading the news paper with his glasses on. Those glasses… She thinks to herself. His once oh-so-soft cheeks are now covered in a rough, sexy stubble. When they kiss, Katie swears that the feel of stubble rubbing against her cheek might possibly be the most incredible thing in the world. The side of his bottom lip was caught in between his teeth, his head tilted to the side as he read about what was happening in the world today.

There was a single curl on his forehead, torturing Katie’s every being. The rest of his curls were mopped on his head, just screaming to be touched. His head of hair had to be one of his best features. Whenever Katie got her chance, she would run her fingers through them. Her small pointer finger would wrap around a single curl as the rest of her fingers would tug softly on his tresses.

His lips pursed for a second, making Katie crave a kiss from him. His lips were the shape of cupid’s arrow and were a soft baby pink. They felt of cashmere against her own. When he would have her cornered in a room and look down at her with his beautiful eyes, a mixture of caramel and olive, her legs would go weak. With a bat of his eyelashes, he had her. He always had her.

His eyes quickly flashed to Katie and he put down his paper. “Did I wake you?” His voice was husky. As much as Katie wanted to focus on his words, she couldn’t help but stare at his finely sculpted, bare chest. His chest hair drove her insane and as her own baby blues traveled further down and she soon recognized the familiar trail of hair that was hidden underneath the covers of the bed.

She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. She slipped a little out from behind the covers, just to remember that she’s indeed without a top, and just have her boyfriend receive a flash of her pink flesh. He smirks down at her, bites his lip, then continues to read the newspaper.

Katie scooted her frame next to his, their bodies molding perfectly together. She swung a leg around his own, making the hairs on his calves tickle her. She took the newspaper from his hands and threw it across the room. He looked at her with an upset expression, but stopped when she ran a hand up his chest. She mumbled incoherent words into said broad chest before giving it a soft kiss.

She blinked softly, letting her eyelashes tickle his pec. He scooted his body down his back was no longer up against the head board. It felt natural as their limbs became tangled within each other’s. Katie’s head lay in the crook of his neck. He brought up a hand and pushed away a few strands of hair covering her blue orbs.

“You’re flawless, really.” Darren looked down at her and smiled.
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Just something I threw together. If you spot a typo, please inform me.