Status: Contest.Complete.

Spinning like a FerrisWheel.

Take me to the carnival

The sun was setting, painting the sky a golden colour with hints of pink and orange, reminding Chrissy of a watermelon. She sighed, leaning into Kennedy and hugging his left side. She let out another sigh of contentment, hugging her torso. “Are you cold?” he asked, hugging her tighter. She shook her head, it was summer in Arizona of course she wasn’t cold.

“Kenny, it’s like a hundred degrees tonight” she reminded him, laughing quietly to herself. They continued walking down the road until they came across their location. The fair. Chrissy loved the fair for one reason. It was where he took her for their first date, five years ago to this very day.

Kennedy paid for the tickets before Chrissy tugged his arm, pulling him into the gates. Her eyes lit up at the sight, rides were in full action, music blaring from each and lights were flashing. Grinning, she knew exactly where she wanted to go. “Baby, come on!” she whined, pulling him towards her favourite ride.

Roller coaster after roller coaster, Kennedy decided he needed to do what he had come here to do. Sighing to himself, he inhaled and exhaled quickly, wiping the sweat of his brow he whispered “Chrissycakes, let’s go to the Ferris Wheel” she nodded, letting him take her to the destination.

They were strapped into their cage and taken to the top, their view was astounding, the town below them was dimly lit but the fair rides were illuminating, and they were in the very center of it. Kennedy hopped down on one knee and grinned at her. “Baby, I think it’s safe to say I love you and you love me to right?” he asked, she nodded, giving him her ‘did you really just ask that’ look mixed with a smile of delight. “Well baby, I know this isn’t a proper ring” he stopped looking at the empty velvet box he had slid out of his jean pocket. “Or any ring for that matter... but I promise first thing tomorrow I will buy you the prettiest ring in the world if you would do me the honor of being my bride. So how ‘bout it babe, Marry me?” he asked biting her lip. Chrissy wiped the tear that slid down her cheek before nodding.

“I don’t know what to say” she whispered, a smile itching at the corners of her lips.

“Yes would be preferred” Kennedy replied, hopeful.

“Yes!” She exclaimed, leaning in to kiss him, as their lips collided in a passionate kiss, fireworks shot through the air; pink, purple, green and yellow. Closing her eyes and leaning into Kennedy, the fireworks display ran through her mind, like the kiss that lingered on her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not to sure if I like it :/