Status: Sporadic.

The True Tales of Algebra I

Dog-gone Asians.

Today, this kid Vision who sits a few seats behind me did not have his homework, when Ms. Mace got to his seat she frowned and asked him where it was.

He then proceeded to stutter out, "Uh.. my dog ate it."

She rolled her eyes, and said "Oh really?" while we all laughed.

Vision than pointed to a chinese kid named Loi and said, "Than Loi ate my dog."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Spring Break is over! I know that i barely update, but things have been pretty hectic. Anyway, how was your guys's spring break? If you haven't had it yet, when are you having it?

Another little story, even though this is about Algebra I's ghettoness, when you live in the south there is ghettoness all around.
Me and my friends Julia, Jacob, and Daniel were in the parking lot of the mall and these six black dudes in a beat up blue car were driving past us and cussing us out. When they were a safe distance away, Jacob yelled out, "Suck my dick!"
Turns out, they heard us and backed up the car, opened all their doors and were hanging out of them yelling at us.
The driver was like, "What did you say?"
And Jacob smiled and held up two fingers, "Peace out."

I thought it was funny, hahahaa. Anyway, have a nice rest of the day or night or whatever :D