I'll Miss You Young and Free

King Caspian X
Narnian King

Kirby Smith
Human Peasant

Kirby Smith is just a human girl with an odd birth mark on her right ankle. She is the maid and caretaker of Lucy, Edmund, and their younger cousin Eustace. She is constantly prying Edmund off of Eustace, and vice versa. She is practically the only adult in the house seeing as the Scrubb parents pay no mind to any of the children.

One day after following Eustace upstairs after hearing a particularly loud argument, Kirby is faced with a far more dangerous task than she ever has looking after these three...including cleaning up after Eustace's bug collection.

The World Of Narnia
  1. Help Your Mother England?
    "He maybe small, but he can still kick your arse."
  2. Beautiful?
    "Lucy, Susan and I went to school together. I have seen her, and no she is not more beautiful than you."
  3. Rugged Pirate
    They were going to die. And we had no idea where we were to call for help.
  4. Pirate Ship
    Queen? But that would make him a...(fixed! :D)
  5. Cliche
    "Him?" "Them! I meant 'them'."
  6. Swords, Why Did It Have To Be Swords?
    I wasn't sure what I was more surprised about; how strong his tail was, or that I caught it in midair without injuring myself.
  7. Victory
    "You weren't ready."
  8. Nighttime Talks
    "Boys never look at me the way they look at Susan, or the way Caspian looks at you."