I'll Miss You Young and Free

Swords, Why Did It Have To Be Swords?

The crew laughed loudly with every clash of Caspian and Edmund's swords, cheering them on.

I, on the other hand, was flinching like a madwoman, scared that one of them would get seriously hurt.

I could just see one of them underestimating the other's swing and getting impaled right there.

I had to take care of Edmund when Eustace stabbed his hand with a tooth pick in self defence, I didn't even want to think what a sword would be like.

The crew cheered loudly as both men held their sword to the other's throat, a draw.

Caspian complimented Edmund's skills, clapping him on the back before setting his sword down.

"Lady Kirby?" I turned to find Reepicheep behind me, smiling sweetly. "I couldn't help but notice you cringing and was wondering, are you skilled in weaponry?"

I scoffed at myself and shook my head.

"The only 'weapon' I've ever handeled was my father's antique sword, and you could hardly call that hunk of metal a weapon." He seemed to stand up a little taller, almost excited.

"Well my lady, we are going to be facing some danger on our travels and I would be honored to teach you in the art of combat." I smiled at the cute little creature, knowing he was beginning to grow on me.

"I would be honored to be your student." I extended my hand to shake his paw, jumping when he flicked a sword up from the deck with his tail.

I wasn't sure what I was more surprised about; how strong his tail was, or that I caught it in midair without injuring myself.
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Hey guys, ok I LOVE THE COMMENTS!!!! ;D and One caught my attention:
I love this story and I'm working on watching the new movie. I plan on watching it tomorrow. Please update soon. :) Caspian seems very touchy with Kirby and I love the birthmark on her ankle, very unique.
(btw thanks dear ;D)

I know this is a good comment, but I wanted to clear this up for people who might not like the 'adult' spin on it (I guess you could call it that)

This story is rated R and as a warning, there will be adult themes (sex, violence) but I don't want to anger anyone so I'll be sure to put up warnings on the more 'graphic' chapters (even though I fail at writing intimacy. XD)

Thanks for all the comments! :D

keep 'em up! ;D