Status: No Copyright infringement intended on the pictures. The wallpaper was made my Mallemagic from Deviantart. She's really cool, but I just love this picture so much, it characterized what the story is aiming to.

Millenia Love

Yami has felt distant lately, like he needs to be doing something more important. Then he meets musician Taura. He's instantly infatuated with her, but he's bargaining with more than love, as fate has already placed them together, but it isn't the first time it's happened. Yami forgoes many obstacles as the untold story of his reincarnated love unfolds before him, unravelling not only the secrets of his past identity, but Taura's as well.
  1. Have We Met?
  2. Unravelling Questions
    The Pharaoh heads to Taura's Halloween party, only to be hounded with encounters that rack his brain with questions. When no one is left to answer them, he's left to wonder who this Taura girl is, and ponder why she's so farmiliar.
  3. Butterflies
    Yami goes after his kidnapped friend, only to realize there's something wrong. Not only do the kidnappers get away and the pilot ends up dead, there's something else wrong.
  4. Freaking Out
    After the crazy Halloween party, Yami hasn't been able to see Taura at all. The only way he can get a hold of her is through her reluctant cousin, Talfryn, who strongly dislikes Yami. But before he does that, he has to bring his friends together agai