Status: slow

The Things We Do For Love

Tears and Surprises

Breakfast was absolutely AMAZING. I hadn't had food that good in weeks. I ate probably three plates of food, and Uncle Eddie was surprised that I actually ate more than him. The only person who ever ate more than him was my cousin Dylan once. And that was only once.

After breakfast I went upstairs to continue "rehabilitating my body," as Demi called it. We fixed my face, my nails, and all of the numerous problems that had resulted from living on the road for two weeks. When we were done I was shocked at how much I had changed in a couple of weeks. Demi took before and after pictures, and the after pictures were MUCH better than the before ones. Much, much better.

By the time we were done with everything it was already four in the afternoon.

"I'm exhausted, Dems." I told her, flopping myself onto my bed. We had just cleaned up all of the mess we had made in the two and a half hours of 'home spa.'

"Me too. That was hard work." She threw herself on the bed next to me, and we stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden she jumped up and looked at the clock. "Holy fuck!" She screamed, pulling at her hair. "It's 4:30! That means dinner is in an hour and a half!"

I sat up and looked at her freaking out. "First of all, calm down. Second of all, what the hell are you talking about, Dems?"

She turned around to face me with a panic stricken face. "Okay, so you know those Jonas Brother dudes?" I nodded. "Well Selena and I are supposed to go to some stupid fundraising dinner with them in an hour and a half. We have to start getting ready now!"

"What makes you think I'm going?" I asked her, getting up off of the bed and walking into the bathroom. We were both still in our pajamas.

Demi followed me into the bathroom and looked at me with a 'oh-no-you-didn't' look on her face. I just smiled back.

"If I'm going you so have to go." Demi told me firmly. "Plus, you need to meet them because you're going to be spending a lot of time with them if you live with me."


"I'm famous remember?" I rolled my eyes at her and she lifted her eyebrow at me. "Okay, I'll explain it this way." She pulled me over to the seats my the make-up table and began globbing stuff on my face as she talked. "You are my best friend, Sam, and just because I'm famous does not mean that I'm going to ditch you for my crazy Hollywood parties." She said the crazy Hollywood parties part sarcastically, letting me know she didn’t go to those yet. "If I go somewhere, you're going with me, because I'm not going to leave you alone to wallow in your misery." She smiled at me playfully. "Plus I know you wouldn't want to get ditched here with just my mom and Madison. I know you love them, but not that much."

I smacked her. "I would totally stay with your mom and Madison. They're awesome!"

She smiled at me and rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said, and shoved around me so I was facing the mirror. "Like the make-up, or you want different kind?"

I looked at myself. She had kept my naturally pale skin white, and made my lips like pink with black eyeliner, heavy mascara, and golden eye shadow. It was beautiful, and I knew she must have been a make-up artist in a different life. "I love it! The only problem is I don't have any dressy outfits…" I looked at Demi hopefully.

"Don't worry, Sam." She smiled and ran out the door. She was back again in thirty seconds with the perfect dress and heels. "Here. Try it on." I stuck my tongue out in rebellion to her bossiness, and she pushed me into the bathroom and pushed the door shut behind me. "I know you've changed in front of me a million times, but I thought I'd give you some privacy because you're ego is prego." She said. I could hear the laughter in her voice as I slipped off my pj's.

"I really don't care, Dems." I said, stepping into the dress she had given me so I wouldn't smudge my make-up. "We've taken baths together as babies. Changing is nothing." I finished strapping on the heels and stepped out of the bathroom. "Zip me up?" I asked, turning my back to her.

"Sure." She zipped me up. "Now turn around so I can see how gorgeous you are!"

I turned around and her jaw dropped. "Dude, close your mouth Dems." She just stood there with her mouth still open, so I walked up and closed it for her. "Do I really look that bad?" I joked.

"You are going to drive those Jonas boys crazy," was all she whispered out. Then she shook her head and cleared her throat to snap herself out of it. "We have to get mom to see this and pick out your jewelry while I get my dress." She turned to the door. "MOM! COME!"

I heard a loud thunk and then footsteps running up the stairs.

"What? Are you guys alright?" Aunty Dianna's worried voice yelled as she ran. She got to the room and saw me and her jaw dropped as well. She however, had the decency to close it and not catch flies with it. "Wow. You look absolutely beautiful, Eleanor."

I smiled at her. "Thanks." I looked at Demi, and she smiled at me. "Can you help me do my hair and pick out my jewelry while Demi gets herself ready? I'm awful at picking out matching jewelry stuff."

"Sure." She smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "I would love to."

Demi left the room and we followed her to her room and sat down at the make-up table to look at the jewelry.

"How about this one?" Aunty Dianna asked, holding up a silver necklace with a pink stone.

I shook my head. "I was hoping for more of a purple stone to match the purple straps of the dress...?"

She bit her lip thoughtfully for a moment and then her eyes brightened. "I have the perfect jewelry for you!" She held up a finger. "Wait right here, I'll be back in a second!"

She walked swiftly out of the room and in the direction of the master bedroom, leaving me alone sitting at the make-up table. Demi was in the bathroom doing her make-up because we were looking at her jewelry, so I got up and decided to see how her make-up was going.

"Hey," I looked at her through the mirror. "You look pretty."

She didn't just look pretty, she looked gorgeous. She had given herself a little blink blush, but had mostly kept her skin color the same with light pink lip gloss, light mascara, and eye shadow that was just a shade darker than her naturally skin color. She had already finished her hair as well, and her long, dark hair was pinned up so that her hair was half up and half down. The short parts hung out, mostly in the front and side, but all of the long parts were clipped up in a bun in the back of her head. It was goregous.

"Hey, Sammy." She smiled at me as she fastened her last clip. "Where'd mom go?"

"She went to go get some-"

"I got the jewelry!" Aunty Dianna's voice came from Demi's bedroom. "Wait, where are you Eleanor?"

"Here I am." I walked out of the bathroom with Demi trailing closely behind. I caught sight of the jewelry and gasped. "It's beautiful."

"I know." Aunty Dianna looked down at the purple stoned jewelry she was holding in her hand. "It's amethyst." She looked at Demi. "Demi's father gave it to me as a wedding gift. I've kept it forever hidden in a box somewhere, and when you said you wanted something purple it just popped into my head." She handed it to me with a smile.

Demi looked at it. You could tell she was slightly shaken "Can I see it for a second, Sammy?"

"Of course." I handed it to her with a smile, and she gave me a faint one back.

She looked at the jewelry, turning it over slowly in her hand and examining it. When she looked up her eyes were filling with tears.

"Why didn't you ever show it to me, mama?" She asked, slightly choked up. The tears were starting to run down her face. Luckily her make-up was waterproof, so it wasn't running. "Why did you hide it?"

Aunty Dianna came up to Demi and put her arms around her, sitting her down on the bed. I suddenly felt extremely awkward standing there and watching them.

"I didn't hide it from you, Demetria." Her voice was serious. "He gave it to me and I hid it from myself when we separated because it hurt me too much to see it. Eventually I forgot about it until Sammy here-" When she said that she pulled me into their little two-person circle. "Came and helped me remember it."

Demi smiled at me, and the sadness that had been hanging in the air was broken. "I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you," she told me, standing and giving me a hug. "You never get mad, you're always there for me, and you have the biggest heart in the world." Then she turned to her mother. "And you, you're the best mom in the world. You took care of Dallas and I all by yourself, and you never once complained. Now you deal with raising Madison, and the craziness that comes with my career, but you never have gotten mad because I chose to act and sing. You've always been supportive of me." She pulled us both into hugs. "And I love you both so much."

"How come I never get hugs like that?" A girly voice came from the doorway of Demi's room.

I recognized that voice, but it couldn't be. We didn't have to be at the dinner for an hour. I turned around to see,

♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter! Next chapter will have the Jonas Brothers, I promise! There's going to be some serious drama coming up, just to warn you. I really would like some comments if you could, but it's okay if you don't have TIME...

Anyway, hope you like it!