Status: slow

The Things We Do For Love


Recap: I recognized that voice, but it couldn't be. We didn't have to be at the dinner for an hour. I turned around to see,


Demi and I looked at each other, getting the same thought at once, and both ran to jump-hug Selena. We all ended up in a pile on the floor, laughing hysterically.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Selena said once we had calmed down.

We were all lying on Demi's bed. Aunt Dianna had left after we jump-hugged Selena, laughing as she left.

Selena was wearing this cute tutuish pink dress, and her hair was cut in a bobbish stye. She had pink gemstones all over her jewelry, and she had grown almost three inches since I last saw her.

"I know. It's been two years." I smiled. " Last time I saw you, you didn't have boobs. Now you're like a total womanly lady!" I joked. Demi giggled.

Selena smacked me playfully. "Shut it, Sammy." She smiled. "I actually haven't changed that much, other than growing a little bit all over. My face has always stayed the same." She rolled over to look at me. "You haven't changed much, either. You're a little more curvy than you used be, but that’s it."

I stiffened when she said curvy. So the pregnancy was showing slightly. It had only been two months; this was going too fast.

Demi saw that I had stiffened and tried to crack a joke, but Selena knew something was up.

"What's wrong, Sam?" She asked worriedly. "I didn't say you were fat. In fact, you have a glow about you that I haven’t seen before."

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had always told Demi and Selena everything as a kid, and it was just in my nature to tell her everything.

"I'm pregnant." I stated bluntly.

Selena's eyes bugged out. "What?! You're joking, right?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Wow," she turned so she was staring at the ceiling, "Sammy's pregnant." She started to ramble. "I never thought that this would happen to you. I mean, we all that I was going to get pregnant first, and I've never even had sex. Both you and Demi were the pure ones, and you've both had sex already."

I gasped in shock, turning to look at Demi with burning eyes. "You had sex and didn't tell me!"

She looked scared, like she should be. I told Demi everything, and she didn't even tell me she had sex?! "Well, I was going to but I wanted to support you first and see that you were stable enough for me to tell you because you were pregnant, and then I was going to tell you in a couple of days. I didn't mean to-"

I cut her off. "Stable? You didn't think I was stable?" She looked at me with apologetic eyes. I was so angry I started to cry. "You know what? I get it. You didn't want me to know because you didn't trust me or something twisted like that." I got off of the bed and walked over to the make-up table to grab the amethyst jewelry. "You probably thought I would spill it to the paps." I was to the door of Demi's room by now, and I turned around to look her right in the eyes. "You should know that I would never tell your private stuff to someone else, even if you didn't tell me not to."

Then I stomped out of the room and across the hall to my room, slamming both doors behind me. I couldn't believe she thought I would tell that paparazzi. I sat at the bed and fumed for a couple of minutes, putting the jewelry aggressively. When I was done with that I started on my hair.

I could hear Selena and Demi talking quietly across the hall, and I knew they were talking about me. I suddenly realized that everyone in the house must have heard my outburst. I began to cry even harder as my shaking hands placed the clip in my hair. This wasn't supposed to happen the first day the three of us saw each other again.

My life was spinning out of control. First I got pregnant, then my parents kicked me out, and now Demi didn't even trust me. I was losing it.

I put the last pin in my hair and looked at the finished product in the mirror. I looked okay, but I didn't know if it would be good enough for a red carpet fundraising event. I had never been to one of those. My tears had stopped, which was good, and my face wasn't that red, but you could still tell I had been crying. The skin around my eyes was puffy, and it made my eyes look small. Luckily my make-up had been water-proof, so the only thing that had been messed up was my mascara. I decided to wash my face with cold water to make the swelling around my eyes go down, and then redo my mascara. After I did that I looked much better.

My hair was half-up, half-down, but it was much different from Demi's hair. I had it so only the bangs I had in the front and side were pinned up. All of the long stuff was hanging down in the back, so my ears and face were in the spotlight. I liked it, but who knows how the paps would take it. I had never had my picture taken by a pap before.

I heard a knocking on my door, and I held my breath to brace myself for whoever came in.

"Ella?" Dallas' voice came. I let out the breath I had been holding. Dallas hadn't hidden anything from me like Demi had. "Ella? You alright?"

"Yes," I answered, getting out of the chair and opening the door for Dallas to come in. She was wearing fancy clothes as well, and was all dolled up. "I'm just mad," I told her, sitting down at the foot of my bed.

"Why?" She asked, sitting next to me. "What did they do?"

"Well…" I trailed off and the tears started again.

"Aw, El, you know you can tell me anything." She scooted closer to me and wrapped her arm around me, allowing me to cry on her shoulder. "Come on, baby sister, spit it out." She said jokingly, giving me a comforting little shake.

I held my breath until my lungs were burning, and the let myself burst it all out at once. "Selena came and I ended up telling her I was pregnant, and then she told me about Demi having sex and Demi never told so I was hurt and then Demi let out in a hinting way that the reason she didn't tell me was because she thought I was unstable and needed to calm down for a few days before she told me." I paused for a breath right there. "She thought I was going to tell the paps about her personal life!" I turned to Dallas and her face was surprised. "See, even you know I would never do that!"

"Wow." Dallas took a deep breath. "I didn't even know about the virginity thing, and usually she tells me before mom." She turned to face me. "I can't believe she thought those awful things about you. That was wrong."

I wiped my face with my hands to get the water from the tears off. "I know." I sighed. "Great. Now my make-up is messed up again."

Dallas laughed. "Want me to fix it for you?"

"Yes, please!" I said like a child. I remembered the days when she would play make-up artist for Demi and I. We were so young and innocent then. Now I was pregnant and we were fighting. Demi and I had never had this bad of a fight before.

Dallas sat me down at the make-up table and turned me so I was facing towards her and away from the mirror. She began to put some lotion thing around my face to reduce the swelling and slather mascara on my eyelashes. She was just as good, or better, with make-up than Demi was, and she had taught Demi and I everything we knew about make-up.

"You know you were always a cute little kid, but I never thought you'd turn out as beautiful as you did." Dallas told me as she worked on my face.

I blushed. "Thanks, D. You're pretty fine looking yourself." I teased her.

She laughed. "So people have told me." She joked back.

I laughed. "So, do you have a boyfriend, D?" Dallas had always been every boys dreams, and I was curios if she still went through boys as fast as she used to.

"Actually, no." I looked at her in shock and she laughed. "I just broke up with my ex, Brandon. He was one of the white guys that acted like Eminem and I couldn't take it anymore." I laughed when she said that. I could totally picture him in my head. "But I've had this crush on a guy in the business for a while. I just am scared to talk to him because he probably thinks I'm just some lame sister to a famous Disney child."

I frowned and punched Dallas lightly on the arm as she moved on to fix my hair. "You are way better than just 'some sister,' D." I told her firmly. "You're beautiful, smart, and you can act and sing just as good as Demi."

Dallas was actually better than Demi at acting because she stayed more serious. Demi would always burst out laughing in the middle of a serious scene, but Dallas was able to control herself.

She blushed. "Thanks, El."

She finished touching up my hair and turned me around to face the mirror. I swear that I looked like a supermodel, and I felt gorgeous. Dallas and I were going to hit that red carpet and make it burn with flames.

"You worked magic, D." I told her, getting up from the chair. I was pretty sure it was almost time to leave. "So who is the boy you have a crush on, anyway?"

"Promise you won't laugh?" Dallas asked nervously as we made our way down the stairs.

"Promise." I held out my pinky and we linked pinkies, sealing the deal. "Now tell."

"Okay…" She blushed. "I have kind of a big crush on David Henrie…" She trailed off, waiting for my reaction.

"I think you two would look gorgeous together!" I told her, giving her a hug as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "He's perfect for you, and not to mention amazingly hot."

She pushed me playfully. "Watch it, Ella. I called dibs first."

I rolled my eyes, playing along. "Whatever, D."

We were in the kitchen by this time. I was sitting on the bar and Dallas was standing next to me. Both of our clutches rested on the bar counter, and I was swinging my short legs back and forth on the tall bar stool.

"I'm bored now." I stopped swinging my legs and sat back in the chair. "Hoe much longer do you think until we leave?"

"Probably like-" Dallas was cut off.

"We're leaving, girls! Everyone get down here!" We both heard Uncle Eddie yell.

"Coming!" Dallas and I chorused.

I hopped off the bar stool and onto the ground, my high heels slightly wobbling as I did so. I steadied myself and looked worriedly at Dallas. "I really hope these heels don't break. I'll be so screwed if they do." I bent down to feel them. "Actually, they feel pretty sturdy. I think I'll be fine."

"Good, because I'm not carrying you if you break your ankle." Dallas told me as we walked out of the kitchen and to the doorway of the house.

I laughed. "Thanks for being such a good big sister, D." She smacked me and I stuck out my tongue.

We were fooling around at the doorway, waiting for everyone to get down when we heard someone clearing their throat behind us. Dallas and I turned around to see Demi and Selena standing awkwardly behind us. All I did was glance at them and turn around. I felt suddenly very sick, and all of the blood drained from my face. Dallas noticed, and put her arm around me to keep me steady.

"You okay, baby sis?" She asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I gulped in a huge breath of air. "I think it's the pregnancy sickness starting to kick in." I laughed forcefully. "Everything happens at the worst times with me."

Dallas gave a little chuckle, and Demi and Selena were silent behind us. I could tell Demi felt awful about not telling me, but I wasn't going to talk to her until she at least talked to me first. She hadn't even acknowledged I was there other than the throat clearing thing, and she certainly needed to give me a decent apology.

"You guys ready to go?" Aunty Dianna asked, Madison's hand in her own.

Uncle Eddie walked out of the living room and stood by her side. "Good, everyone's here. We're riding with the Jonas' boys and their family to the dinner, okay?" We all nodded. "Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, Frankie, Dianna and I, and Madison will all be riding in one limousine and the rest of you kids will ride in the other, okay?" We all nodded again. "Okay, good. They texted me saying they're outside now, so let's get out there."

He opened the door and held it open for all of the ladies to walk out. Dallas and I went first, then Demi and Selena, and last Maddie and the parentals. I looked at the street, expecting to see a regular black limo, only to find myself staring at two bright green limos. Dallas and I immediately started laughing, but Demi and Selena just stood there awkwardly.

"Nick said that Joe picked the limos," Selena spoke, directing her statement to everyone, but pretending she was just talking to Demi. "He said that he picked a weird one, but I didn't know he would pick one this weird."

I laughed at Selena's statement, and then quickly stopped laughing when I remembered we were supposed to be fighting. It was hard fighting with your two best friends at the same time.

None of us knew which limo we were supposed to go to, so we all just stood there for a couple of seconds until Uncle Eddie walked up to us.

"Kids in the right, Maddie and Dianna in the left one with me." He directed, giving me a soft smile as he did so. Him and Aunty Dianna had been pretending like nothing was wrong, but we all knew they had heard the fight. I loved them for not making a big deal about it. I also loved Madison for not asking a bunch of questions. She was pretty smart for a little kid.

"Thanks, Uncle Eddie." I called to him as he walked to his limo.

Demi and Selena had already gotten into the limo on the right, but Dallas had been waiting for me as I lagged behind.

"I'm kind of scared to me the boys." I told Dallas as we were about to go in the door of the limo. "What if they hate me or something?"

"They won't hate you, silly. And if they do, they have to answer to me for it. You may be fighting with Selena and Demi, but you know I'll never let you down, baby sis." She poked me in the side. "No get your fat-butt in there."

I took a deep breath and got into the limo. This was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter, and it's a pretty long one, too! I love this story, and I'm feeling a lot of inspiration. I'll probably update My Life With You next, and then Misfit, and then Dancing. I don't know, though...whatever I feel most up to.

Well, I hope you guys liked it! I worked hard for you!

Mariah :)