Status: finished

Patiently waiting for you


Everybody says patience is a virtue. Unfortunately it's not one I posses I thought as I shifted in the plastic chair for what has to have been the thousandth time. I looked at the bed and sighed softly to myself, I hated seeing him lying there, tubes and wires surrounding him. I hadn't left his side in over a week, waiting for him to open his eyes. I've only left when the nurses or his parents have forced me and even then I was back again as soon as possible.

I want to be the first person he sees when he finally does open his grey eyes, so I've been waiting patiently at his bedside for the last eight days and nights. But like I said patience is not one of my strong points and sitting their at his bedside being able to do nothing but wait is just making me frustrated.

I looked up when one of the nurses walked in and smiled at her. She was one of the nicer ones, the ones that understood how reluctant I was to leave and `didn't try and convince to `me to go further than the coffee machine five feet from his room. "Hi sweetheart," she said to me as she checked his chart.

"Hi," I mumbled back managing a weak smile in her direction before turning back to the bed.

"I'm afraid you'll have to leave in a minute, we need to take some x-rays to make sure that the bones in his legs are setting properly and you won't be able to be here because of the radiation." She told me softly as she checked his drip and the other various machines he was hooked up to. "Why don't you go down the the cafeteria and get something to eat, living off of skittles and coffee won't be doing you any good."

I shook my head tiredly, "I'll wait in the hallway." I told her. "Do I have to leave now or can I stay a bit longer?"

She smiled gently at me, "you can stay until they're here."

I nodded and turned to face the bed again, listening to the faint beep of the heart monitor. That noise had been a comfort for the last few days, letting me know that he was still here. The first day I had been sat here I had dreaded hearing that noise as it meant he was in the hospital when he should have been at home or at school. Now that noise was one of the few comforts I had as it meant he was still here.

The nurse left and I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulder gently, careful not to dislodge any tubes or wires. "You really need to wake up soon babe," I murmured to him softly, moving my fingers against his wrist where they were resting.

After about twenty minutes another nurse walked into the room, "I'm afraid you'll have to leave now, they're ready to do the x-rays."

I nodded to her and stood, nervously running my hands over my thighs. I hated being away from him now, now matter how close I still was to him or how short a period of time I was away from him. I leant down and kissed his forehead gently, avoiding the vivid bruises there. "I'll be just outside babe," I whispered before smiling at the nurse and dropping into one of the grey seats out in the corridor.

I groaned and dropped my head into my hand, staring down at my feet. I was so exhausted, sitting in that chair waiting for him to wake up was harder than it seemed.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked softly from above me. I looked up to see a girl who must have been slightly older than me with blonde hair and blue eyes that were framed with dark circles.

"Yeah thanks, just tired." I told her.

"I remember that bit very well," she said almost absently. "You mind?" she asked gesturing to the seat beside me. When I shook my head she sat down and smiled. "Who is it your hear for?" she asked and then chuckled to herself. "Sorry, don't feel like you have to answer I never know when to mind my own business."

I laughed quietly, "it's fine. I'm here for my boyfriend Alex. I'm Jake by the way."

"Rachel," she replied. "How long has he been here?"

"Eight days. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was going to get some coffee but you looked like you needed someone to talk to. I had to leave the room while they did some tests on my boyfriend. He fell off a ladder and had a serious head injury."

I winced, "how longs he been here?"

Rachel smiled sadly, "nearly a year ago. The doctors say he's fine, he's just not waking up."

I went to say something else when the door to Alex's room opened and the doctor walked out. "We're finished," he said smiling at me. I stood and took a step towards the door before looking back at Rachel.

"I'll see you later?" I asked.

She nodded smiling, "I'm here everyday at some point." She said before heading toward the coffee machine.

I walked back into Alex's room and smiled softly at his figure in the bed, the soft beeps from the heart monitor filling the room. I leant down to kiss his forehead before sitting back in the plastic chair. For Alex I could be patient.
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