Talking To The Moon

I know you're somewhere out there...

...somewhere far away

Stacey walked slowly trough the crowded school yard. She had stayed up the whole night doing homework and now she was really tired. She wasn’t really paying attention where she was going and was almost ran over by some people who obviously were in a huge hurry to somewhere. Stacey couldn’t understand them; why did people always have to hurry? Is the time really that limited? She herself doesn’t like to hurry; she thinks it only makes you stressed and cranky.

Suddenly Stacey started to feel uncomfortable, like somebody is watching her. She lifted her head and looked around. Lots of people were passing her by themselves or in small groups, chatting, but she didn’t see anyone who would be staring at her directly. Still the weird feeling of someone’s gaze on her back kept bugging her. She turned around and almost ran into her slightly-gay-best-friend Joel. He really hasn’t come out of the closet yet, but he has been giving hints about his sexual orientation for example by saying things like: that guy has a really cute butt etc.

“Woah, sorry Joel. I didn’t see you” Stacey apologized and let a little giggle escape from her lips. “Not that you would be invisible” she added nodding her head towards his clothing; he was wearing a bright yellow hoodie and underneath it he had a purple v-neck and his light blue jeans were intentionally ripped. He also had a light purple bandana around his head to keep his wild black curls out of the way.

“Thank you darling, I’m trying my best” Joel said, grinning like an idiot. “Hey look, Jim and Nash are walking this way.”

Jim and Natasha, the final members of their group and Stacey’s other best friends, were a couple and what a beautiful couple they were! Jim was tall and handsome. His blonde hair looked gorgeous against his tanned skin. His voice was husky and any dentist would cry from joy because his teeth were flawless. And Natasha fit to his side perfectly. Her skin was beautiful chocolate brown and her wavy dark hair floated over her shoulders. Sometimes while watching those two together Stacey felt a nasty throb in her heart; she was a little jealous which she didn’t want to admit. She welt meaningless and less pretty when she was standing next to Nash. She also felt lonely for she did not have a boyfriend to tell her that she was beautiful and perfect just the way she is. These thoughts always made her feel sad and somehow she felt like a bad person for thinking this way from her best friend.

With her head messed up from all these thoughts Stacey greeted her friends with hugs. They walked to together inside the school building and they all continued to their own classes; Stacey and Joel to Spanish, Nash to English and Jim to gym. The others couldn’t help noticing that Stacey was being a little absent all day long. When asked, she’d just say she’s being tired, but honestly she was thinking, hoping that somewhere far out there, there’s someone for her too.
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A new story, this time it's not a fan fiction. :)) so. tell me what you think? I'll try to uptade soon..