Status: Prequel of Fallen Active!



Billy and I have always been...passionate I guess would be the word you would use. Passionate in hate, love on the very rare occasion but the love always turned to hate mostly when he reminded me I was his property and would never get away from it.

Lex screamed she was slammed to the ground a heavy body landing on top of her. She reached back hooking her fingers and scraping her nails down the mans face he screamed scrambling away from her another man just replaced him. Lex screamed partly in hopes someone would hear and come to her aid...or at least call the cops. Unlikely in this neighborhood more illegal than legal going-ons it was doubtful her screams would draw cop attention. Which would be why Lex was so surprised when the weight was suddenly lifted off rolling onto her back she scrambled back in a awkward crab walk as she cradled her wrist to her stomach. Six men had the two who had attacked Lex on the ground a bald man one of the six pulled a gun from his waistband the other five backed up. Lex stifled a scream in her fist as he pulled the trigger and blood cascaded from both mens foreheads. She stiffened as he turned his attention to her she stood slowly carefully no sudden movements or hands dipping out of sight.

"You got two options little girl." Lex swallowed and looked between the bald man who had saved her life and his boys behind him.

"And those are?" Lex asked warily she was so stupid she knew this city wasn't even close to safe and she'd still walked alone at night through a deserted part of the city. She was grateful but she wasn't naive she knew she wasn't getting out of here with just saying a quick thank you have a nice night.

"You can become my girl," He paused to light a cigarette taking a couple hits before continuing. "Or you can become everybody's girl." Lex shuddered at the jeers and comments suddenly directed her way, option number two was already out the window.

"Your girl." Lex said he smirked striding forward grabbing her arm tight, not tight enough to hurt but just tight enough to leave the implication of all that he could do to her.

"Let's go get your ink." He said Lex nodded she no longer had a say. She was a gang bangers girl now, she had two options do what he said and live a little longer or disobey and try to run and get shot in the back.

Lex grit her teeth and tried to ignore both the pain from the needle pricking her skin as she was tattooed and the burn of Billy's stare as he watched her be tattooed. Modesty wasn't even on the table anymore here she was under the gaze of two men she'd never met before in her life getting tattooed no shirt on her chest, arms and back she prefered the back part way more than the chest. At least than she'd been able to hide her chest from Billy's gaze which hadn't left her since they'd started.

"You know I do have a face and eyes asshole." She snapped Billy's gaze quickly turned to a glare on the face she had mentioned.

"Don't try you're luck little girl." Billy sneered Lex grit her teeth as the tattoo artist who Lex had never gotten the name to started on her right breast.

Lex moved carefully as Billy and the tattoo artist hauled her up and out of the tattoo chair, the artist covered her tattoos with some cold clear gel and gauze bandages. Billy handed her her shirt back she pulled it on carefully trying to cause as little pain to herself as possible.

"So do I get the privelage of running around in the same clothes or do we get to go get mine?" Lex sneered at Billy he rolled his eyes twisting the key in the ignition.

"Fine we'll go get your clothes."

"Thank you." Lex snapped Blilly sneered at her and glared.
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