Status: Done. If you think there should be a sequel, leave a comment. If I chose to do a sequel, it probably won't be any time soon.

It Beats For Two


Two weeks.

I've been stuck in this flat for two weeks straight. I've hardly eaten, haven't slept for more than six hours the whole two weeks. I've been lying in bed, staring at the wall, ceiling, or t.v, but not really paying any attention to whatever show was on. I ignored texts, calls, emails, knocks on doors, rocks throw at windows, though I don't see how that was possible, considering how high up I was. It was so easy to ignore calls and texts, considering I had my phone cut off as soon as I got home. I never bothered turning my laptop on, either, so emails were also easy to ignore. I haven't had either since both were off since two weeks ago.

The second Oliver told me Amanda was pregnant, I lost it. Not only was I hurt, but I was pissed. Pissed that he was fucking me while fucking her. Pissed that she actually got pregnant. Scared that I was going to lose him for good, which I was now that he was going to be a father.

I didn't know how to deal with all the emotions running through my small body, so I lashed out on him with the first thing that came to mind- violence. I kicked, screamed, punched, slapped, anything I could throw his way. He just stood there and took it all, too, which made me feel worse than before, but not at the time. Of course, none of it hurt him physically. I'm sure it hurt him emotionally, me telling him I hated him, because I knew he loved me. I could see it in his eyes every time I looked into them when we were alone, or just around to each other. I knew he'd rather be with me, but he couldn't now. But he deserved every hit, every slap, every kick, every hateful word I slung at him. He deserved worse for what he's done to both Amanda and me.

After I had my fit, I grabbed my bags, took a taxi home, and destroyed my whole flat while screaming at the top of my lungs for about an hour. I haven't left since, not even for work. I kept my phone off, ignored knocks on the door, and closed window curtains each time a rock hit one.

Today, though, deciding I've had plenty of time to think, I turned my phone on. Once it was on and loaded up, the text messages, missed called, voice mails all flooded in. Bet you can't guess who most of them were from.

I told everyone, besides Oliver, that I was fine and just wasn't feeling well, since they had no idea what has been going on with Oliver and I. I had many missed calls form my boss, even one from today, saying that I had better get to work, or I'll lose my job.

I finally got my lazy ass out of bed and ran around to get ready for work, since I had about twenty minutes, or I'd be late. My phone buzzed like crazy from its spot on my nightstand, indicating new messages, because people were oh, so worried about poor Afton. If only they knew.

Fifteen minutes later, I was running out the door, down the street to the corner book store. Once I was inside, I was relieved to find that my boss was nowhere in sight, so I sat my stuff down and got right to work.

Three, maybe four, hours into work, I was seated behind the main desk, reading a random book that was nearby. No customers whatsoever. About five chapters into the book, the bell above the main doors rang, indicating someone had entered the store. I slowly looked up from the book to see those wonderful hazel eyes that I loved and missed.

I rolled my own eyes and threw a glare his way.

"Wha' the 'ell are yeh doin' 'ere, Oleh?" It took everything I had in me to not lash out at him. Again.

"Jus' wan'ed a book, yeah?" He didn't even look at me as he examined the back of a book he randomly picked up after walking in.

At that moment, my boss walked out and gave me a look that could kill. I knew that meant I had to be nice to him. So, I blanked my expression and tried not to sound so rude to hopefully get my boss off my back.

"is there anyfhin' in particula' yeh lookin' for?" i asked, removing myself from behind the desk in case I needed to show him to a certain section of the store. I kept my eyes on anything but him.

"Amanda wan's teh see yeh, Afton." I cringed at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth. He sat the book back down then exited the store. I stared after him in disbelief.


"Afton, I'm so glad yeh 'ere!" Amanda screeched, pulling me into a hug as soon as she saw it was me at the door. After work, I called and asked if she wanted to see me, which she did.

She drug me over to the couch and sat down, pulling me down to sit beside her after.

"I 'ave somethin' teh tell yeh." She sighed, looking down at her hands that were placed in her lap. "I know yeh an' Oleh 'ave been 'avin' an affair. I saw a text message from yeh on 'is phone one nigh'. Anyways, I'm no' angreh. i've done somefhin' worse than tha'."

My breathing had stopped. I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. I knew texting him about our multiple encounters was a terrible mistake. I had a feeling we would get caught eventually. What confused me was why she wasn't angry at Oliver, or at me.

"After I saw the text, I wen' ou' wifh one of the Drop Dead boys an' we bofh go' drunk." She took a deep breath. i could have sworn she was crying, or was about to. "The babeh isn' Oli's. 'E's bareleh touched meh in a month, or more."

I didn't know what took over me. Maybe it was the anger, maybe it was excitement of the thought that Oli and I might actually have a chance of being together. I acted on something, though.

I grabbed a handful of her hair, shoving her down to the floor, going down with her. I punched, scratched, pulled hair until i was being lifted up off her.

"Afton, wha' are yeh doin'?!"

I paid no attention to the man screaming right in my ear, to the tattoed arms holding me up mid-air, to the fact that the brown headed pregnant model on the floor was bleeding because of me. I just completely lost it.

"Are yeh crazeh?! 'ow could yeh do tha' an' no' tell 'im the trufh?! 'Ave yeh gone mad?!"

"'Ave yeh?!" The tattooed arms that were once around me were no longer there, making me drop to my hands and knees on the floor.

"She lied teh yeh, Oliver, i' isn' yeh babeh! She wen' ou' wifh some Drop Dead bloke an' 'e go' 'er knocked up because she found ou' abou' us!" I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, discovering that somehow the bitch had made it bleed.

Oli paid no attention to either of our injuries. His jaw clenched, fists balled as he stared down at Amanda. Before he could even say anything, Amanda was nodding her head in agreement.

"I'm so sorreh, Oleh, i' isn' yeh babeh."
♠ ♠ ♠
so. hi.
I have given up on asking for comments. No one ever does anyways.
Hope you liked.