Bitten Times Four

Famous People: To Buy Or Not To Buy

Again, the lights dimmed on the family only to be replaced by the dim light of an unfamiliar house. A girl woke up in her bed, bleary eyed and craving food. She rubbed her eyes, and swung her legs from her bed, slowing getting up. She made her way to the door, her eyes blinking very slowly, staying closed most of the time.

Thank goodness her room is on the first floor.

She sighed, going into the kitchen. She went straight to the cabinet for some form of chocolate, even though she knew it would keep her awake half the night.

"Might I be of assistance?" a familiar British accent said from behind the cabinet door. "I mean, I could use something to eat..."

Anna jumped back from where she was, and the bar of chocolate dropped from her hand. "Yo-you-you're Dan Flint."

"Yes, yes. From YouMeAtSix, I get it," he said, with a small chuckle.

"When did you get here? How did you get here?!"

"Well, you bought me, and poof. I'm here. It wasn't that hard, I just kind of ended up here," he said, shrugging. His smile seemed endless and perfect.

"I do believe I like this whole, buying famous people thing," Anna said, with a smirk, hitting send on her phone, seeing as it was her last number.

"Hello? Yes, I would like to buy Darren Criss," she said, a little too excited. When she saw Darren just pop up out of no where, she was wide awake. She walked up to him and kissed him, not that he minded, of course. He was hers to do whatever to. He smiled back to her, and they went back to her room.

Music blasted from her iPod, Ke$ha ringing through the halls. Her mom, then, walked into the room, rubbing her eyes.

"Anna, it's three in the morning, go to sleep." When her mother opened her eyes, she saw her daughter dancing with Darren in front of her, his hands on her hips and Dan behind her. It was quite the scene. "Sweetheart, why are there famous people in your room dancing to bad pop music?"

"Oh, I bought them," she said, casually.

"Oh, okay. Just be safe, hunny," her mom said before turning back around.

The camera panned to a brighter room, with a man in a suit in it. "Well, there you have it," he said in a rather typical commercial voice. "It's that simple, buying famous people. Just, call the number on the bottom of the screen, and what she has could be yours."

He snapped his fingers, having his pointer fingers pointing out and his thumbs pointing up with a cheesy smile on his face. "It's pretty great, I even have Nicole Kidman in my house at home."

The number flashed beneath his face, while an voice recording said, very quietly, "Note, two people cannot have the same person. If one if gone, too bad. Have a nice day."
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So, here's the next commercial! Please, comment and make us happy. :) We'll love you guys forever! <3
