Bitten Times Four

The Pool Boy

Amberlyn sighed as she noticed one of the portable cameras following her to the Hamburgular’s rooms. With as kind a smile as the haggard mother could, she turned to the interviewer, who was standing just beside the camera with an expectant look on his face.

“If you mind, it’d be quite impossible for The Hamburgular to fall asleep with a camera in his face and it was not part of our agreement,” she said with a edge in her voice as she stared directly at the interviewer with a look that dared him to challenge her. Jasper took notice of his wife’s peeved look and let out a chuckle as he pulled off his Albus Dumbledore costume and tossed it in a nondescript room, before entering Frodo and Voldemort’s room. Freudian, being the oldest and the most mature, merely took a look over at the camera with a scowl, before disappearing into his room.

The interviewer glanced to the camera, then to the two closed doors and the soft noises coming from within them. He turned back to the cameraman and the camera and let out a large sigh.

“Well, I suppose it’s time we packed up anyways,” he said with a nod to the camera, “we’re turning off the cameras, but just for now. Tomorrow is guaranteed to be rather…interesting.” The interviewer glanced to the cameraman then made his way down the extensive wrought-iron staircases. The cameraman and the sound guy, however, merely stood there, staring idly at each other. They weren’t aware they were supposed to turn the cameras off. It just wasn’t in their vocabulary.

A few moments later, both Amberlyn and Jasper emerged from the rooms. Amberlyn sent the two a cool stare before walking over to Jasper.

“You go ahead and settle in. I’ll deal with them,” Amberlyn said softly, placing her hand on her husband’s arm and leaning in to give him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Jasper merely gave her a lopsided smile before striding into what was apparently their bedroom and shut the door quietly behind him. Amberlyn turned to the camera man and sound man before motioning for them to follow behind her with a mischievous smirk.

They did as they were told, following behind her quietly as they scaled the elaborate staircase. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, Amberlyn turned to them with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

“I should give you a tour of the house, namely, the backyard,” she said with a dramatic wink to the camera before motioning for the camera and sound man to follow her once more as they walked through the massive house. “Now…I know what you guys will think of this, because I have a perfect vampire husband,” she said softly as they made their was toward the kitchen and, consequently, the back of the house. “But…I got a really good deal on him and we were looking for someone to keep the pool free of bugs and leaves. Poor Frodo is afraid of them.”

“What? The bugs?” The sound guy asked as he watched the woman walk toward the French doors that lead to an extravagant marble terrace that was well lit. She glanced over her shoulder and shook her head.

“No, the leaves,” she said quiet seriously, which caused the camera man to snicker. She stopped in front of the doors and pointed a finger at the two of them, cutting her eyes at them dangerously.

“You two listen to me,” she said, becoming protective of her children, “I know my Frodo may not be the bravest, but he’s got a heart of gold. If you dare laugh at him again, I will personally remove your personal parts, understood?” The sound guy gave an audible gulp, which the boom microphone caught as they both nodded spastically. A warm, wide smile crossed her face almost immediately and she grasped the door handle and turned it, pushing open the door.

“ Great,” she said in a chipper voice before turning and walking out into the night. They followed behind her, the camera bobbing up and down gently as the blue-yellow glow of pool lights suddenly came into view. Amberlyn put a bit more hop into her step as they rounded the corner, a large pool coming into view. It was well lit and there was a small, man-made waterfall at one end, along with a in-ground hot tub, and at the other there was a diving board. That wasn’t the most astounding thing of all. There was a dirty-blonde-haired man in blue swim trunks, shirtless, skimming the pool.

“We’ve got guests,” Amberlyn spoke, causing the man to jump and drop the pool skimmer into the deep end of the pool. He gave a heavy sigh before turning and looking at Amberlyn with a crooked grin before glancing to the camera. He had striking blue eyes and chiseled, male model-like features.

“Hey there, Amberlyn,” he said in a smooth, British accent, “What’s this?”

“Draco Malfoy?” The camera man asked in a surprised voice. “Draco” laughed and shook his head a bit, wrapping a friendly arm around Amberlyn’s shoulders.

“I only play him on the Harry Potter movies, mate,” he said, unshed laughter in his voice. “I’m Tom Felton.” The camera guy and sound guy were glancing between Amberlyn, who was smiling widely up at Tom, who was staring hesitantly at the camera.

“Wha…how?” the sound guy asked, a bit gob-smacked at why one of the stars of the Harry Potter movies would work as a pool boy for a vampire and his wife.

“I bought him,” Amberlyn said with a musical little giggle, looking to the camera with another wink.

“Don’t ask questions,” Tom said before suddenly going very serious, “don’t.” Amberlyn looked up at him and his charming smile returned.

“Oh…kay then,” the cameraman said, shaking his head as he glanced between the sound guy and the two crazies in front of him, “I think we’ll just go now.” The cameraman lowered the camera, suddenly making a retreat to the single van that had been left for himself and the sound guy.

“I hope I didn’t scare them away,” Amberlyn said softly, before the cameras cut off for the day.
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I know this is really short, but we've decided to give the upcoming party the full attention it deserves. I'm really excited about how this is all going to turn out.

Some lovely comments would be nice. :)
