Status: Active!

A Different Side of Me

Part 2

"Hi there," I called out to the girl in the corner. Her face was covered in bandages, and bruises spotted her arms. Her leg was in a cast, and she was sitting in a wheelchair.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Natalie," she said faintly. "This is my sister, Emily."

"I'm Zach. I'm the driver of the car that hit you. I am so sorry for everything. It was entirely my fault. If there is anything I can do..." I said.

"Your right! This was your fault! You completely just changed our lives forever with your reckless driving. Do you know how much this is going to cost us? Do you know how hard my little sister's life is going to be now? You broke BOTH of her arms! And one of her legs! Not to mention that six ribs are broken too! the doctor said she will never be able to have kids. And now she's going to have memory problems." She yelled angrily pushing herself towards me.

I didn't know what to say. It is my fault. I wish there was something I could do.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. The nurse came back in.

"Okay, you need to rest," said the nurse. She pushed me back to my room. She carefully helped me into my bed, and I immediatly fell asleep.


I woke up, and Cameron was sitting in my room. I had the biggest headache.

"Hey," I grunted.

"Hi," he replied.

"How is everybody?" I asked.

"The girl is getting better, she woke up from her coma yesturday." he stated.

"Thank god," I said in relief. "Anyway, how long was I out?"

"Like a day or two. I don't remember. The days have all been running together." Cameron said wearily.

"Come on, let's go find the others," he suggested. He helped me get into my wheelchair. Cameron pushed me down the hall and into a room. Nathan was sitting up in a bed eating mashed potatoes.

"DUDE! You're alive!" Nathan screamed, potatoes flying out of his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, how are you?" I asked.

"Never been better!" he said cheerfully. "But, I am so sorry for distracting you. I take all the blame," Just then, Michael pushed himself in on a wheelchair.

"Yo Zach! Your alive!" Michael greeted me. " Wanna go have a wheelchair race?"

"LET'S DO IT!" I screamed. Michael and I pushed ourselves into the hallway.

"Okay, first one to the end of the hallway wins. 3...2...GO!"Michael announced. We pushed down the hallway, shoving eachother the whole way. I beat him there by a millisecond.

"I WON! I am the champion, you are the loser, and I am the champion!" I sang. I was so caught up in my victory, I didn't notice Natalie push herself into the hall on her wheelchair.

Oh god, She didn't look happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
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