Save Me From This Life

Just Maybe

~Tobie's POV~

Forgetting something ever happened was something that I had a PHD in! Even when I wasn't absolutley sure it even hppened! I was batteling with emotion after emotion for the past few days...calling into work and staying home trying to sort through the bullshit. I finally decsided the only way to get over what had happened the other night was to get back to work and forget it infact never acctauly happened!

Gettin back to work was something that wasn't hard for me because I loved my job! I loved the people I worked with and I loved all the customers to a certain degree. But when something so rare as what had happened between Matt and I in that private dance booth the other night made me edgy about most things! Things I knew I couldn't discuss with anybody other than Shaine and even discussing them with her left me feeling odd.

The night seemed to be going good though. I was kinda avoiding Shaine for some reason and I knew she could sence it. I did some waitressing and worked behind the bar. I didn't feel up to dancing even though my name was on the card as the last act of the night! In a way I knew it would relax me more and get me back to my old self. I just preyed that those guys didn't show up! Derek told me when I ame in tonight that they had been in every night this week and Shaine had been talking to them more and more each time they where here! This made me so angry because I felt she was overlooking how I felt...trying to find it out for herself! It used to be that I could tell her something and she would know if I was yanking her chain or not. This time I wasn't sure if I was infact streching the truth but I know what I saw! Now it could've been the lighting in the room but something happened to Matt that wasn't human and I wasn't the one who was gonna stick around and find out just what in the name of Jake he was! I planned on keeping my distance that way I knew I would never have too find out.

But something odd had been happening to me lately. When I dreamed I dreamed of him if he was watching me. It was as if I could feel his every emotion and what I felt left the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end! I felt so much love rush throughout his body and I could sence that it was all for me. But for the life of me I just couldn't figure out what he wanted with me. I wasn't anything speacil. I came from a broken home and was still infact trying to find my path in this strange world. Was that what made him tick?

I was wiping down the bar when Derek nudged me. I looked toward him and smiled until he nodded his head toward the end of the bar. When I turned my head and frowned seeing all 5 guys sitting there, 3 girls standing behind 3 of those guys. When my eyes connected with Matt's a feeling of sorrow suddenly rushed over me and I turned my back to them quickly only to bump into Cain. He lifted my chin and smiled down at of those smiles that made my skin crawl!

"Hey beautiful girl" he replied as he tucked some of my hair behind my ears.

"Hey Cain" I replied as I took a step back from him, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Are you feeling any better tonight? Shaine said you had caught some kinda flu bug" he replied as his eyes searched me for a lie.

"I'm feeling much better Cain. It's amazing what some corner drug store medication can do for you" I covered up.

"I can see that. Well...your dance is the next one up...but seeing as your still bartending until then...why dont you head down to the end of the bar and give my friends some rounds on the house?" he replied as he turned to the side, smiling at 3 young girls who sat at the bar.

"But Cain..." I started.

"C'mon Tober...they wont bite unless you want them too...and I promise you as sexy as you are hunny it wouldn't be hard!" he replied not looking at me.

I sighed and scratched the back of my neck before looking toward Derek and turning slightly. I looked toward the men at the end of the bar and took a deep breath before I straightened up and made my way toward them. I ran my fingers through my hair as I stopped infront of them, recieving warm smiles from the all.

"Welcome to Purgatory what is your posion for this evening?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side, not giving a smile.

" guys will start off with some shot glasses and a bottle of Vodka if you dont mind" the guy that Shaine had been drooling all over the other replied, to which I nodded.

"Ladies?" I asked as I looked behind the men toward the girls.

"3 Michalobs please?" one girl standing behind the shortest of all the guys replied.

"Will do" I replied as I turned.

I walked off grabbing a bottle of vodka and 3 Michalbs and turned walking back to them. I sat them down infront of them and turned grabbing the shot glasses sliding them in front of each guy. I looked toward Matt whose eyes never left mine and smirked slightly receving a smile from him as I grabbed a bottle opener and quickly opened the Michalobs without blinking an eye.

"Here ya go ladies" I replied as I slide the beers toward the 3 men they stood behind. I then opened the vodka and quickly poured some of the liquid into the mens shot glasses before sitting the bottle back down infront of them. "Cain says your first rounds are on the enjoy"

I turned to walk away when one of them called out to me.

"Yes?" I replied as I turned looking at them.

"You are an amazing dancer!" the man with beautiful green eyes and snake bites replied.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Did you go to school for that" the girl behind him asked sweetly.

"Sort of" I replied looking toward Matt who was still staring at me.

"Well you certainly are good at it" Matt replied and I smiled slightly.

"Thank you"

He smiled again and turned around to lead his friends to their designated VIP section. And as I watched him walk away I sighed and couldn't help but think that maybe he wasn't so bad, after all.