Status: HIATUS (sorry)

Accio Love, Alohomora Heart

Alexis Allans

The train pulled up to the station. The twins and the dark haired girl clambered out. “First ‘ears this way!” Boomed the voice of Hagrid, the Hogwarts game keeper. “Oh look!” George yelled pointing to a mass of black carriages that carried the students up to the castle. “Invisible horses!” The twins both exclaimed. “How do you guys do that?” Jemma asked as the three climbed into a carriage. “Do what?” They asked in unison. “That speaking together thing. It’s as if you both know what you’re going to say.”
“I don’t know. Do you know Georgie?” Fred asked his twin. “No. Do you know Fred?” George asked back as the carriage bumped along. “Nope.” Fred replied. “Maybe it’s because…” He continued. “We’re twins?” They both asked looking at each other. Jemma rolled her eyes.

Their carriage stopped outside the castle gates. George threw himself at the door, eager to get out, but instead he grinned as he looked at Jemma holding the door open for her. She blinked. “After you now Jems.” Fred said from behind her. She climbed out, “Thank you Georgie.” She smiled. “No prollem.” He beamed. Fred jumped out from behind her. The twins looked at each other. “Up to the castle them!” They grinned and each seized one of Jemma’s arms and pulled her along.

The great hall was, as usual, packed with students. “Hey!” Jemma said sitting down across from Ron."Where are Harry and Hermione?" Ron shrugged as Professor Flitwick came through the doors followed by a long line of nervous looking first years.The sorting went without a hitch, many of the houses gaining new students, Harry, Hermione came in a few moments after behind Professor McGonagall. "Oh, we missed the sorting." Hermione said as she and Harry sat on either side of Ron. "Hey Potter!" An annoyingly revlolting voice called from the Slytherin table. Harry (and anyone within hearing range) whirled round. "Heard you fainted on the train!" A few of the Slytherin's sniggered. "Shut up Malfoy!" Ron said before he and Harry started whispering in hushed voice but were interrupted when Dumbledore stood up from the head table. “ Welcome!Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it's best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..." He stopped and cleared his voice for a moment before continuing. "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who will be here on Ministry of Magic buisness." Students began to whisper among themselves, some sounding quite nervous. "They are stationed at every entrance of the grounds and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises- or even invisibility cloaks." He added blandly. "It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects and our new Head boy and girl, to make sure that no student runs foul of the dementors." Dumbledore paused again looking around very seriously as no one in the hall made a sound. Then he continued, "On a happier note, I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our rank this year. "Firstly Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill in the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." There was some scattered applause as Professor Lupin smile warmly. "As to our second new appointment, well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs.However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."

The Gryffindor table clapped loudly as Hagrid sat at his seat blushing at being addressed by the headmaster in front of such a crowd. "We should have known!" Ron roared. "Who else would've sent us a biting book?!" The clapping died down slowly before Dumbledore began to speak once again, "Well I think that's everything of importance...Let the fest begin!"
Dozens of plates of food appeared on the table in front of them. Everyone was so hungry they were shovelling food in their mouths at a great rate. After the last pudding had been finished, they all wandered to their common rooms.

“Dementors at the school?” George asked rhetorically, “Mum will be pleased.”
“It’s because of that murderer on the loose, Sirius Black you know. All over the paper. I’ve heard he was part of you-know-who’s inner circle. Huge follower apparently. At least that’s what dad said.” Fred stated. “Jemma!” Jemma turned around and was instantly squished in a crushing hug. “I haven’t seen you all summer! Your hair!” Alexis Allans squealed. Alexis was one of Jemma’s best friends. They had met in their first year. “Hey Fred, hey George.” She grinned at the twins. “Hi Alexis.” They chorused. “C’mon! I have soooo much to tell you!” She said dragging Jemma away from the twins. “See you guys later!” Jemma called as she was yanked along. “Fortuna Major.” Alexis said to the portrait, and it swung open to reveal a large cozy room draped in red and gold. Many of the students were sitting around chatting with their friends and playing games of exploding snap and wizard chess.

Jemma said a few hi’s and hello’s to a few of her friends and people she knew before she followed Alexis up the staircase to their room which had a plaque outside that read “Fifth Years”. Soiree was curled up in a ball on Jemma’s four poster bed, at the sound of her mistress’s voice she leapt up and wound herself around the dark haired girl’s feet purring. “Hello Soiree.” Jemma crooned bending over to pick up the black cat and scratched it behind the ears. “Hermione got a cat too I heard. You guys should be friends.” She told the cat even though she wasn’t exactly sure if it understood her or not. Alexis sat down on her bed throwing off her Gryffindor robe. “So guess what?!” Alexis squealed once both girls’ had gotten into their pyjamas and settled into sitting positions on their beds facing each other. “Uhmm…”
“Kenneth Towler asked me out!” She seemed on the edge of bursting into a thousand pieces of happiness. “Really? Oh my gosh that’s great!” Jemma exclaimed. Alexis had been going on and on about Kenneth Towler in her letters to Jemma over the summer. “So when did he do it? When did he ask?”
“On the train, when we were getting off to go up to the school!” She grinned, her cheeks flushed. The door opened and Angelina entered the dormitory. She looked from Alexis to Jemma. “What’s up?” She asked. “Kenneth Towler asked me out!” Alexis exclaimed. “We talked a lot over the summer.” She gushed. “Well I’m happy for you Alexis. It’s about time.” Jemma said. “So what about you guys?” Alexis asked turning the conversation around. “What…What about me..?” Jemma asked a little confused. “Don’t you have your eye on somebody?” Alexis pried. “Not that…I don’t think so…not really.” Jemma replied. “You sure? Not even one the twins?” Alexis asked. Jemma just stared at her friend. “Where did that come from? And no we’re just friends.” Alexis looked a little disappointed. “Oh…”
“Why do you sound so disappointed?” Jemma asked confused. “Well, you’ve been friends with them for ages I thought something would’ve happened with one of them by now.” She said. “What’s wrong with being just friends?” Jemma asked, perhaps a little too rushed. Alexis shrugged. “I dunno…" She then turn to the other girl who was getting ready for bed. "Angeeee?” She asked expectantly, drawing out the other girl's name. Angelina made a face. "Don't call me that and no I haven’t “got my eye” on anyone Alexis.” Angelina said exasperatedly.
“I think we’ve had a busy enough day with dementors on the train and all. I think we should be getting to bed.” Jemma said hastily ending the conversation. “Okay… but are you-"
“Alexis.” Jemma and Angelina (who had caught on to Jemma's tone) said firmly.
“Okay okay, good night.”
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ugghhh. that took forever because, well 1) I typed it at school. 2) i had to erase and edit a bunch of things. and 3) I copied Dumbledore's speech word for word from the book (i have my own copy of PoA).
Also, there are usually 5 people to a dormitory. Here are the five in the girl's fifth year dorm:
Jemma Vince-Montgomory, Alexis Allans, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Patricia Stimpson. Jemma and Alexis are my own characters. the other three belong to J.K Rowling.