Status: HIATUS (sorry)

Accio Love, Alohomora Heart

The Average Day of a Hogwarts Student

“Welcome back class, please take your seats and turn to page 628.” Professor Binns said (rather monotonously). “Isn’t this a blast? History of Magic on a Monday morning.” Jemma muttered under her breath, thinking about propping up a book and getting some more sleep. She sat down in her seat and pulled out her book. As she flipped to the page, two bodies threw themselves down in the chairs on either side of her. “Good morning Jems. How lovely to see you up at this time of day.” Fred grinned (he and George usually had to pick the locks to Jemma’s room at the leaky cauldron quite often, trying to wake her up before noon). “How was breakfast?” George asked. “Absolutely marvellous.” She mumbled sarcastically. She had slept through breakfast that morning and had to rush to get ready for her first class (which was probably going to lull her back into a deep slumber with the tone Professor Binns’ took). George pulled something wrapped in a napkin out of his bag and gave it to her. She looked at it cautiously. “It’s fine, don’t worry. Didn't see you at breakfast so we figured you were sleeping in.” He grinned. She opened it and found a bread roll cut in half with what looked like strawberry jam spread inside it. “Thanks Georgie.” She said giving him a grateful smile. She finished it quickly before Professor Binns started his lecture. It wasn’t much but it was filling enough anyways.

Class lagged on at a pace slower than a snail. Fred had eventually fallen asleep on the table in front of him, forming a pool of drool. George and Jemma had taken up to draw random doodles on a spare piece of parchment and bewitch them so they moved around. An hour later Professor Binns, called class to an end, fortunately not giving them any homework. Jemma prodded Fred awake, “Let’s go, class is finished.” They gathered their things and exited the dim warm classroom. “So what’s our next class?” Fred asked rather cheerily (who wouldn’t be after a nice nap?). “Umm…” She pulled out her timetable. “Ah. Herbiology.” They started down towards the greenhouses. “After lunch?” George asked peering over her shoulder. “Oh. Defence against the Dark Arts, Charms and”- she grimaced, “Potions.” George peered over her shoulder at the piece of parchment. “Ugh Potions.” Fred groaned. “Bet Snape’s not the least bit happy for the new defense against the dark arts teacher.” He said. “I wonder what the new teacher is like.” Jemma pondered aloud. “Well he can’t be any worse than that Lockhart git.” George suggested. “Or as loony as Quirrell.” Fred added. “What happened to Quirrell anyway?” Jemma asked. “No one knows really. I just heard that Dumbledore said he was involved in a tragic accident.”
“Same with that Lockhart git.”
“Maybe it really is a cursed job.”

They arrived at the greenhouses several minutes later. “Good morning class!” Professor Sprout announced in her usual cheerful voice. “Today we’re going to harvest some leaping toadstools. Do them one at a time or you’ll be stuck here forever. Feel free to work in pairs or groups of threes. And please, no fooling around now.” She said with a short glance at the three of them. Jemma looked at the wall where about 50 pots filled with what seemed like hundreds of toadstools stood wiggling around in the dirt, dying to get free. “Well this’ll be a laugh.” George grinned wickedly.
Soon the class had erupted into a huge mass of students running around trying to grasp their toadstools who had managed to break free. There was a lot of shouting, running and falling. Jemma squealed loudly when a toadstool had managed to get stuck in her skirt. Sending Fred and George in hysterics. Eventually an hour later, all the toadstools had been shut in a large wooden barrel gassed with a sleeping draught to calm them down. “That was brilliant.” George sniggered wiping tears from his eyes. “I caught some to seed so I can let them loose in the kitchen at home.”
“Your mum would kill you if she ever found out.”
“Yeah, if.” Fred retorted grinning broadly, that familiar glint in his eye.

They walked back to the great hall for lunch covered in a thin layer of earth. “I’ll be back in a minute guys. Let me wash up in the loos first.” Jemma made her way to the nearest washroom; she rounded a corner and heard a huge painful squeak. She looked down to see that she had trodden on the tail of Ron’s pet rat Scabbers. She knew it was him because no rat could ever look so dishevelled, plus he had a front toe missing. She picked him up by the tail. “Wow Scabbers, you look even worse than when you were at Diagon Alley. Poor thing, you better go back to Ron, he’ll have a huge row with Hermione if you don’t. He thinks Crookshanks is out to get you.” She said quite seriously. Then she realized how dumb she must’ve looked talking to a rat and hastily stuffed him in her pocket and made a mental note not to talk to animals so openly. After she had washed up a bit, she walked back to the great hall to find Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving. “Ron!” She called. “Oh hey Jemma.”
“I found your rat in the hallway down there.” She said gesturing behind her. She pulled out the dishevelled rodent from her robes and handed him to the younger red haired boy. “Scabbers! You’re not dead!” He exclaimed happily with relief. “See Ron? I told you he was around the castle.” Hermione said exasperated. “Because your bloody cat scared him away. Just keep that thing away from Scabbers.” He retorted. Jemma watched them head to their next class and shook her head before walking into the great hall to join her own friends for lunch. “Hey Jemma!” She heard Alexis call. She looked over and saw the other chaser girl grinning at her closely sitting next to a boy with tousled blond hair. Jemma nodded and smiled back at her friend before turning and running straight into someone. “Jemma!” They gasped, and crushed her in a bear hug. “That’s very nice George but I’m kinda suffocating.” The red haired boy looked down at her confused. “I’m not George! I’m Fred!” He said sounding rather offended. “No you’re George. You can’t fool me. I’ve known you since you used to we-" He shushed her loudly. “I told you not to speak of that.” He said a serious look flickered across his face for a moment before it disappeared. A few Hufflepuff second years looked curiosly at the two of them, alerted by George's loud shushing. “You’re too good.” He said shaking his head disappointed that he wasn’t able to fool her.
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So yea this is just a filler chapter. Kinda boring if you ask me. I've been very confused about how a Hogwarts student's timetable works. I read that each class is an hour long, lunch im guessing around 12-ish,they get back to their classes at 1 pm, and classes end at 5. Of course, i dont think thats right because i managed to squeeze in 5 classes.
However in Order of the Phoenix, Ron said they had divination, double potions,history of magic,double DADA. thats six hours. BUT, it also said Harry sat through an hour and a half of History of Magic, which considering the timing can't be right because the students have a short break (10-20 min?) in between so they can get to their classes. its just really confusing :S. so if you know, please dont be afraid to comment and tell me how their timetable works. *also classes cant end at 5 because he had detention with Umbridge at that time and was able to get dinner in the great hall*...