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Fighting For Food


I looked at the broccolli cheese soup. From what I could smell through my sick nose it smelled amzing, but I had eaten to much today... I ate a bite and then another and then another. Soon all the food was down. Then another bowl. The food was so warm, and so good. made with a mothers love. And what was that? Garlic Bread? I ate a piece and then another.

I dont feel good. I stated firmly and went to the bathroom. I felt the fat starting to stick. "Quiet now.." the voices told me...."Don't be obvious...." And once, and twice and three times, and it was all out. was I good enough now kids at school. was I pretty enough now world? Could you love me now. I wanted to screame in the face of the guy I have liked for 5 months now.

My answer. "Not until your skinny....only skinny girls are pretty..."
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I'm sorry...but this is my fate