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Fighting For Food

It Started With Skittles

A tiny little pack of Skittles started this. I was just about twelve. You walked into the living room,completely shitfaced. I was watching Finding Nemo with Cameron. We were sharing one of those two ounce bags of skittles between the two of us. I'd always been a little chubby but I wasn't ever fat . But you insisted that I was. I soon believed you. You really fucked up my life you know that? I can even eat with out you yelling about how fat I am. Even if you really aren't there, I still hear it. I don't eat. I can't even look at skittles anymore without throwing up! That use to be my favorite food. I don't like food anymore.

The last time ate without throwing out was on tenth of December. Its the fifteenth of December. That's five days. I've still not eaten today. I've never gone longer then a week. My little brother make me.

Remember Cameron? He doesn't remember you at all. He thinks I'm his mother. Hell, I am. You know I sign all of his Parents or Guardians papers? I sign him up for school! I give him money for school things. I buy all his school clothes. I'm only seventeen! God dammit!

Thanks for fucking up my life.