Status: slow updates.


Broke the news.

Later that day Ace came home and looked completely tired. I rushed into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"How was work?" I questioned, taking the suitcase from him.

"Good." He mumbled, and yanked the suitcase back. "You cant touch this."

"Okay." I whispered and followed him in his office. "So, I thought we could go to my house for dinner. Break the news to everyone, since half of them already know, and I never told my parents before leaving."

"Not tonight." He sighed, and took a seat.

"But Ace." I whined and his head jerked in my direction.

"I said, not tonight." He sternly repeated himself and took a seat at his desk. His head went in his hands as he leaned forward in his big leather chair.

"I love you." I quietly murmured and he nodded.

"I love you too." He answered, in the same tone.

"Something wrong?" I quirked a brow and he shook his head.

"Nothing you should worry about." He assured, slowly lifting his head up to meet my gaze. "Just family business."

"Well, I'll be back." I informed and started to walk out of his office.

"Where are you going?" Oh finally he takes interest, and with my back to him; I grinned.

"To my house." I answered, and turned around without an expression.

"You are at your house." He reminded and I furrowed my brows.

"Oh yes. Well, to my parents house." I corrected myself and he frowned.

"You don't want to stay the first night with me?" He pouted and I giggled.

"I'm just going to break the news to my parents." I explained, kissing his cheek.

"I want to do that together." He sighed and I nodded.

"Then come with." I proposed and he shook his head.

"Not tonight." He demanded, his tone flat now as he went to his desk again.

"I owe my parents an explanation, before they get pissed off." I growled, getting annoyed at his antics.

"Zeke, then go." He spat, and flipped through his paperwork.

"What's so important that cant wait a few hours?!" I screamed back, with tears filling my eyes.

"I already told you to just go damn it! They need an explanation, and this cant wait a few hours and you cant know because it's none of your concern!" He yelled, standing up and slamming his fists on the table. I stared at him with sad eyes and slowly nodded.

"Okay." I whispered and walked to the front door. I paused as my hand hit the door knob and glanced over my shoulder, he didn't chase after me or anything. I used my free hand to wipe my nose and then I left.

I felt bad, don't get me wrong. I just let her go, and continued to do my paperwork. I growled at my brother's signature on some of this and scoffed. Why was he the prized child? I rolled my eyes and moved the paperwork to the side.

"Knock knock." I heard and glanced up to see Alexis.

"Go away." I harshly demanded and returned my head to my hands.

"Now that's not very nice." She seductively said as she walked inside my office.

"Damn it, Lexy!" I screamed and she froze.

"Is it your brother? You're only this pissed if it's about your brother." She knew me too well, as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Yes, it's my brother." I sighed, sitting back in my chair.

"Don't let him get to you, Ace." She advised, coming over and sat on my lap. "He just loves to piss you off."

"He does a good job at it." I shrugged and closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the chair.

"Where's your girl at?" She suggested, looking around.

"Her parents house." I measly answered.

"Already problems? Pitty." She teased and I rolled my eyes.

"No, she just wants to tell her parents about her moving in." I explained and sat up, causing her to fall on the floor.

"You know what, Ace. I'll see you at work." She spat while standing up, and I groaned.

"I know." I hissed, annoyed at the fact that she's my secretary.

"I don't understand why you just wont at least use me, and let me use you. No one has to know, not even your girl." Alexis convinced and I sighed.

"She didn't cheat on me." I confessed and she rose a brow.

"And?" She scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Meaning, I'm not going to cheat on her." I spat, and she laughed.

"What do you call last night then, baby?" She smirked and I took in a deep breath.

"She dumped me last night, that's the only reason." I tried getting through her thick skull.

"Oh really? The only reason? If you deny the feelings we have for each other when we're around each other, then aight. Throw away this good thing you have. You've got your wifey material, and your kinky fuck material. You can have the best of both worlds, Ace!" She screamed, her face growing redder by the minute. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"Calm down." I cooed, rubbing her back.

"Get off me." She cried and I simply chuckled. "You have no heart."

"I really don't." I mused, at which she shoved me away.

"Then you shouldn't care what Zeke feels if she ever finds out, and that's one hell of an if." She was so convincing sometimes. I simply backed away and looked her over.

"You might be right." I grinned, as she widely smiled.

"Really?" She gasped, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes." I nodded and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Now get out of her." I shoved her and took a seat at my desk again.

"Ugh." She growled and walked off. "See you at work, Ace."

"Bye." I called and continued to look over the papers.

"So you think it's acceptable to just leave early in the morning, without saying a thing to us?" My dad lectured, as I sat there at the dinner table with the family.

"No." I frowned, continuing to look down. You could only imagine what kind of shit I got once I walked through the door.

"And you're sure you want to move in with Ace right at this moment?" My mom added, I was being double teamed.

"Yes." I answered, with a weak smile.

"What happened to not wanting to move in with him?" My dad questioned, taking a drink of his beer.

"I love him." I confessed and he chuckled.

"That doesn't answer the question." He mused.

"Well, I want to be with him and see what it's like to live with him." I explained, which I had to give myself credit for, that was good.

"Makes sense." My dad nodded, as my mom rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure he didn't force you?" She growled, causing my dad to quirk a brow.

"No one can force any of our kids to do anything, we've already instilled in them that." He answered for me and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not so sure. Zoe is knocked up, and Brody got his way of moving in." She started, causing Brody to frown. "Jakob is now hanging around Riley all the time, and barely coming home." At which Riley sent an apologetic look, and Jakob rolled his eyes. "Lucy is hanging around people she shouldn't be!" Our mom added and glared at Lucy. "And now Zeke is moved out with this guy that I thought you two were over? Justin is the only one who did anything right, getting a job, then marriage, then kids."

"Hey, I haven't screwed up yet mom. Riley and I haven't even had sex!" Jakob defended and everyone looked at him with their mouths agape.

"Hardly believe that one." Our mom cruelly hissed, eying Riley down.

"It's true." Riley defended and our mom sent her a small smile then turned to me.

"This is about you however, if this is what you want then okay. But I at least hope you don't go shunning this family the way you left." She lastly said before standing up. "I understand you're an adult now, Zeke. But, if you don't have family, then who can you fall back on if you break up?"

"I know." I agreed, staring down at my hands. My mom had every right to be pissed, if any of my kids did this, I'd be pissed too. That's the reason I came tonight to even tell them, because they deserved some form of explanation.

"Now if you don't mind, Zeke. We've got bigger things to worry about." My dad added, glancing at Zoey. I nodded one last time before standing up.

"I love you guys." I called over my shoulder and they repeated it back to me.

"Don't get knocked up!" Jakob howled and the guys laughed, but the girls didn't.

"Shut up." Riley growled and surprisingly Jakob did. I couldn't help but laugh at how whipped Jakob is, I never thought I'd see the day. I decided it was my cue to leave as my parents started talking to Zoey about her future and with the child. So I left, I unlocked my car door when a figure appeared.

"Damn it, Zach." I scolded, holding my chest. "You scared me!"

"You get scared way too easily." He chuckled, leaning against my car.

"And since you know this, you shouldn't do it." I retorted and he shrugged.

"But it's too fun!" He teased and I rolled my eyes. "So, how'd they take it?"

"They took it alright, I mean I didn't expect any more or any less." I informed and he nodded.

"So, you going home now?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's late. I need to figure out what to do for dinner." I laughed at myself, who would have thought me saying something like that.

"That was weird." He chuckled.

"Tell me about it." I agreed, and mirrored his stance by leaning against my car.

"We're growing up, Zee." Zach sighed, and I could tell a hint of sadness behind his voice.

"Yep." I mumbled, and stared up at the night sky.

"I'm going to miss you." He sniffled, and I turned to him with furrowed brows.

"Why would you miss me?" I laughed.

"Because I already know Ace, he's not going to let you see me." He explained and I rolled my eyes.

"No one tells me who I can and can not hang with. I just can't get drunk with you anymore." I assured and he scoffed.

"Yeah." He glanced down at his shoes then shifted his green eyes to mine. "I love you, Zeke."

"What?" I quirked a brow, and glanced back at him.

"I love you." He nervously repeated himself. "In a friend way, of course. Like a brother and sister way." He explained and I nodded.

"Well, I love you too." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"See you around, sometime." He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I bit my bottom lip as we separated and he walked to my house.

"Where are you going?" I called and he laughed.

"Your mom is making dinner, no way I'm missing out on any epic conversations tonight! Along with the meal of course." He winked and walked inside my house like he owned it. Correction: inside my parents house. I frowned at the thought and got inside my car, driving to my new home.
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What do you guys think so far? :) I love and appreciate comments. <3
Thanks for even reading! ^__^